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Etter lørdagens konsert i Rockefeller (Hammerfall, med Sabaton og Bullet som oppvarmingsband), så måtte jeg kjøpe litt Sabaton...




Sabaton - Attero Dominatus - 69,-





Sabaton - Primo Victoria - 89,-





Sabaton - Metalizer - 99,-





Sabaton - The Art Of War (Limited Edition) - 149,-



Alle fra CDON.



Har bare hørt ett par sporadiske sanger av Sabaton før, men de leverte en såpass energisk konsert at jeg var solgt....!

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Kom noe i dag:

Drowning the Light - A World Long Dead (cd)

Drowning The Light - The Blood of the Ancients (tape)

Forbidden Citadel of Spirits - The Occult Fingers of Spell (tape)

Forest Mysticism/Larmes d'Hivers - Blood Of The Woodland/The Fall Of Autumn's Leaves split (tape)

Old Oak - Spells And Starlight (tape)


Rundt 30 per kassett, og cdn kosta vell rundt 80kr

Endret av Skogslik
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Og der kom den siste pakken som var på vei: 5 Kassetter.


Drowning The Light - The Weeping Moon

Nocturnal Depression - Suicidal thoughts

Nocturnal Depression - Near to the stars

Nocturnal Depression - Soundtrack For A Suicide

Nocturnal Depression - Nostalgia - Fragments of a Broken Past


Rundt 150 totalt inkludert frakt fra en Australsk mailorder side.



Endret av Skogslik
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To CD-er jeg har venta på en stund kom i dag, begge fra Paradigms.


Kailash - Kailash




Svartmetall fra Italia, men ikke den vanlige typen. Mye tempoendringer, lite vokal, laget av mer normale folk enn de fleste svartmetallere og litt saksofon og piano på noen av sporene. :D Veldig bra i mine ører.


Snowdrift - Snowdrift




Den klart mest "vanlige" utgivelsen til Paradigms, på godt og vondt. Men mye av det vonde er tatt vekk på grunn av noen uvanlige overganger mellom sangene (i denne typen musikk), mye mer detaljer enn du hører de første gangene og den geniale vokalen. Albumet har faktisk blitt anmeldt på AMG, og jeg er enig i det meste de sier:



Seattle's Snowdrift have had their debut album issued on the highly collectible and even covetable Paradigms label in UK. Until now, the bands that have released material on the gorgeously-packaged Paradigms imprint have usually been heavy, drone based-post rock outfits and those that delve deeper into a bit more sinister territory like Wraiths. Snowdrift is a true exception. They are a dreamy, dark trio with cellos, guitars, drums, keyboards, all hovering around in eerily-presented and beautifully structured poetic, ballads that com off as haunting, poetic folk songs from another time that has been hidden, stored away, and is being interpreted only now, through the speech and language of rock. There have been territorial comparisons to Low and some even to Mazzy Star, but this music is something other. Kat Terran's vocals are throaty, they have the ethereal beauty of Over The Rhine's Karin Bergquist but are bigger, more present, they annunciate as well as swell as swoon. Add to this sparse slide guitar, single shuffling snare, and ambient keyboard effects by Derek Terran that enhance the instruments rather than bury them, as on "Outlaw Engineers," something that rather than be high and lonesome in the roots tradition is rather out and lonesome, as if from another space, and out of time completely. "September" begins with ambient sounds, a quietly brushed drum,, and an ominous yet utterly lovely cello; whispering electric piano sounds float in form the mist before the band slips in gear and enters fully. Even when they do, there's no hurry, no permanent place for them in the track. The drums simply shift and shimmer as Ms. Terran's voice, like some ever present spirit comes up form the ether, but it's that voice holding it all together. The instruments and sounds all gravitate toward and away from her in some circling fashion that lends the music weight even as it gains not momentum, but an eerie heaviness that is so darkly seductive and full of subtle warnings that things might begin to fall apart-but never do. These songs are written and shaped according to a melodic sensibility that is not commonplace; the spontaneity is in the emotion in Ms. Terran's voice and in the listener's sheer surprise at the these sounds that never dissipates, no matter how often one slips the disc into the player. One is always left wondering,, particularly near the end of the heartbreaking tenderness in "House Of Cards," or in the literally ghostly sonic structure of Aviary, just how songs like this can be written instead of merely crafted and recorded. IN fact, they suggest that in a live setting, Snowdrift is heavier, the audience and the music coming together in a manner that creates a maelstrom to feed Ms. Terran's voice and gives it an utterance that is spine tingling. The set ends with "track 11," (actually the last of eight songs) that begins with a vulnerable kind of gloominess that suggests a hurt so wide and deep it encompasses the entire world. But something else is at work here too, the complex emotions expressed by cello, guitar, and the electric piano that keeps the drummer moving barely, as a heartbeat for Ms. Terran: "Not the way, not the strain that the storm arrives/but the way that the storm subsides here/Oh there's so much more . . ." And there is. This cut takes the cake as it deceptively appears to disintegrate and builds itself into a fury and Terran wails and begins incanting "Get me off this train/I'm getting off this train/Get me off this train. . . ."as feedback and spiky guitar signatures take over the landscape before it just disappears altogether. This is a remarkable and powerful debut by a truly underground American band who is creating something new from many old things, and shaping them into a sound that is all their own.



Begge lasta ned før jeg kjøpte dem, så det var ikke akkurat risikokjøp. :)


Edit: 14 pund for begge inkludert frakt.

Endret av TanTheMan
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Four Seasons (Unforgettable Classics) - Antonio Vivaldi (CD) £3.99

Legacy - Johnny Cash (CD) £3.99

Ringleader Of The Tormentors - Morrissey (CD) £2.99

Demolition - Ryan Adams (CD) £2.99

29 - Ryan Adams (CD) £2.99

A Beautiful Lie - 30 Seconds To Mars (CD) £4.99

The Best Of - Johnny Cash (CD) £2.99

The Best Of Don Williams - Don Williams (CD) £1.99

30 Seconds To Mars (Enhanced) - 30 Seconds To Mars (CD)£4.99


Dette ble dagens fangst på play.com



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