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Suprnova's eXeem, forhåndstitt og bilder


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Bittorrent websites are doomed. The trackers they offer make them fat targets for the MPAA/RIAA and they're potential single pionts of failure due to hardware and/or bandwidth issues. Can P2P survive? Only if it evolves.


Some Background:

Here's a quick n' dirty BitTorrent operational description. The bittorrent file download and distribution concept takes some understanding. You'll find terms like "seeds" and "trackers" with all sorts of lengthy descriptions but to simplify things, all you need to understand here is that a single seed file (complete file being offered on the network) is needed to start the process. Once enough users connect and start downloading the file, additional users can get pieces of the file from eachother. Bits of the file that one user has already downloaded become available to other users. The tracker program (normally running on a server) receives information from all downloaders and gives them random lists of peers (other downloaders) to draw from. In essence, you could download a complete file from other downloaders and never once get any data directly from the original seed file. This system keeps the original seed file source from getting swamped. What's even better is the more people downloading a file actually increases a users potential download speed since there are more sources to draw from.


The problem:

All the info you need to have your bittorrent application connect to a tracker and start downloading is stored in a tiny text file with a ".torrent" extension. The problem has been where to get the .torrent files? There are a few websites that have created elaborate systems to offer torrents (as they're called) and display how many seeds and users are currently connected to that "torrent". Today, one of the largest of these sites, suprnova.org receives so much traffic that it has become a bottleneck in the system. Even worse, the dependancy on a website to get torrents has become a single point of failure.


The Solution:

What's needed is a program that decentralizes the way we find and distribute torrent and tracker data. The idea is to remove the single point of failure by having each person running a local application share torrent and tracker data with eachother in almost the same way file data from a torrent download is shared with each other.


Suprnova.org's vision of the future is called eXeem. It's an application that promises to change the face of P2P file distribution by encorporating bittorrent technology in a way that solves the problems listed above. The beta version of eXeem is running at version .15 and was only made available to 5,000 beta testers. There is currently no date set for a public release. Thanks to one of our own Mitosis members (to remain unnamed) I've had the ability to test the eXeem beta hands on. Below is my review and some screenshots.





Here are the files in the beta zip. Interesting piece was the magnet.exe. I did some research and here's an exerpt from their site:


Magnet links allow users to directly download large media files saving website creators and bloggers money on bandwidth costs and effectively propagating files on p2p networks that attract millions of users per day. ...Interesting.




As you can see, only beta testers with a licence key may enter




When I first connected I was prompted to update from v.13 to v.15.

What server did this come from? Will the final version connect to

suprnova to retrieve new ads to display? Hmmmm




The different tabs. Pretty familiar to most with a few exceptions.



The "About" link



Yep, it's a beta.



I'm going to reserve my judgement until I've seen the system under a larger load and done more research on exactly what's going on under the hood. The test files I downloaded had about the same speed normal torrent downloads had. The interface was minimal but clean and easy to use and the app only crashed when I was shutting it down. In all, I'd say it looks pretty good.


One interesting thing was the "comments" option. Under the "new torrents" tab each file has a comments field. You can read and post to each file like it had it's own message board. Might be handy for rar passwords etc.


Found another interesting feature under the "transfers" tab. Once a file has downloaded, it sits in your transfers area and has the 'seeding' status (sharing). You can right-click it and get some other options like "Vote OK", "Vote Not OK", "Comments" and "Copy eXeem Link". Not sure if the vote system will have any real effect other than just being a running

tally of what people think. The description view is nice. You can read whatever the publisher of the file has to say about it. Also, looks like the eXeem link option can be used to put links on websites ala eDonkey style.


Found a couple of new things too. Under the catagory search I found all the types such as applications, games, music etc and I also saw "Adult". Talk about stress testing a system. I always assumed suprnova didn't have an Adult section because of how much bandwidth it would consume just from people viewing the list. Wonder how this system will hold up under the strain.


The Search is much improved. You can narrow searches by filesize and by language. Cool.



Her står det litt om exeem også



Blir spennende å se hva som skjer framover ;)


Jeg håper ikke dette innlegget strider imot noen retninglinjer look.gif

Endret av Uderzo
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Takker for info.


Det er så sinnsykt mange merklige regler på forumet at jeg ikke vet om dette strider mot retningslinjene jeg heller. Og da jeg er tilhenger av fri flyt av informasjon så stenger ihvertfall ikke jeg denne tråden.


Igjen takk for info. Blir spennende dette her....

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Bra greier det der ser det ut til.. Men om jeg har forstått riktig, er den eneste forskjellen at alle enkeltbrukerne vil bli forsøkt stoppet og saksøkt for deling i stedet for den sentrale serveren, med andre ord bare en forskyvning av problemet. Vi har vel alle sett hvordan dét funker i DC for eksempel...

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Vær litt mer kritiske til dette programmet, er dere snille. Ref. Slashdot.


First, Exeem really isn't an extension of Suprnova as the hype might have you believe: the connection between the two seems more marketing than anything else. Sloncek has been hired to promote their product as the heir apparent to his popular website, but his involvement really seems to be almost entirely PR.




Third, there's a mystery company. Someone is paying Sloncek. He won't say who, but there's a history in the p2p world of secretive development. Since Exeem is to be adware, someday it will have a billing address, which means the legal issues faced by predecessors like Napster and Kazaa will be forthcoming, which is of course why we have a mystery company that Sloncek won't talk about in the first place. We definitely haven't heard the last of this.


Personally I was hoping for more: source code and cross platform compatibility never hurts. These are the things that made BitTorrent a huge success. I guess I was hoping for a new protocol instead of just another Kazaa. I guess I was hoping for a monumental leap, and instead Exeem to be a more incremental step. I'm sure we'll learn more in the coming weeks.

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