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Falcore Den Snille

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Gid, skulle jeg ønske noen var like snill som Falcore fra RP-Serveren Moonglade.

Tråden hans ble mottat med 17 sider ros.

Tråden ga meg et smil og en tåre i øyekroken, veldig rørende.


Sakset fra WoW Europe Forumet.


"Ok so heres the story... I come from an RP realm (let the flames begin) joining a guild that centres itself around RP doesn't care if you have epics, doesn't care what level you are. Just so long if you abide by the server rules, and enjoy storytelling etc, that sorta thing, you are welcomed with open arms. (that doesnt mean we all wear robes and try to do impressions of Gandalf)


On Moonglade our guild is somewhat respected for its RP, and being a guild officer, i have to deal with a lot of requests from people to join.


A few months ago i was in STV using the neutral action house, and i recieved a whisper from someone "please cn you help me with some quests" usually i'd just tell people i'm busy, or ignore them, but he actually made the effort to spell the word "please" instead of "plz" or the ever confusing "pl0x"


So off i went, with a lvl 34 Human Warrior, and helped this fella out with a few of his red quests.. We chatted a little whilst we played, and it came to my attention that this wasn't a very old player, as he kept on having to go "becuase dad neds 2 chek the emall" he also clearly had no idea how to play, kept on pointing at random objects and saying "coooooooooool!!", and by the state of his outfit, it looked like he hit mach 2 and collided with a Dorthy Perkins store.


Anyhoo.. After a few quests, i really had to go, he was a very polite kid unlike most that play, and actually said "thank you very much" instead of "thx" but then he started asking if he could join my guild.. Now i don't wanna sound big headed, but that sort of player isn't suited for an RP guild.. Atleast not the one i'm in.. Its like a fury spec warrior wearing all green items, asking to be main tank in an MC run.. Its just a big no no.


So not to hurt his feelings, i just told him we were full at the moment, he didn't mind, and bounced off into the sunset, again thanking me.


Over the course of the next few weeks, i would recieve messages from him, just random stuff of his progress, the occasional "ding! lvl 50 :D" he wasn't one of these annoying people that you help once, and then they seem to think you're some sort of xp vendor for the remainder of there leveling process.


A few days ago i was in SW checking the AH, and some people were flaming some poor guy in the trade channel about selling an item for a high price... Afteri while i realised it was this kid that i helped out so long ago.. I didn't want to get involved and just let the flaming die down, but these idiots on the AH were just being really nasty to the poor kid, sure i know they probably didn't know his age, but still, you should be aware of that when playing games like this.


Anyway, a few hours later, i get a message from this kid "i got kicked from my guild :(" i tried to cheer him up, but it wasn't happening.. And to be honest i couldnt be arsed trying, and i was tired and logged off.


So yesterday i log on, and say my usual hellos to everyone, and go to the mailbox.. When i get there, i see this kid sitting next to the mailbox, no guild tag, people bouncing around him having fun.. And theres him, all alone, no-one paying attention to a "noob".. Now i know human race facial expressions never change, but as far as avatars go, this one looked really depressed.


So i message him asking if hes cool, and he tells me hes thinking about quitting, becuase he gets bullied alot at school, and his ex guild mates all said really horrible things to him, and that he knew some of the kids in reality, becuase they go to his school, and are beggining to bully him in school about how he plays WoW etc. We all remember how it was.. I remember i used to get bullied in school for not having any toys, or having an old version of a toy.. Imagine it now, you get bullied about it at home AND school too.


Now this kid had got himself to lvl 62 under his own steam, where as the kids that were giving him a hard time, were all about level 20 and spent the majority of there time in Goldshire asking people to raid Crossroads.


So what did i do? I took the kid shopping is what i did... Bought him his epic (ground) mount, a load of nice armour off AH, which i made sure was well colour co-ordinated AND gave him very nice stats for his level. Bought him 2 very nice rare axes (fotgotten the name) and got a guild mate to put +15 agility on each one.


I also bought him a host of accessories, fun stuff, like a mana wyrm, somedeviate delights, an Orb of deception.. yunno.. all the "coooooool" stuff.


Then i invited him to an outing to Goldshire with 6 other guild friends, to casually walk past these bullies who kicked him from the guild. I then RPed the role that he was a great warrior, and saved me from some horrific fight etc etc blah blah.. The bullies then started to flame him in general chat about "noob" things hes done, so i told them hes one of the best PVPers i have ever met, and he won his epic mount from a bet, by defeating the most powerful PVP player on our realm (whoever that is.... sorry! hehe).


After a while, these kids started to change there attitude, and actually began to beg for him to rejoin there guild.. But i told him not to.. Instead, i helped him make his own guild, i bought his tabard, helped him with his spelling etc. And also helped him recruit enough members to get his charter registered.


Fast forward to today, and i get a mail from this kid.. Except its not the kid, its his Dad, thanking me.. He said i quote


"Dear Falcore


I want to thank you for helping my son in this game, he's been so excited for days about the new things you bought him, hes also been having a tough time in school latley, and we agreed we would get him this game as an escape, although latley its turned into nothing more than another source of bullying and abuse.


Thanks to you the little chaps smiling again.


Once again, lots of thanks!"


Now all of this cost me a total of 1600g-ish. Money that i was saving for my epic flying mount... But i tell ya, putting a smile on a bullied kids face like that is worth more than every epic in the game.


Moral of the story? Helping makes you feel happy, flaming just makes you an *!*@*#%. "




Hadde alle vært like snille mot noobs, ja da WoW vært et enda bedre sted.


Orginal link I did something nice..



Jeg syns også dette kan være en mulighet for dere å dele deres historier om hvordan dere har hjulpet nybegynnere. :!:

Endret av Hansen
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Er ikke så ofte en treffer på folk som dette dessverre. Selv har jeg nok ikke gitt bort noe spesiellt men hjelper folk mest når de trenger hjelp om jeg har tid. husker jeg spillte en stund på Vek'nilasjh og der var folk utrolig trivelig til en begynnelse.

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Wow, at noe i world of warcraft kan hjelpe en liten stakkars gutt i virkligheten er bare helt utrolig. Han Falcore må være en skikkelig ordentlig person. Selv om det er i et spill, så krever det mye av en å gjøre noe slik noe.


Han skulle fått en helt egen ingame tittel eller noe spesielt.

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