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Guild Wars universet

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Blir vel mest som som WOW har i dag, det som kalles for BG (battleground) springe rundt å skyte randoms i et stort område ^^


Mulig det, men tror det blir en del anderledes, kommer jo til og bli hundrevis av spillere.


PS: Hvis du skal poste på et engelsk språkelig board om Guild Wars 2, for all del ikke sammenlign det med WoW, da kommer du til og bli flamed til helve**e, de fleste som er fan av guild wars serien generelt kan ikke fordra at den blir sammenlignet med WoW :p

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Yepp, må for all del ikke bruke wow som eksempel, folk går jo bananas :p


Er ingen fan av at folk bruker WoW som eksempel på alt jeg heller, at folk tror WoW fant opp MMO sjangeren og at alt i spillet er orginalt er ganske irriterende, men jeg går ikke "bananas" hvis noen sammenligner det, blir mere litt sånn "aff...." xD

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Yepp, må for all del ikke bruke wow som eksempel, folk går jo bananas :p


Er ingen fan av at folk bruker WoW som eksempel på alt jeg heller, at folk tror WoW fant opp MMO sjangeren og at alt i spillet er orginalt er ganske irriterende, men jeg går ikke "bananas" hvis noen sammenligner det, blir mere litt sånn "aff...." xD


Nja nå nja... synes det er små merkelig med GW forums, med engang WOW kommer inn i bildet så skriker folk, sier man noen andre MMO spill så er det helt normal diskusjon, og det er spesielt på guru forums ! xD


Nå er jo WOW det største MMO ever made, noe må de ha gjort riktig så hvorfor ikke ta noen gode ideer der? ;)

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WoW, Linkie lever også ^^


Jepp, skulle egentlig hoppe innom GW i juleferien, men noen har fått accounten min bannet. Så vidt jeg vet er vel oln den eneste som fortsatt spiller?

Har ikke spilt på ei god stund jeg heller. Altfor mye annet som opptar tiden for øyeblikket. Var et par til nordmenn som spilte sist jeg holdt på, sikkert noen som fortsatt driver ennå.

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WoW, Linkie lever også ^^


Jepp, skulle egentlig hoppe innom GW i juleferien, men noen har fått accounten min bannet. Så vidt jeg vet er vel oln den eneste som fortsatt spiller?

Har ikke spilt på ei god stund jeg heller. Altfor mye annet som opptar tiden for øyeblikket. Var et par til nordmenn som spilte sist jeg holdt på, sikkert noen som fortsatt driver ennå.


Noen fra den gamle gjengen eller nyere folk?

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Lukter jeg versjon 2 av Jarls Of Norway? :p


Jeg var i den guilden for 3 år siden :D


Begynnte og spille igjen i slutten av juni etter ca 3 års pause, og det er dødsfett! Er mye forandringer i spillet ja, blant annet har mange skills fått egne PVP versjoner for og gjøre dem mer balanserte, samt det er mange skills som kun kan brukes i PVE.


Er ikke så aktiv her på forumet, men send meg en PM ingame. Spiller som "Tofus Trouble" :)

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Da var endelig PC gamer UK sin desember utgave kommet i hyllene i England. Inneholdte en 5 siders GW2 feature med mye gammel og noe ny info.

Quoter en på GWguru2 forumet som har fått fatt i magasinet og delt det med resten. Dungoen infoen på slutten er såvidt meg bekjent helt ferskt.


*Okay so page 5 has an editors not about how MMOs have stagnated loads but Gw2 is coming along to the rescue.


* They are talking to Eric. He's saying that he finds combat more fun when stuff is going wrong. When the tank messes up or something (in other games) , it makes it exciting. Gw2 combat makes it so that the constant state of things is a situation where something exciting like that can happen. ''Controlled chaos' he calls it.


* Interestingly PCGamer dont seem to understand that Gw2 has done away with the trinity. Eric told them 'every character is versatile, so its up to you to recognize what other players are doing and how to react'' And they seem to take that to have meant ''[A.net] want players to tank enemies, restore health to friends and tear through flesh''


* Okay so the next bit is describing a battle with the guys at PCgamer against the shadow behemoth for a while. Lots of examples about switching attunements to fit different roles as you go bla bla bla. Still nothing new.


* Okay they explain the concepts of downed + defeated and cross-profession combos. They explain everyone being able to revive everyone.


*They explain skills being tied to weapons and the death shroud (I got 3 pages left)


*Ok, they talk about the difference between dynamic events and the personal story... now they are talking about the third type, dungeons.


*Yay new info! (No matter how small) As you go along the personal story you'll be playing through a new dungeon about once every 10 levels or so.


* ''The story of each [dungeon] focuses on one or more of the Destiny's Edge, a guild of heroes who reliably saved the world untill some dark events split them apart. It is your objective to get them back together.' Woo its getting juicy.


*''The first time you play a dungeon, you'll play through its Story Mode, where one or two members of Destiny's Edge show up as friendly NPCs to drive the story foward.''


*Although story driven, dungeons arent all about sitting around talking. Its about fighting. ''Even one that starts out as a party in a mansion quickly turns to combat''


*''Beating a dungeon's Story Mode will unlock its Explorable Mode, a harder version of the dungeon which tells varied follow-up stories in that same area, unrelated to Destinys edge''


* They say that the explorer dungeon mode is meant to be really repeatable. It'll have many different scenarios and enemies that could appear each time (while not being random.)


* Eric says that in Gw1 after you've done the missions a few times the story stuff stops being interesting, and can get in the way of you having fun. People were skipping cutscenes.


* ''So what we wanted to do was to provide people with a linear story mode with lots of cutscenes, lots of story going on, lots of exposition. And then for the explorable mode it can be a lot more freeform, where can just jump in and you're dealing with something that doesnt need as much explanation, doesnt have a lot of cutscenes, and its got a lot of replayability built into it because there are different ways to complete it or different paths to take''


*Woo they give an example of a dungeon that isnt the beetletun mansion. The Sorrows Embrace dungeon is a hideout for the Dredge. If you play it on story mode youll discover that the Dredge leaders have sold their people into slavery under the Seraph. So you fight off all the slavers (sound familiar, anyone??? Awesome). So after you've completed that explorable mode will open up and you can do things like ''aid the dredge workers who are now planning to revult against their corrupt leaders''


* Some dungeons will be familiar to Gw1 players.... At around level thirty you'll be able to enter the Ascalon catacombs. The spirits there are restless, so a Charr comander and Rytlock lead you in to lay them to rest. You might recognise some of the more powerful spirits in this dungeon as the profession trainers from GW1!! ''Master Ranger Nente can teleport and shoot waves of arrows that cover part of the room, forcing you to hide behind objects in the environment.''


*''Warmaster Grast smashes players and the environment with his oversized, half-ghost hammer, and you can grab the chunks of rubble he knocks out to throw them back.''


*''Finally, theres Necromancer Munne and the boss of the dungeon, King Adelmen. (Is that a typo?? Please tell me it is!)


*Rewards from dungeons will be the same statisticly as other high end rewards. No one will be forced to play a dungeon. (Kind of a given, but really nice to hear it stated again)


* Though the gear will not be statistically more powerful it will have unique appearances that are directly tied into the theme of the dungeon and 'visually striking'. (bonus mission pack, anyone? )


*It says A.net dont want the rewards to be based on chance. No one should have to complete the dungeon many times and maybe even get the same item they already have twice. They remedy this by rewarding players with an item that can be traded for the desired peice of equipment. This way its never random what you get, you can pick and choose yourself. (Just like doa and the tormented weapons, for example)


* Supposedly the guy writing the article got to play the game and he says that ''I found a healthy balance of all the different types of content came naturally' - So did he play dungeons? Oo. He describes the personal story sending him to find an armourer at a castle but it was under siege when he got there.


Gleder meg bare mer og mer til dette spillet. Nå er jeg faktisk villig til å betale for beta tilgang bare for å se hva Anet sitter på.


Edit: Skal visst være en annen feature i US versjonen som kommer ut litt senere. Skal visst være en større reveal i den utgaven. Ryktes at det er PvP, men who knows.

Endret av Konamixx
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