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Guide for nybegynner i WoW [Under utvikling]

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Info som du finner i denne guiden er tatt ifra diverse internett sider som står som kilder i slutten av guiden.

Da jeg lagde denne guiden, så hadde jeg i tanke med at det skulle være en guide som du ikke trengte å besøke mange forskjellige sider, for å finne ut specc's, achivements, Warcraft lore o.l.

Jeg har dermed prøvd å samlet all info jeg kom over i denne tråden og håper den vil komme til nytte.




Guiden inneholder:


1.1 - Introduksjon i World of Warcraft


1.3 - Achievements

1.4 - Info angående mounts

1.5 - Recruit a Friend (RAF)

1.6 - Death

2.0 - Factions (Races)

3.1 - Classes

3.2 - En liten oppsummering av klassene i WoW

3.3 - Utdypning innen klassene i WoW

4.1 - Talents

4.2 - Talent Builds

5.1 - Professions

5.2 - Klasser og yrker som passer sammen

6.1 - Realm types

7.1 - Resting

8.1 - Major Cities

9.1 - None-Player Character

10.1 - Exploring the Map

11.1 - Reputation

12.2 - Monster Basic

12.3 - Info om chatting og forkortelser

12.4 - Linker ifra Diskusjon.no

12.5 - Nyttig internettsider

12.6 - Addon sider

12.7 - Scam Mails



1.1 Introduksjon i World of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft ble utgitt den 23.Nov 2004 i USA (North America), mens vi i Europa måtte vente til den 11.Feb 2005. For å kunne spille WoW må du betale en abonnementsavgift som ligger på ca 120,- mnd, hvis du betaler for tre eller seks mnd vil prisen gå ned.

Du kan enten betale med Visa eller kjøpe Gamercard(spillekort).

Vil også si at første mnd er gratis når du nettopp har kjøpt spillet. (redigeres)



The Burning Crusade: Kilde

Noen par år senere kom de med ekspansjonspakken som het The Burning Crusade som ble utgitt 19.jan 2007 her i Norge. Det første døgnet TBC var ute så ble det solgt ca 2,4 millioner eksemplarer, noe som ingen andre spill på den tiden kunne sammenlignes med.

Noen av høydepunktene i TBC var vel at nå fikk du muligheten til å kjøpe flying mount, nye dungeons og forsettelse i loren til Warcraft og kjempe imot Illidan Stormrage.

Du fikk også muligheten til å lvl ifra 60 og opp til lvl 70 som betydde at du ville få nye talents og bedre utstyr til characteren din.

To nye raser ble også lagt til som het Blood Elves (Horde), mens Alliance fikk en ny rase som het Draenei. Med de to nye rasene fikk Hordene og Alliance muligheten å lage Paladin(Horde) og Shamans(Alliance), noe som var umulig før.


En helt ny zone ble også lagt til, som het Outland. <Mer info kommer>

Outland ga spillerene nytt område til å utforske og nye fiender å bekjempe.

Man kunne også lære to nye yrker som var..


Wrath of the Lich King: Kilde

Den 13.nov 2008 slapp Blizzard ut ekspansjonspakken Wrath of The Lich King, som forsvant i en rykende fart ifra butikkhyllene. Allerde det første døgnet ble det solgt 2.8 millioner eksemplarer!

Med det så slo WoW sin egen rekord med solgte eksemplarer, fra TBC som solgte 2.4 millioner.


Nye ting som kom med WoTLK var:

  • Ny klasse Death Knight
  • Max level 80
  • Et helt nytt kontinent som het Northrend.
  • ... og mye mye mer.


Er veldig viktig at du leser godt igjennom, slik at du som nykommer vet hva du ikke kan gjøre i fare for å bli utestengt fra WoW.

Ting du ikke bør gjøre er å f.eks: Kjøpe gold(Kan bli bannet, få konto infoen din stjelt o.l.)og bruke 3 Part programmer (legg til links).



1.3 Achievements: Kilde

Hvis du har spilt Xbox 360 eller Playstation 3 så vet du litt om hvordan achievements fungere.

Achivements går ut på at du får poeng for å utføre quest, pvp, professions, events og reputation o.l.

Å utføre achivements kan gi deg mer enn bare poeng, du får også tittler, mounts og none-combat pet's, det er bare noen av tingene som er så bra med achivements.


Har funnet noen par morsom achivements:

To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life

Make Love, Not Warcraft



1.4 Info angående mounts: Kilde

Når du blir lvl 30 så vil du få mulighet til å kjøpe din første mount som gir 60% økning i fart, etter det så må du lvl helt til 60 for å kunne kjøpe den som gir 100% økning i fart (epic mount).

Får å kunne ri så må du kjøpe riding skills og selve mounten. Riding skill koster som regel mer enn selve mounten, slik at du er obs på det.

Neste steg blir å kjøpe flying mount som du må være level 70 for å kunne bruke. Kan kjøpes i Outland og kan kun brukes i Outland og Northrend (lvl 77).

For å få råd til mounts og diverse ting du snubler over i din ferd gjennom World of Warcraft, så vil jeg anbefale at hvis du er lavere enn lvl 20 og ikke kjøpe alt du finner på AH. Siden du mest sansynligvis vil bytte det ut og få fine items ifra quest rewards.

Det i seg selv vil spare deg for en del utgifter og ett skritt nærmere mount.


1.5 Recruit a Friend (RAF):

Kort fortalt så gir RAF deg mulighet å få 3x mer XP, summon venner og grant lvl. Mer info finner du her.


1.6 Death: Kilde



2.0 Factions (Races): Kilde


  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Gnomes
  • Night Elves
  • Dranei
  • Horde:
  • Orc
  • Tauren
  • Undead
  • Blood Elves
  • Trolls

3.1 Classes: Kilde

  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior
  • Death Knight (For å kunne lage en DK, så må du ha hvertfall én character som er lvl 55 eller høyere. Når det kravet er oppfylt så kan du lage en DK på hvilket som helst realm. Trenger ikke å ha en lvl 55 på realmet du velger.)

3.2 En liten oppsummering av klassene i WoW:




Druids are the keepers of the world and masters of nature with a diverse array of abilities. They are powerful healers, capable of curing poisons and raising fallen comrades in the thick of battle.

Druids also command nature's wrath, calling down ranged blast of energy, summoning swarms of insects, or entangling their foes in the earth. But druids are also master of the wild, able to shapeshift into a great bear, cat, or even sealion, gaining their powers in combat or travel. Druids are diverse class with a variety of playstyles, capable of filling any role.


The Druid gives players several play style options. A Druid in normal form is a caster that can fight with spells or weapons. In Bear form the Druid becomes a Warrior with Rage. While in Cat form the Druid becomes a Rogue with Energy and stealth. The Druid can also transform into two other special animal forms. With its ability to heal itself and fellow characters, the Druid can also take on the role of a Priest. A Druid is not as versatile in its abilities as a Priest is, lacking the spells Power Word: Shield and Resurrection, but is otherwise a very capable healer.




  • Can transform into various animal forms which provide unique abilities
  • Early access to fast travel prior to mount being available
  • Can heal and resurrect others during battle
  • Can shapeshift out of snares and polymorph
  • Possesses a powerful buff that's beneficial to all classes


  • Animal forms are not as powerful as their counterpart classes
  • Restricted to wearing cloth and leather armor
  • Can't use all items or spells while in the

Starting Stats:





Hunters are deadly marksmen, capable of bringing their enemies down from a distance with bows or rifles. Skilled survivalists, they can track enemies or lay traps to damage and entrap their foes. Hunters also possess a primal connection to the beasts of Azeroth, capable of taming and training them to keep as loyal guardians. Wearing light to medium armor, hunters can also dual wield weapons in combat, fighting beside their pets in battle.


The Hunter is a vicious damage dealer. With their ability to pull extremely well and hit monsters hard from far away, they certainly help take down monsters more quickly. Their pets add to the damage count and can aid somewhat in managing monster aggro. The variety of traps allows the Hunter to control crowds to an extent, as well. The combination of their extreme range, decent damage, and trap capability, Hunters are the perfect pullers for any group.



  • Can tame and control various beasts
  • Excellent long range damage capability
  • Good at stopping enemies from fleeing
  • Effective at pulling monsters in dungeons and raids
  • Great crowd control abilities thanks to traps that cause damage, slow or even freeze enemies


  • Possesses very few melee abilities
  • Has a "Dead Zone" where neither ranged nor melee attacks can be used
  • Unable to heal self or party members

Starting Stats:





Mages wield the elements of fire, frost, and the arcane to destroy or neutralize their enemies. They are a robed class that excels at dealing massive damage from afar, casting elemental bolts at a single target, or raining destruction down upon their enemies in a wide area of effect. Mages can also augment their allies' spell-casting powers, summon food or drink to restore their friends, and even travel across the world in an instant by opening arcane portals to distant lands.


When seeking someone to introduce monsters to a world of pain, the Mage is a good choice. With their elemental and arcane attacks, it's a safe bet something they can do won't be resisted by your chosen enemy. Damage is the name of the Mage game, and they do it well. Their arsenal includes some powerful crowd control spells, also, giving them the ability to keep hordes at bay -- in fact, these abilities can be used on the most common creatures in the game, thus making them extremely valuable for this purpose.




  • Very effective in damaging multiple targets at once with powerful Area of Effect Damage Spells
  • Effective at escaping enemies with Blink, Frost Nova, and Ice Armor spells
  • Excellent long range damage capability
  • Can transport self and others to major cities using portals
  • Great at crowd control


  • Restricted to wearing cloth armor
  • Poor melee capability and low hit points
  • Has no healing ability

Starting Stats:





Guardians of the Holy Light, paladins bolster their allies with holy auras and blessing to protect their friends from harm and enhance their powers. Wearing heavy armor, they can withstand terrible blows in the thickest battles while healing their wounded allies and resurrecting the slain. In combat, they can wield massive two-handed weapons, stun their foes, destroy undead and demons, and judge their enemies with holy vengeance. Paladins are a defensive class designed to outlast their opponents.


The Paladin is a mix of a melee fighter and a secondary spell caster. The Paladin is ideal for groups due to the Paladin's healing, Blessings, and other abilities. Paladins can have one active aura per Paladin on each party member and use specific Blessings for specific players. Paladins are pretty hard to kill, thanks to their assortment of defensive abilities. The Paladin can also heal with Holy Light, unlike other combat classes. The Paladin is an Undead specific fighter as well, with several abilities designed to be used against the Undead.



  • Can wear the heaviest of armors and use most weapons
  • Can heal party members and resurrect others after battle
  • Can cast Auras and Blessings that provide useful buffs for other players
  • Can summon a Warhorse mount
  • Can sacrifice self for the sake of the party to prevent a total group wipe


  • Heavily dependant on mana for offense and defense abilities
  • No ranged capabilities, except to stop wounded opponents from fleeing
  • Limited abilities with which to draw enemy attacks

Starting Stats:





Priests are the masters of healing and preservation, restoring their wounded allies, shielding them in battle, and even resurrecting their fallen comrades. While they have a variety of protective and enhancement spells to bolster their allies, priests can also wreak terrible vengeance on their enemies, using the powers of shadow or holy light to destroy them. They are a diverse and powerful class, highly desirable in any group, capable of fulfilling multiple roles.




  • Can heal party members and resurrect other players after battle
  • Is able to shield players from damage
  • Has powerful buffs
  • Can Charm Humanoids and Fear various enemies
  • Can cast both holy and shadow spells


  • Restricted to wearing cloth armor
  • Poor melee capabilities and low hit points
  • Requires concentration and quick reflexes if healing in parties

Starting Stats:





Rogues are a lightly armored melee class capable of dealing massive damage to their enemies in a flurry of attacks. They are masters of stealth and assassination, passing by enemies unseen and striking from the shadows, then escaping from combat in the blink of an eye. Rogues can also craft poisons that damage or cripple their enemies, reducing their effectiveness in battle. Groups will find rogues valuable, for not only do they deal massive damage, but they can open locked doors or chests, and disarm hidden traps as well.




  • Stealth abilities allow the Rogue to reach places more easily than most classes
  • Can create and use poisons to damage or slow enemies
  • Very high melee damage potential
  • Can pick locks
  • Effective in escaping battle with sprint, vanish, and blind


  • No party buffs available
  • Restricted to wearing cloth and leather armor
  • No healing ability available

Starting Stats:





Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They are masters of the elements, using spells and totems that heal or enhance their allies in battle while unleashing the fury of the elements upon their foes. Shamans can wear medium armor, and even wield massive two-handed weapons in combat. They are a versatile class that can wade into battle, restoring their allies while hurling elemental bolts of lightning at their enemies.


The old phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" is an excellent way to describe the Shaman; they are the only real "hybrid" class in World of Warcraft. While they do not excel at any one aspect of their repertoire, they function passing well when performing most tasks called upon by a party. Need a support healer? Looking for a secondary tank? After another damage-dealer? Have an empty slot that needs someone to support the group in general? The Shaman can provide. They have a number of utility spells as well that help make life easier for any party.




  • Can heal themselves and resurrect other players after battle
  • Can transform into a Ghost Wolf, allowing for fast travel
  • Can use totems of earth, air, fire and water
  • Can walk on water
  • Instant cast damage spells


  • Most totems are easily destroyed when attacked directly
  • High dependence on mana pool for offense and survivability
  • No long duration party buffs available

Starting Stats:





Warlocks are masters of shadow, flame, and demonic power. They are a robed class that excels at plaguing their enemies with disease or curses, hurling bolts of fire or shadow energy across the battlefield, and summoning demons to aid them in combat. While warlocks are powerful casters that deal damage from a distance, their demonic powers can also protect or support their allies in battle, or even summon other players from across the world using ritual magic to conjure portals.


Warlocks have both powerful damage spells (primarily dealing over time) and debuff spells that work well in conjunction with each other and with the abilities of their group mates. They have Curses for many occasions; in fact, they can easily be considered the best debuffers in the game. Their pets, too, help with the damage dealing and grant the Warlock extra abilities to put to use. They can also control crowds well with Seduction and Banish, and provide limited support in the form of their summoned stones.




  • Possesses the ability to summon and control demons
  • Can create Healthstones for party members which heal life upon consumption
  • Can summon other party members using Ritual of Summoning
  • Can summon a demonic mount
  • Is able to drain opponents life, restoring own health


  • Select spells and abilities require soulshards
  • Restricted to wearing cloth armor
  • Limited melee capability

Starting Stats:





Warriors can be a raging berserker or an iron-clad juggernaut, capable of withstanding tremendous attacks while protecting their allies from harm. They have a wide variety of attacks that do everything from cripple their enemies, to dealing massive amounts of damage in a single retaliatory blow, and enhancing their allies' fighting ability with battle shouts. They excel at fighting multiple opponents at once, gaining rage from every blow dealt or received to unleash their attacks. Warriors are a versatile class with a variety of play-styles to choose from.


The Warrior can be a defensive, shielded tank, a damage-dealing powerhouse, or a mixture of the two. Their abilities obviously pertain to the art of close combat; their stances carry with them different moves for different situations and party setups. All in all, the Warrior is one of the prime candidates to capture and hold the attention of creatures while they die to sword and spell.



  • Able to use all armor and all weapons except wands
  • Very high hit points
  • Great close range melee skills
  • Good at pulling, tanking, and dealing damage, thanks to different combat stances
  • Ability to taunt enemies off other party members


  • No healing ability available
  • Limited long range damage capability
  • Limited ability to buff party members

Starting Stats:




death%20knight1.gifDeath Knight:

The fearsome death knight, World of Warcraft's first Hero class, is not your avarage adventure seeking to prove his or her worth on Azeroth's fields of battle. No longer servants of the Lich King, they begin their new calling as experienced, formidable adversaries, heavily armed and armored and possessing an arsenal of deadly and forbidden magic learned in the Lich King's thrall.



  • Can wear all armor types and wield most weapons
  • Mixes melee attacks with Frost and Shadow ranged spells
  • Rune system means virtually unlimited energy
  • Blood abilities provide selv healing
  • Can return at will to the Ebon Hold
  • Free mounts and weapon enchants available only to death knights
  • A hero class: begins at level 55


  • Can't use shields or ranged weapons
  • More dependent on abilities than passive defense for survivability
  • Dependent on rune cooldowns and runic power generation

Starting Stats:






3.3 Utdypning innen klassene i WoW:

  • Tanking: En tank er mest brukt i raids og instance og har som oppgave å bli angrepet av de store fiendene for å hindre skade på andre som for eksempel Mage. Tank-klasser er Warrior, Druid, Paladin og Death Knight(Wrath of the Lich King).
  • Melee DPS: DPS betyr "Damage per second" og kan oversettes til "Skade per sekund". En klasse som er melee dps fokuserer på å gjøre mest skade mot en motstander i nærkamp. Slike klasser kan være: Rogue, Druid, Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight og Shaman
  • Ranged DPS: En klasse som er ranged dps fokuserer på å gjøre skade ved å stå x antall meter fra fienden. Noe som logisk nok betyr at klassen ikke tåler like mye i nærkamp som f.eks en Warrior. Ranged DPS klasser er: Hunter, Druid, Mage, Warlock, Shaman og Priest.
  • Healing Class: En "Healing Class" er en klasse som fokuserer på å helbrede og holde sine følgesvenner i live. Det finnes forskjellige måter å helbrede på, og det varierer fra klasse til klasse. For eksempel en Druid som har spesialisert seg på helbredelse har et mye større arsenal av "Healing Over Time Spells(HoTS)" altså magi som helbreder livet ditt for X antall per Y sekund. En Paladin som har spesialisert seg derimot har mye mer "Direct Healing Spells" altså magi som helbreder deg for X liv med en gang. Enda en gang kan det virke logisk at en Paladins helbredene magi bruker mer tid på å "caste", altså hvor lang tid det tar fra du bruker evnen til den vil ha efekt på din medhjelper, mens en Druids vil ha øyeblikkelig virkning. Midt i mellom disse to finner du Priest som har både "HoTS" og "Direct Healing Spells". World of Warcrafts helbrednings klasser er: Druid, Paladin, Priest og Shaman.
  • Hybrid Classes: En hybrid-klasse er en klasse som kan spesialisere seg på mange av feltene over, men likevel aldri vil mestre dem 100% uten å faktisk være den klassen den "immiterer". Hybrid-klasser har mye "Talents", eller talenter(se også spesialiteter) å ta hensyn til når de skal velge sin retning. En Druid kan ansees som den mest "heavy" hybrid-klassen i spillet siden klassens "Talents" er veldig tydlige i hva man spesialiserer seg til når man velger dem. Hybrid-klassene er: Druid, Shaman, Paladin og Death Knight.

4.1 Talents: Kilde

  • To Improve a class'existing spells or abilities.
  • To alter the functionality of existing class spells or abilities.
  • To acquire new spells and abilities.
  • To improve class skills.

Når du når level 10 så vil du få mulighet å begynne å bruke talent point til den klassen du spiller, og etter level 10 vil du få ett talent point pr level.

Hvis du ikke er fornøyd med valget av talents så må du gå til class traineren din, som holder til i de fleste byer (feks Undercity, Thunder bluff, Stormwind, Ironforge.), det vil også koste litt gold for å gjøre dette. Du vil ikke finne noen class trainers i Outland og Northrend.

Tror det stiger med 5g pr gang (max 50g) og vil gå ned 5g hvis du ikke respeccer på en måned (litt usikker på det siste)



4.2 Talent Builds:

Her vil du finne flere forslag til leveling builds og en liten fordypning innen vær klasses talent tre.

Buildene som blir postet her er ikke nødvendig den beste, men det er hvertfall et godt innblikk i hvordan en leveling build ser ut. Så kan du gjøre tweaks og slikt selv.







If you plan to respec at 50, I would recommend this as a leveling build:

Link #1

If you plan to respec at 60, I recommend this:

Link #2

  • Cat DPS: agility > strength > crit rating > AP > hit rating
  • Bear tanking: armor > stamina > agility/strength (agi and str equally in my opinion, before you can get a feral attack power weapon to take care of your bear form AP)
  • Caster healing: +heal > intellect > mp5 > spirit







Talent Build: Fire - Arcane - Frost

Rotation: <link>

Stats: Intellect - Stamina - Spirit - Spellpower - Crit Chance - Hast Rating - Hit Rating

<Mer info kommer>



Talent Build: <link>

Rotation: <link>

Stats: <link>

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Talent Build: <link>

Rotation: <link>

Stats: <link>

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Talent Build: <link>

Rotation: <link>

Stats: <link>

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Talent Build: <link>

Rotation: <link>

Stats: <link>

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Talent Build: <link>

Rotation: <link>

Stats: <link>

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Talent Build: <link>

Rotation: <link>

Stats: <link>

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Death Knight:


  • Pure Unholy Leveling 12/0/59 Some Survival, Both speed talents for mount and foot. Plenty of AoE killing power, pull more than 1 and have fun. Perma Pet.
  • Rotation: IT, PS, SS, BS, BS, DC, SS, SS, SS, DC out use DS to heal instead of an SS if needed
  • Multi-Target Rotation: (Put UB up whenever you get 40 runic power, going to leave it open and up to you to watch) IT, PS, Pest, DnD, SS, BB, BB, SS, DC out
  • Runic Dump: DC, UB
  • Rune Enchants: Fallen Crusader or Cinderglacier. Swordshattering for more Defense.
  • Instances you will DPS.



5.1 Professions: Kilde

Blir delt opp i 'primary' og 'secondary' professions.


  • Alchemy
  • Blacksmithing
  • Enchanting
  • Engineering
  • Herbalism
  • Jewelcrafting
  • Leatherworking
  • Mining
  • Tailoring
  • Skinning


  • First Aid
  • Cooking
  • Fishing

NB: Du kan bare ha to primary professions mens du kan velge alle tre secondary professions.

Vil du bytte primary profession så trykker du på Character Info --> 'Skills' --> 'Unlearn this profession'.


5.2 a) Her er en liste over yrkene som passer sammen:

Herbalism -> Alchemy

Tailoring -> Enchanting

Skinning -> Leatherworking

Mining -> Blacksmithing -> Mining -> Engineering



5.2 b) Liste over hvilken yrker som passer til de forskjellige klassene, har tenkt ut ifra hvilken yrker de vil få 'mest' nytte av:

<Ny info kommer senere>


5.2 c) Engineering:

Er vel ett av de yrkene som du vil få det morsomt med, siden tingene de kan lage kan være så mye forskjellig.

Her er noen av tingene de kan lage, som sikkert vil få deg som nykommer i WoW til å sikle etter.

Motorsykler, helikopter, våpen (tror eg), bomber, skyteskiver og støvler som får deg til å løpe i en spinnvill fart og mye mye mer.



6.1 Realm types: Kilde

Det finnes 4 forskjellige type realms, de er:

  • PvE (Normal)
  • PvP (Player vs. Player)
  • RP (Roleplaying normal)
  • RP PvP (Roleplaying Player vs. Player)

Sentence to remember: In a Player vs. Player realm, I may be attacked by other players everywhere at any time, except in friendly (green) territories and in dungeons (instances).


Sentence to remember: If I choose to play in a Role-Playing(RP) realm, I will act and speak as my character should, in the World of Warcraft setting.



7.1 Resting: Kilde

Resting går ut på at når du logger av inni en by eller en Inn så vil du få 'rest xp' som i gjengjeld gir deg ekstra xp pr mob(monster) du dreper. Rest XP vil være synlig med at XP baren din vil bli blå, og du vil finne en liten strek som viser hvor mye rest xp du har igjen.

Når du er rested så vil du få 200% experience fra det normale som er 100% experience.

Hearthstones - Ved bruk av hearthstone så vil du bli automatisk 'transportert' til der du har valgt skal være ditt 'hjem'.

Du kan velge hvor det skal være med å snakke med innkeeper i de forskjellige byene. Det er en 30 minutter cooldown ved bruk av hearthstone.



8.1 Major Cities: Kilde

Alliance Cities:

  • Stormwind
  • Ironforge
  • Darnassus
  • The Exodar

Horde Cities:

  • Orgrimmar
  • Thunder Bluff
  • The Undercity
  • Silvermoon City

Neutral Cities:

  • Shattrath
  • Dalaran

I neutral cities kan du ikke angripe eller bli angrepet av den motsatte factionen.



9.1 None-Player Character: (NPC) Kilde

Når du spiller så vil du kommer over folk som er plassert rund i verden, såkalte NPC (None-Player Character), de er der for å hjelpe deg videre i spillet med enten selge deg ting, gi deg quest eller trene dine skills og diverse andre ting.


Hvis du er i en byene og lurer på hvor feks. din class trainer holder til, eller hvor du kan få reparert utstyret ditt så se etter nærmeste vakt, som kan gi deg mer info om hvor de forskjellige trainers, merchants o.l. holder til.

Du vil se en gul pil på minimappet ditt (opp til høyre på skjermen). Det vil også bli markert på worldmap hvor i byen personene du du har fått info om holder til.


10.1 Exploring the Map: Kilde

Region Levels

I verden til World of Warcraft så er vær zone skreddersydd til en viss level.

På listen så er det noen zoner som er marker som Contested, så hvis du spiller på en PvP(RP PvP) server så vil du være sårbar imot angrip ifra den motsatte faction du spiller.

Alliance / Horde = Her er du trygg så lenge du ikke er PvP Enable


Horde PvE / Horde PvP


Alliance PvE / Alliance PvP



11.1 Reputation: Kilde

Når du gjør quest vil du få reputation og muligheten til å kanskje få kjøpe noen items eller få rabatt på reparering av gear. Du vil se i chatten når og med hvem du får reputation med når du fullfører et quest. For å se hvor mye rep du har så går du inn via Character Info --> Reputation.



12.2 Monster Basic: Kilde


Monster Level:

Each Monster has a level. Select the monster then look at their name which includes their level in two locations on the screen. Generally, it's a good idea to attack monsters below or near your level. If you fight monsters that are much higher than your level, you should be sure to have a party to help you out.

If the monster's level is listed as "??" or a skull it indicates that you cannot determine the level of the monster, but it's a LOT higher in level than you. So in other words, it's not a good idea to mess with it.


Elite Monsters

Elite Monsters are MUCH more powerful versions of the regular monsters you find. They are typically either special quest monsters, or monsters that are found inside special dungeons. They can be identified by a "+" after their level, an "Elite" tag, or when they smash you into the ground! It's not best to fight Elite monsters alone unless your character has a much higher level than the monsters. You will find this out for yourself when they attack/kill you.

Monster Aggression


There are three main types of status for monsters:

Aggressive - Red

Neutral - Yellow

Passive - Green


Red Targets - Aggressive is often referred to as "KOS" for kill-on-sight. This means that once you get near enough to the monster they will attack you. You can identify this status by the red color of the name box (target window) for the monster.

Once you become a much higher level, the monster aggro radius becomes smaller, which allows you to get much closer to them before they will attack. Aggressive monsters will always attack players that wander too near to them.


Yellow Targets - Passive monsters, such as animals like boars, will not attack you unless you first attack them. These monsters are usually liked by players because they can travel safely through them and will usually only be attacked by them when players want to be attacked. Be careful about Area of Effect Spells (AOE) such as Frost Nova, which could "wake up" one or more of these monsters.


Green Targets - You cannot attack these targets. Examples of these are party members, merchants, and most NPCs.

Patrolling vs. Stationary

Some monsters are stationary. Other monsters will patrol around. The patrolling monsters are the dangerous ones because they typically will surprise you and initiate battle when you're not expecting it. You should study the monster's patrol patterns, or keep a watch out for any nearby patrolling monsters.


Monster Aggro Radius:

Aggressive Monsters have an area around them to which they will respond if a player were to enter. Imagine an invisible circle around the monster, Once you enter that circle, the monster will "wake up" and come attack you. You can test this by walking very slowly toward a stationary aggressive monster. Once you enter their field of vision, or aggro radius, the monster will attack you. This information is very important to keep in mind. A common mistake made by newbie players is to travel around a zone and walk through pockets of monsters, waking them all up. They then end up dying or leading their party to their death.

While you play, it's very important to scan around for patrolling monsters. If a monster is patrolling near you, you need to move out of its way before it spots you. Otherwise, the monster will attack you.

If a monster is coming towards you while you're fighting something else, but hasn't spotted you, you need to lead your current monster away from the former's path. Just slowly back up while you're fighting and lead the monster away from the incoming patrolling monster. If an entire party is fighting, you will need to ask them all to move back. Alert your party to the monster's presence and have everyone back up.


Solo vs. Social:

Solo monsters will not help fellow monsters of the same type if they are attacked. An example would be a Boar that doesn't care if you attack another boar. That boar will just walk right by you as you attack his brother. Social monsters, on the other hand, will make "calls for help." When you attack one, it will call out for help. If any other monsters of the same allied network are around, they will assist each other when one of their friends is attacked. Examples of these types of monsters are Murlocs and Thieves.


Monster Hate List/History:

Once combat has begun, monsters keep track of damage being done to them and also keep track of the spells being cast. This includes healing spells, or spells that buff other party members. If the monster sees a player doing a lot of damage to them, or casting something they don't like, they will then turn and attack that player. This is fine if you want the monster to attack you; however if you're a caster you generally don't want this to happen. To counter this, you must have to have another party member do more damage to the monster, or make it angrier so the monster will attack the other party member instead of yourself. You will also need to immediately stop doing things that will make the monster angry, such as, casting more spells, or attacking the monster. Once another party member has done enough damage or made the monster angry enough to redirect it's attention, you can resume your attack on that monster. You should also be wary of casting area effect spells on a group of monsters. They can, and will, gang up on the player casting that ability. You need to make sure there is someone else around you that can attract their attention and pull them off you if you decide to cast the AOE.


Monster Claiming:

The first player or group to damage a monster will "tap" them. When the tapped monster dies, that player or group will get the experience and loot from the kill. Other players will be able to tell if a monster is tapped because its portrait will turn gray. Players are free to help kill the tapped monster, but they will receive no experience or loot from the kill. Even with help, the player or group who initially tapped the monster will gain full experience from the kill. In situations where a much higher level player helped with the kill, some of the experience reward will be reduced.

Example 1 : Level 10 player attacks level 10 monster, level 10 player helps - Player A gets full experience

Example 2 : Level 10 player attacks level 10 monster, level 30 player helps - Player A gets reduced xp

Rookie Mistakes - Max Number of Monsters

A common first mistake is trying to attack too many monsters at once. You need to determine what the maximum number of monsters you can fight at once is, and stick to that number. Otherwise, you will continually attract too many monsters that will overwhelm and kill you! Often it's good to fight one monster at a time. If you are in a large party and are more powerful than your targets, you might be able to take on two monsters at once. If your party is good with spells and knows how to use certain spells that can disable monsters (like Sleep), you might be able to take on even more monsters. The point is to figure it out what your "max number of monsters" is. Don't get your party killed because you got overconfident and took on too many monsters. As you play more, you will learn how to judge this. Experienced "Pullers" can also help you out and teach you how to do this correctly (See Parties: Pulling for more information on what a "Puller" is).


Monster Chasing:

You will likely be spending some time running away from monsters as you get accustomed to fighting in World of Warcraft. Running isn't something to be ashamed of: you should always run if you face a monster that is too powerful, or if you realize you don't have enough Health or Mana to fight the current monster. Run away! "/v flee"!

Monsters will only chase you for a specific distance before returning to their patrol area. So if you want to avoid a battle, keep running until they leave you alone. You can rotate the screen around to see behind you, as you run, to know when you can stop running.


Monster Healing:

Some monsters can heal themselves, much like how some players can. You will need to stun them, or finish them off quickly with powerful attacks before they can heal. Typically, stun abilities are the best to use for this situation.

Monster Health Regeneration

Monsters will quickly regenerate to full health if you attack them and then run far enough away. This is to prevent cheesy hit-and-run tactics.


Monster Buffs:

Like players, monsters have certain buffs they can cast on themselves to make themselves more powerful. You may discover this by watching them "buff up", or by reading the combat log and screen for results of the fight. Whenever possible, cast "Debuff" or "Dispel" on the monsters to remove their buffs. This will make the monsters easier to kill.


Monster Debuffs:

Monsters often have special attacks which will place a "Debuff" on your character. Remove them as soon as possible. There are many different spells which can do this.


Spell Casting Monsters:

Spell casting monsters, such as a mage, are very dangerous. They can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Fortunately, they are typically very weak and can be quickly killed. Attack them first, and try to stun them if possible to prevent them from casting spells.



Some monsters will run away when they are near death. You should use abilities that prevent them from moving to halt their escape. Another possible way to deal with a fleeing monster is to use a ranged direct-damage spell, such as "Fireball", to kill them off as soon as they try to run.


Sleep or Monster Disabling Abilities:

Some players have the ability to disable a monster for a limited amount of time with a spell, like "Sleep". Casters should only cast abilities, such as "Sleep", on monsters that are not currently being hit. This is because a direct hit will wake them up and waste the effect. Other members of the party should make sure that they don't wake up the sleeping or disabled monster until the time is right.


Fighting High Level Monsters:

Players will find it more difficult to fight monsters that are a good deal higher in level than they are. A player's chance to hit and damage ("glancing blows") is reduced, while the monster's chance to hit and damage ("crushing blows") is increased.


Monster Spawning:

In lower level areas, monsters will not immediately attack players as they spawn.

Other Information

Creatures will regenerate health and mana while evading. Monsters evade when they are stuck or when they cannot reach their target.



12.3 Info om chatting og forkortelser.



For å kunne snakke med andre så er det greit å kunne noen av kommandoene.


/s = Da snakker du med de som står rundt deg.

/1 = General Chat, da snakker du med alle som er i samme zone som deg selv

/2 = Trade Channel, den vil du bare kunne joine når du er i byene.

/3 = LocalDefense, her får du opp info når forskjellige zoner/byer blir angrepet.

/4 = Looking For Group (forkortet til LFG)



LFG - Looking For Group

LFM - Looking For More

WTS - Want To Sell

WTB - Want To Buy

WTT - Want To Trade

OP - OverPowered

CC - Crowd Control

BoE - Bind on Equip (Kan selges på AH, evt andre spillere)

BoP - Bind on Pickup (Item er BoP = Soulbound, som betyr at du ikke kan selge det til en annen spiller eller plassere itemet på AH)

Instance - Dungeons Link




Ironforge - IF

Stormwind - SW

Undercity - UC

Thunder Bluff - TB

Ogrimmar - OG




12.4 Linker ifra Diskusjon.no




12.5 Nyttig internettsider:





12.6 Addon sider:





12.7 Scam mail's:



Til dere nye folk som begynner, så vil jeg bare si at dere må være veldig skeptisk på 'scam mails'. Det er mail folk sender ut til folk i håp om at de skal greie å få konto informasjonen deres, ved at du trykker på en link i mailen.


Eks #1




Account Compromised‏




Account Administration Team ([email protected])


Det kan hende du ikke kjenner til denne avsenderen.Merk som sikker|Merk som søppelpost


Sendt:14. april 2009 17:15:54








An investigation of your World of Warcraft account has found strong evidence that the account in question is being sold or traded. As you may not be aware of, this conflicts with Blizzard's EULA under section 4 Paragraph B which can be found here: WoW -> Legal -> Terms of Use



The investigation will be continued by Blizzard administration to determine the action to be taken against your account. If your account is found violating the EULA and Terms of Use, your account can, and will be suspended/closed/or terminated.


In order to keep this from occurring, you should immediately verify that you are the original owner of the account.




To verify your identity please visit the following webpage:


<Link fjernet>


Only Account and Billing Management will be able to assist with account retrieval issues. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, and your continued interest in World of Warcraft.










Account and Billing Management


Blizzard Entertainment



Eks #2




Account Offense: Violation of EULA and Terms of Service - Transfer of Account Ownership


Details: An investigation of your World of Warcraft account has found strong evidence that the account in question is being sold or traded. In accordance with EULA section 4, Paragraph B, listed below:


World of Warcraft -> Legal -> End User License Agreement


and Section 8 of the Terms of Use:


Blizzard Entertainment -> Legal -> Terms of Use


A 3-hour probationary suspension is pending on this account, awaiting confirmation from a specialist. A warning has been issued. The investigation will be continued by the Account Administration team to determine the any further suspensions. If the account in question is found in violation of the EULA and Terms of Use, further action will be taken. Be aware that any additional inappropriate actions may result in the permanent closure of the account.


Thank you for respecting our position on this matter.


================================================== =======

** We suggest that you verify your legitimate ownership of the account here:


================================================== =======


Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at


Account security is solely the responsibility of the accountholder. Please be advised that in the event of a compromised account, Blizzard representatives typically must lock the account. In these cases the Account Administration team will require faxed receipt of ID materials before releasing the account for play.


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Takk til dere som kom med feedback til Guiden, og fant ting som kunne forbedre den ;-)

Endret av Léon_
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Fordel å forklare at de som vil være paladin på hordesiden må ha TBC for å ha tilgang til rasen som kan velge paladin, og de som vil være shaman som alliance det samme.


Ville også lagt inn linker til EU sine class forums, og theorycrafting og community sider som plusheal.com tankspot.com og elitistjerks.com under linker. Kan jo gjerne legge ved linker til noen guider og tips for leveling også der?


Mitt forslag er at du bruker dette som et utgangspunkt og så skriver mye mer detaljert om hver klasse, hver rase, hvordan levle, addons, professions og valg av professions som en nybegynner og litt informasjon om hver enkelt klasse. Er jo svært, svært mye du kan bygge på her med så stå på videre så blir dette helt toppers.

Lenke til kommentar

Var veldig i tvil på hvor dypt jeg skulle gå og hvor mye jeg skulle skrive om. Det jeg tenkte på i starten var å bare lage en liten guid, som kunne hjelpe nye folk i WoW til å bli litt bedre kjent før/når de begynte å spille.

Men tror jeg skal heller utdype meg litt i de forskjellige klassene også. Blir kanskje mye å skrive men resultatet kan jo bli bra.


Skal rette opp angående DK'n. Takk takk^^


Takk for alle kommentarene.

Guiden kan bare bli bedre på den måten :thumbup:

Endret av Zeüs
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  • 2 uker senere...
Ser du bruker forkortelser, men jeg ser ingen liste over forklarnger for forkortelser. Mulig jeg er blind :p Men hvis ikke, sett opp det og.

Forkortelsen man ikke skjønner døyten av er det værste som finnes!

Det står en del forkortelser i punk 12.3

Om det er noen andre du er usikker på så si ifra, så skal jeg legge de til.

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Lest igjennom litt, og det jeg har lest virker bra så langt.

Men pass på at du ikke forklarer ting med nye, ukjente begrep.

Du skriver for eksempel at man kan få titler og none-combat pets fra achievements, men ikke hva dette er.



Dessuten er professions-biten litt utdatert. Det meste man kan lage er nå BoE, så det er ingen spesiell grunn til å velge en spesiell prof., annet enn til gear mens man levler.

Som mage har tailoring igjennom hele wotlk vært blant det dårligste, men ble først nå etter siste patch bra igjen i level 80.

Lenke til kommentar
Lest igjennom litt, og det jeg har lest virker bra så langt.

Men pass på at du ikke forklarer ting med nye, ukjente begrep.

Du skriver for eksempel at man kan få titler og none-combat pets fra achievements, men ikke hva dette er.



Dessuten er professions-biten litt utdatert. Det meste man kan lage er nå BoE, så det er ingen spesiell grunn til å velge en spesiell prof., annet enn til gear mens man levler.

Som mage har tailoring igjennom hele wotlk vært blant det dårligste, men ble først nå etter siste patch bra igjen i level 80.


Takk, skal rette det og forklare bedre hva det er.


Profession delen var jeg litt usikker på, og visste ikke helt hva jeg skulle ta med.


Hele guiden er under utvikling forsatt, men måtte posten den siden kladden jeg skrev i testposter ble stengt.

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