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Minecraft-skaper oppretter studio (PC)

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dette kan bli bra. får håpe(og tror) at de kommer med mange oppdateringer til mincraft så det blir mye mere å gjøre. spillet er helt supert som det er nå, men er litt problemer på mp med banen og dører foreksempel.


gleder meg også til å se hvilket spill Notch og co kommer med :new_woot:

Endret av D02
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Blir vanskeleg for notch å starte studio når Paypal ikkje vil gi han pengane han har tjent...


And.. Paypal. On the 25’th, they limited my account for unspecified reasons (a suspicious withdrawal or deposit! wow, thank you for that amazingly detailed information), and asked me for a bunch of vague documents. I did my best to give them what they asked for.


My account is still limited. I’ve called them three times, they keep telling me it’s being reviewed. Most recently they told me it’d take up to two more weeks for it to get resolved, and that if they decide something bad’s being going on, they’re going to keep the money.


There’s over 600000 euro in there. Money I was planning on investing in the new company.


I’m sure it’ll get sorted out, but this is kind of frustrating.

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Blir vanskeleg for notch å starte studio når Paypal ikkje vil gi han pengane han har tjent...


And.. Paypal. On the 25’th, they limited my account for unspecified reasons (a suspicious withdrawal or deposit! wow, thank you for that amazingly detailed information), and asked me for a bunch of vague documents. I did my best to give them what they asked for.


My account is still limited. I’ve called them three times, they keep telling me it’s being reviewed. Most recently they told me it’d take up to two more weeks for it to get resolved, and that if they decide something bad’s being going on, they’re going to keep the money.


There’s over 600000 euro in there. Money I was planning on investing in the new company.


I’m sure it’ll get sorted out, but this is kind of frustrating.


Kanskje lurt å overføre litt til en bankkonto av og til?


Har selv 0kr på paypal. Riktignok da jeg ikke aner hvordan jeg overfører penger enda.

(og er usikker på hvilken av mine kontoer mine foreldre kan se hva som skjer på.., ikke at paypal er galt men)

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Jeg ser dette blir sagt flere steder. Notch hadde ikke 600k euro på konto når den ble fryst. 600k er penger som har kommet inn på paypalkontoen etter at den ble fryst 25. august (ja, han tjener latterlig mye penger).


Anyways, quote fra reddit:

I'm going through the same thing with paypal right now. It came from the sale of a website, and the subsequent deposit of a large quantity of money into my paypal account, along with several large withdrawls.


They cite FDIC invovlement as the reason for the limited account access, and state that the funds do indeed belong to the owner of the account, but they need to be certain that I am, in fact, the individual who opened it.


Basically they want proof of address, proof of ssn, proof of a bank account attached to your paypal account, and two valid forms of ID. One bank statement is all I needed for three of the above, and the two forms of ID is something frequently required for any banking activities.


While it does suck that he has to deal with this (it is, indeed, a headache) it's not the end of the world. It's SOP for paypal, and I am glad that they go to lengths to be sure of the identify of those withdrawing large sums of money.

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Du kan sammenligne det med f.eks Age of Conan - solgt i mellom 1 - 1,5 millioner eksemplarer og med kanskje 200 mann som stod bak utviklingen i flere år. Det sier seg selv at de ikke tjener så bra hvis det ikke blir en knakende suksess.


Å tjene penger på spill som utvikleren av minecraft har gjort her er rett og slett helt utrolig og viser hvor langt du kan komme med genialt gameplay.

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  • 3 uker senere...

Har ikke fått spilt så veldig mye enda, kjøpte det i lunsjen idag og spilte litt på jobb.. ;)Så lenge man lager seg en hule med stengte innganger er det mulig for udyr å komme inn i det hele tatt? Eller genereres de der det er mørkt slik at om jeg graver ut Morias Miner så vil det uansett dukke opp svineri? Planene for rømningsveier og et absurd stort byggverk tar form oppi hodet mitt her nå, hehe

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