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Uncle Albert

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Innlegg skrevet av Uncle Albert

  1. Hvor hintes det om at freden i Europa skyldes Max Manus og gjengen? En skal generelt være forsiktig med å bruke ord som hinting. Ofte er det en mening man selv har tillagt filmen på bakgrunn av noen vage observasjoner. Observasjoner som i møte med seer utvikler seg til eksplisitte meninger som ikke nødvendigvis er i tråd intensjonene til skaperne. Jeg skal ikke si det er tilfelle her, men jeg kan ikke si jeg fikk din beskrevne fornemmelse.

    Selve handlingsforløpet fra togsporsabotasjene frem til freden i Europa syns jeg er lagt opp til å lede publikum inn på en slik tanke - eller, som du skriver, jeg ble ledet inn på en slik tanke. Mulig påstanden min var litt generaliserende, men jeg mente det fra et subjektivt ståsted.

  2. Hva legger du generelt i ordet katastrofe? Jeg kan forstå at folk ikke ble lammslått av den, men i forhold til hva den prøver på så klarer jeg ikke helt å tenke ordet 'katastrofe'. Få med deg De usynlige og Den brysomme mannen, om du allerede ikke har gjort det.

    Først og fremst syns jeg den var dårlig, men måten produsentene har markedsført den, får så å sutre når de ikke tjener nok penger syns jeg er smålig. Ikke mindre pinlig er det når filmen hinter til at de alliertes seier i Europa skyldes Max Manus og hans togsporsabotasjer.


    Den brysomme mannen har jeg hørt mye bra om, og den ligger på lista over filmer som skal ses.

  3. Av de jeg kommer på i farta er Reprise og Salmer fra kjøkkenet de eneste jeg syns er skikkelig bra (har ikke fått pløyd igjennom resten av Hamers filmografi enda). Max Manus var katastrofe, i mine øyner, men hvis man henger seg oppi kommersiell suksess og slikt tøv så kan det nok være at det har blitt en liten nedtur etter den.

  4. Er ikke fremmed for rap, men denne teksten var tragisk dårlig, spør du meg. 2/10




    EDIT: Lyrics:


    (Yes, yes, y'all, and ya don't stop, keep on, to the break of dawn)



    Put one up for shackle-me not clean logic procreation

    I did not invent the wheel, I was the crooked spoke adjacent

    While the triple-sixers' lassos keep angels roped in the basement

    I walk the block with a halo and a stick pokin' your patience.

    Y'all catch a 30 second flash visual

    Dirty cooperative med platoon, bloom, head-trip split ridiculous

    Fathom the splicing of first generation fuck-up with trickle-down anti-hero smack


    I pace me game for zero hour completion greetin' splash

    Duke of early retirement, pick a dream, American nightmare hoggin' the screen

    I'll hold the door open so you can stumble in

    If you'd stop followin' me 'round the jungle gym.

    Now it's Honor and I spell it with the H I stole from Heritage

    Merit crutch stolen wretched refuse of my teaming resonance

    I promise: temperance towards breed with a leaning conscious

    See, the creed acts sense responsive, but my sports supports the wattage, and I'm sleeping now! (Wow!)

    Yeah, the settlers laugh,

    You won't be laughing when your covered wagons crash!

    You won't be laughing when the buzzards drag your brother's flags into rags!

    You won't be laughing when your front lawn is spangled with epitaphs! You won't be laughing!

    And I'll hang my boots to rest when I'm impressed

    So I triple knot 'em and forgot 'em.

    This origami dream is beautiful, but man, those wings'll never leave the ground without a feather and a lottery ticket,

    Now settle down.


    All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day,

    put the pieces back together my way,

    All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day,

    put the pieces back together my way.


    (Yes, yes, y'all, and ya don't stop, keep on, to the break of dawn)


    Slacker bounded intimate tabloid headline with a pulse

    Shimmy cross the centerfold, and a dead time engulfed, divvy crumbs for the better souls

    With seven deadly stains, adhere the blame to crystal conscience,

    The result's a low life counting on one hand what he's accomplished.

    Ok, link me to activism chain, activate street sweep

    Plug deteriorating xenobit Pendragon

    I hock swords cores for the morbid spreading of mad men (Alley gospel)

    Sinking yer Lincoln-Log cabin and Charlie Chaplin waddle

    I could zig zag and zig 'em again for the badge dream sparkle in my brick wall windows

    Another thick installment of one night in Gotham without the wretched "Houston we have a problem

    Attached to the festive batch of city goblins"

    Who split holiday freak on a box-cut cinema high road bellow

    Head gripped! Watch red bricks turn yellow

    Sort of similar to most backbones at camp Icarus

    We're all feeling crimes congregating at pamper for bickering

    Life's not a bitch! Life is a beautiful woman

    You only call her a bitch because she won't let you get that pussy.

    Maybe she didn't feel y'all shared any similar interests

    Or maybe you're just an asshole who couldn't sweet talk the princess.

    Kiss the speaker wire; Peter Pacifism pagan thresh hold

    Stomach full of halo kibbles

    Wings span cast black upon vigils

    Here to duck hunt ticker tape vision and pick apart the pixels

    I got a friend of polar nature, and it's all peace

    When I seek similar stars but can't sit at the same feast

    (Metal Captain) This cat is asking if I've seen his bit of lost passion

    I told him yeah, but only when I pedaled past him.


    All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day,

    put the pieces back together my way,

    All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day,

    put the pieces back together my way.


    (Yes, yes, y'all, and ya don't stop, keep on, to the break of dawn)


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