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Gmail donasjon; holdningsendring

Anbefalte innlegg


Analyzer har vert så snill å gje meg Innvite til -mail, men har eit bitte-lite problem :dontgetit:

altså, når eg går inn på linken, kommer følgende melding opp :


"Account Already Created


The link you followed to this page has already been used to create your Gmail account. To access your account visit http://gmail.google.com and log in with the username and password you chose during registration. To create another Gmail account, you'll need a shiny new account creation link. We apologize for the inconvenience."


Men dette har skjedd på Sammtlige Innvites eg har fått, 3 stk for å vere nøyakti.


nåken som har peiling, å kan hjelpe?

veldi frustrerandes å ikkje få de til!! :cry::cry:


Takker for all hjelp! :w00t:

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"Account Already Created


The link you followed to this page has already been used to create your Gmail account. To access your account visit http://gmail.google.com and log in with the username and password you chose during registration. To create another Gmail account, you'll need a shiny new account creation link. We apologize for the inconvenience."



ingen suksess...

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"Account Already Created


The link you followed to this page has already been used to create your Gmail account. To access your account visit http://gmail.google.com and log in with the username and password you chose during registration. To create another Gmail account, you'll need a shiny new account creation link. We apologize for the inconvenience."



ingen suksess...

Akkuratt de samme som eg fekk, på 3 forksjellige innvites.. :cry::no:

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