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Det ser ut til at vi spekulert for tidlig om Levitt skulle spille skurkesjefen Alberto Falcone, aka The Holiday Killer, i The Dark Knight Rises. Nå har nemlig nettsiden EW satt på bremsene og gjort en stopper for ryktene etter å ha sagt at de har en kilde nær situasjonen som sier at det er inkorrekt.


Så folkens: Begynn å re-spekuler!



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Juno Temple skal være med i The Dark Knight Rises. Dette var jenta som muligens skulle spille "street-smart Gotham girl". Og internett rykter har spekulert om roller som Holly Robinson og Batgirl Stephanie Brown.


“Holly Robinson is a frequent ally and sidekick of Catwoman. She was trained by Wildcat and her friend Selina Kyle, and temporarily became the new Catwoman following the birth of Selina's daughter. She was a juvenile prostitute who lives with Selina Kyle.”


“Stephanie Brown was born the daughter of the Cluemaster, one of Gotham City's third-rate villains. Stephanie's father spent most of her childhood in prison or away from the family, and though he claimed to be rehabilitated upon his return to Gotham, Stephanie was furious to discover that he was actually returning to crime without his need to leave clues behind. She decided something needed to be done. Stephanie tailored a costume for herself, and called herself the Spoiler. She knew where her father was hiding out, found out his plans, and left clues so that the police and Batman could stop him. Robin (Tim Drake) tracked her down, and she joined in on the capturing of Cluemaster. She eventually served as Robin and Batgirl in the comic book series.”

Så hvem tror dere Juno Temple skal spille?

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Nok et intervju med Gary Oldman avslører omtrent ingenting om The Dark Knight Rises.


Men det er noe ny informasjon som har kommet. Blant annet at det er et ekstra steg for manus sikkerheten for slutten av filmen. Oldman sier:"Det er ikke noe slutt på manuset heller. Nolan forteller slutten. Slik at det ikke lekker ut og blir avslørt på Internett."


Han avslører også at han kommer til å jobbe nært med Tom Hardys karakter i filmen. "I have a quite a bit to do with Tom in this one".

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På siden latinoreview.com har det kommet en eksklusiv sak om filmens IMAX åpningsscene og plot detaljer.


Det er en pålitelig kilde nær latinoreviews sine skribenter som har nærmere informasjon om The Dark Knight Rises.


"Another one of Kellvin's reliable inside sources has revealed some juicy details surrounding The Dark Knight Rises plotline and its opening action sequence.


When the third and (supposedly) final film in Christopher Nolan's Batman series goes before the cameras in a few months, the first order of business will be shooting an opening sequence similar to the prologue we saw in The Dark Knight. That film opened with a bank robbery sequence shot in IMAX and designed to set up the character of The Joker. This time, instead of a robbery, its a prison break and the fugitive in custody is none other than The Batman. He is being extradited from England back to the States to be tried in Gotham, but getting caught was exactly what The Batman wanted. The authorities supervising his transfer work for the mob and their boss is none other than Alberto Falcone, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt!


I know what you're thinking. Gordon-Levitt isn't playing Alberto Falcone. Our source can confirm that yes, he is.


The studio never officially confirmed or denied what role Gordon-Levitt was playing and he has in fact been cast as the son of Carmine Falcone. Batman has been chasing a paper trail of dirty money that led him to the UK and planned his capture to get close to Falcone. He knew that once in custody he'd never make it back to the States alive and that Falcone, who has been in hiding, would want to confront him face to face before having him killed. But The Batman also knows that Falcone is in league with something or someone even sinister. An operation in the UK that to his surprise turns out to be a division of the League of Shadows.


Apparently, Nolan has something crazy planned for the opening sequence which will involve a mid-air escape, plane to plane transfer and firefight shot entirely in IMAX. The Batman gets his wish and Falcone and his goons confront him aboard the flight, but when both their plans go awry, the sequence ends with Falcone escaping and Batman trapped aboard a burning cargo plane with the mobster's surviving goons trying to take him down with them.


Another surprising factor is that Nolan is considering shooting he sequence with some experimental IMAX digital cameras. We all know Nolan has adamantly protested digital cinematography, but he was actually pleased with some tests IMAX showed him with these new cameras and is considering using them for this sequence only because they are lightweight and lessen the dangers of shooting in midair. In a few weeks, he and D.P. Wally Pfister are planning to run some field tests with these cameras which are said to have remarkable resolution.


It's in this opening sequence aboard the cargo plane that The Batman encounters Falcone as well as an associate of his, Bane. It's later revealed that Bane works for Ra's Al Ghul's daughter Talia who has now taken the reins of the League of Shadows and like her father wants to see Gotham destroyed. Despite the fact that he was responsible for her father's death, she finds herself attracted to him and his strength, later in the story offering him to join her, much like her father did.


Bane is in fact Talia's right hand as well as her lover, but in her eyes he doesn't measure up to the strength and nobility of The Batman. That's why along with Falcone, Bane has other plans. Falcone is fascinated by what The Batman has accomplished in a such a short time and since events in The Dark Knight have led the public to believe he is now a murderous vigilante, Falcone convinces Bane to kill him and assume his identity.


The source is not sure how Selina Kyle as Catwoman fits into all this except that Falcone destroyed her life years before and she's out for revenge.


Hopefully, much of this is true, because I'm fascinated by the fact that someone as obsessed with film resolution and technique as Nolan is considering giving digital photography a second look. Shooting a realistic mid-air action sequence with heavy and bulky IMAX film cameras does seem dangerous, so lightweight digital photography might be the way to go. There have been rumors for months that IMAX was hoping to develop some new IMAX cameras with Nolan so that he might shoot the entire film in the format, so this might be it. I'm just excited that Nolan's sequel opens with a rousing action sequence and an exciting story that builds toward a finale that brings the entire series full circle."


Ufattelig kult!

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(Over) Halve plottet kommer nesten ut i den ''åpningsekvensen''. Håper det er aprilspøk.

At Nolan filmer åpningsekvensen i ''ny-tech'' IMAX høres dog bra ut. Men selve handlignen som beskrives håper jeg er spøk.


Kunne forøvrig lagt det inn i spoiler, siden det var mange av dem.

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Nå er det offisielt. Marion Cotillard skal spille Miranda Tate, en Wayne Enterprises styremedlem ivrig etter å hjelpe en fortsatt sørgende Bruce Wayne etter farens filantropiske bestrebelser for Gotham. Mens Joseph Gordon-Levitt skal spille John Blake, en Gotham City politimann tildelt særskilt plikt under kommando av kommissær Gordon.


Jeg trodde egentlig at de hadde fått tildelt skurkeroller, men det ser visst ut til at de blir med på det gode laget.



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