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Opteron s939 på lager her!


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Jihaa! Nå har endelig Datorbutikken sendt meg 165-en jeg bestilte for omtrent en måned siden. Så de hadde fått på lager i går, men jeg turte ikke si noe, siden de har hatt en tendens til å sende prosessorer til alle andre enn meg. Uansett, nå har de både 148, 150 og 165 på lager (i følge websiden, som ikke er til å stole på). 148 koster faktisk en 50-lapp mindre enn 146 gjør hos Komplett. 165 koster 2675. Frakten er omtrent en hundrelapp dyrere siden man må bruke oppkrav.

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For de som er villige til å betale for spesifikke steppinger så kan de bestilles her:



Eg skal ha meg en CCB1E 0550 VPMW om mulig  :dribble:


Sjekk ut "bestillingsprosedyren" på Opteron 144/146 hos flickerdown.com! :ermm:

New Ordering Procedures for Opteron 144/146 Processors.


Unfortunately, it had to come to this. With AMD's crack-down on ALL resellers who are trying to get you these "value" priced Opterons, I'm having to change the way these processors are sold to you, the end-user. So, below, I've outlined how this process will be done from now until the forseeable future.


1.) You MUST join the Opteron 144 and 146 newsletters (available here). I will NOT disseminate any information via direct email anymore because all the information you could possibly need is available at amd.com, flickerdown.com (pricing, etc.), or in one of many awesome forums out there (EOC, [H]ard|OCP, Xtremesystems, etc.). Additionally, this is the ONLY way, going forward, of being "in the queue." All prior queue entries will be honored.


2.) You MUST state your intended application for the processor. Now, before you get all hot and bothered by my "invasiveness," please understand this. I am asked, for every single order I place of these processors, what the ultimate end-user will be. Now, they aren't asking for names or the like, but rather, the intended applications, platforms (i.e. server, workstations), and likewise. I WILL NOT lie to my AMD Inside Sales Rep nor my Avnet rep. However, do understand that many common applications that you or I might use would "qualify" as AMD approved platform applications. Your purchase MUST fall within these 4 general categories: 3d animation/graphics, server applications/OS, video development/rendering, and high performance computing. Note: I will be asking you your intended use at time of order/pre-order and it MUST appear on your Paypal payment.


3.) You will be requested to pre-order. Now, before you REALLY get hot and bothered by my "scheme," please understand this. I've developed a relationship with AMD that allows me to order DIRECTLY from their Singapore manufacturing facility. This ensures that I receive the latest cores/steppings, but also that I can continue to get stock without charging a premium (like Newegg, Monarch, et al.) Order fulfillment from AMD takes approximately 10 business days (due to customs related processes) and I still offer a 1 day turnaround time. So, my pre-ordering system ensures that your processors are ordered and delivered on a consistent schedule. Additionally, since I cannot order more than 24 units at a time (mixed batches of 144 box/trays and 146 box/trays), this will allow me to pound out orders on a VERY consistent basis.


4.) I will be ordering 144/146 processors EVERY TWO (2) WEEKS, 24 units at a time. I understand that not everyone can always answer their email within 24 hours, so I'm allowing 1 full week for a response. No response, no processor. Pretty simple. If you want more than one processor, that's fine, but I am definitely capping you (per order period) at a MAXIMUM of 4 processors per order period.


5.) Repeat Customers. Listen, I LOVE ya guys. You're the reason why this is so darn fun to do. That being said, it's a tough road for me to travel to ensure that new customers and repeaters can get equal access to products. Therefore, once you purchase a processor, I am planning on moving you over to a new mailing list and sequestering at least 6 processors from each 24 processor batch for you. However, if, in a given period ya'll don't need/want another one, I'll toss those processors back into the general pool.


Alrighty, lest I continue to wax poetic, I'll end here. As always, flaming goes here.

Særlig pkt 2...

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Fekk Opteron 165 nummer 2 i posten igår, grunnen er at eg bestillte den på ps-data for over 1 måned siden. Siden det tok så lang tid før jeg fikk den var eg heldig å få tak i ein brukt imellomtida.

Den prosessoren som eg har stående i maskina nå har stepping

ccbwe 0550upmw. Eg kjører den på 2500 MHz på 1,37V og IDLE er på 34 grader på luft.

Det eg lurer på er om det er vits i å prøve den "nye"og sjå om den er bedre.

Denne har stepping på ccbwe 0551 vpmw. Hvis det ikkje er noen vits i å prøve selger eg den uåpnet.

Trur nok eg kunne fått litt meir utav den eg har men eg trur srømforsyninga er for dårlig + 12V ligger på 11,71 og med det samme eg kjører OCCT går den ned til 11,58.

Noen her på forumet som har meininger om dette ?

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