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Det går gjerne sport i å gjengi filmsitater, men hva med sitater fra sanger? Her kan vi dele enkeltlinjer eller vers, obskure eller velkjente, som av ymse grunner har brent seg fast i bevisstheten.


Hvis du kan gjengi det utenat, så hører det hjemme i denne tråden. :)


«How does it feel?»

«Oh mother, tell your children not to do what I have done.»

«Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.»

«And the wind cries, ‘Mary.’»

«Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste.»

«Hang-ups, let-downs, bad breaks, setbacks.»

«Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.»

«I know it sounds absurd, but please tell me who I am.»

«Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart.»

«I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad: the dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had.»

«Take a look to the sky just before you die. It’s the last time you will.»

«There’s so many different worlds, so many different suns. And we have just one world, but we live in different ones.»

«If there’s a new way, I’ll be the first in line. But it better work this time!»

«Your head will collapse, but there’s nothing in it, and you’ll ask yourself: where is my mind?»

«Words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm.»

  • Depeche Mode: «Enjoy the Silence». Violator, 1990.

«What’s my drug of choice? Well, what have you got?»

  • Alice in Chains: «Junkhead». Dirt, 1992.

«And the Germans kill the Jews, and the Jews kill the Arabs, and the Arabs kill the hostages, and that is the news.»

«I found no peace in solitude. I found no chaos in catastrophe.»

«All I’ve ever seemed to learn from love is how to shoot at someone who outdrew you.»

«You could have it all: my empire of dirt.»

«They call me the Wild Rose, but my name was Elisa Day.»

  • Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: «Where the Wild Roses Grow». Murder Ballads, 1996.

«Where do I start, where do I begin?»

«When I am king, you will be first against the wall.»

«You’re a slave to money, then you die.»

  • The Verve: «Bitter Sweet Symphony». Urban Hymns, 1997.

«Love, love is a verb; love is a doing word.»

  • Massive Attack: «Teardrop». Mezzanine, 1998.

«This land is mine, this land is free. I’ll do what I want, but irresponsibly.»

  • Pearl Jam: «Do the Evolution». Yield, 1998.

«Moving, watching, working, sleeping, driving, walking, talking, smiling.»

«We shared some information we might not recover from.»

«I think she’s made of glass. She breaks with the lightest touch and cuts me when I try to put her back together.»

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"Oh no, he's gonna tickle us/Oh no, he's not St. Nicholas!"

Michael Gira, "Mean Monster Mike" fra I Am Singing to You From My Room. Irriterende sang i seg selv, men akkurat det der setter seg alltid fast.


"Look around you find the ground is not so far from where you are"

Nick Drake, "Things Behind the Sun" fra Pink Moon. Mulig det skal være komma noen steder der, men litt vanskelig å vite akkurat hvor. Betydningen forandrer seg ikke mye uansett.



Bob Dylan, "Like a Rolling Stone" fra Highway 61 Revisited. Burde riktignok ikke være nødvendig å skrive hvem og hva det er fra.


Ellers hadde du mange fine, longwinded.

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And I will remember your name and face on the day you are judged by the funhouse cast

And I will rejoice in your fall from grace, with a cane to the sky, like, "none shall pass"

-Aesop Rock, None Shall Pass


A cigarette was needed that was relatively clean,

to come out with filters, no tars and nicotine,

pretty low on sales, too ..

- Dave van Ronk, Talking Cancer Blues

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Enda et sitat fra Time av PF. Dette er i min mening Dark Sides beste strofe:

«Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way»


Og hva med denne udødelige og mystiske strofen fra Echoes?

«Strangers passing in the street, by chance two seperate glances meet. And I am you and what I see is me.»


Litt King Crimson:

Death seed, blind mans greed.

Poets starving, children bleed.

Nothing hes got he really needs.

Twenty first century schizoid man.


Syns den sangen sier mye om dagens samfunn.

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Da var det vel bare å skrive opp alle tekstene fra Amuset to Death?



"And the Germans kill the Jews

And the Jews kill the Arabs

And the Arabs kill the hostages

And that is the news"

Perfect Sense Part 1 - Roger Waters


"Miraculous you call it babe

You ain't seen nothing yet

They've got Pepsi in the Andes

McDonalds in Tibet

Yosemite's been turned into

A golf course for the Japs

The Dead Sea is alive with rap

Between the Tigris and Euphrates

There's a leisure centre now

They've got all kinds of sports

They've got Bermuda shorts

They had sex in Pennsylvania

A Brazilian grew a tree

A doctor in Manhattan

Saved a dying man for free

It's a miracle

Another Miracle"

It's a Miracle - Roger Waters


"Like Geronimo

Like Quinn the Eskimo

Like the Blackfoot

And like the Arapaho

Like Crazy Horse

I'll be the last one to lay down my gun"

Flickering flame - Roger Waters





Roger Waters skriver verdens beste tekster, uten tvil.



EDIT: Om dere har lange sitater/mange sitater foreslår jeg en spoiler.

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«Desperate heathens flock to sirens, guard your heartache well»



«Pure intention juxtaposed to set two lovers souls in motion»

Rising up and wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye

Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father. Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.



Will you love me now? You, whose feeling of dignity is a matter of subtraction.



I wash my hands till the water burns

A million doves orbit round the Earth with tears of blood

I touch the string though the harp may not sing

I just bent the sky and realize


Et lite stykke av Swallow the Sun:


Lying on my arms, not breathing

I can still hear the echo of her voice

And now as I hear them coming

I take her to our last dance


The red haze fading

My vision regaining

And on my arms I see her lifeless body


Realizing what I've done

Anguish grips my heart

I close her eyes for the last time and she'll sing no more


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Halvdan Sivertsen har en del tøft.




Han Sverre nord i Verret

Bodde på det minste skjerret

Med en båt og en bibel og ei kjerring av de tverre

Sverre Nord i verre


Men av og til når tegnan bli førr tydlig

og dem som sitt med makta gjør mæ skremt

når de fine ordan demmes bli motbydlig

og tankan bak e jævli dårlig gjemt

da har æ ei som vet at folk vil våkne

og at vinden i fra høyre snart vil snu



Æ så dæ i går på gata, da byen lå kald og stor

Æ så du va ny i livet, æ så du va ny i nord

Og mora di bar en koffert med alt det ho eide i

Og du gikk og bar på hennes drøm, om en gang å få bli fri

Sommerfugl i vinterland




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"Living through the millions of years,

a laugh as close as any tear;

living, if you claim that all

that entails is breathing, eating, defecating,

screwing, drinking,

spewing, sleeping, sinking ever down and down

and ultimately passing away time

-- which no longer has any meaning.


Van der Graaf Generator - Still Life


Sangen summerer i grunn opp ganske greit hvor idiotisk tanken om evig liv faktisk er.

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Litt random sitater som har brent seg fast i minnet mitt:


"Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart."

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart


"We sit and watch umbrellas fly, I'm trying to keep my newspaper dry."

a-ha - Manhattan Skyline


"And everywhere I go, there's always something to remind me

of another place and time where love that travelled far had found me."

Röyksopp - Remind Me


"I'm gonna buy a gun, gonna shoot everything everyone,

and then I'm coming for you, cos it was you that drove me to."

Travis - Last Train


"I don't want what you want, I don't feel what you feel

See I'm stuck in a city, but I belong in a field."

The Strokes - Heart In A Cage


"Well I won't back down, no I won't back down.

You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down."

Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down


"I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give

There is nothing more for me, need the end to set me free."

Metallica - Fade To Black

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