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Tenkte jeg skulle kopiere inn noe om DXUT fra dokumentasjonen for DirectX SDK.

The DirectX Utility Library (DXUT) is a framework used by most of the Direct3D tutorials and samples and is built on top of the Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10 API. Its goal is to make Direct3D samples, prototypes, and tools as well as professional games more robust and easier to build. It simplifies the Windows and Direct3D APIs for typical usage.    DXUT is a layer designed to help programmers spend less time coding and debugging mundane aspects such as creating a window, creating a device, processing Windows messages, and handling device events. 

DXUT provides help with many tasks such as:

Creating a window

Choosing a Direct3D device

Creating a Direct3D device

Handling device events

Handling window events

Toggling between windowed and full-screen

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Grrr CreateDevice ligger ikke i exports til d3d9, eller i imports til programmet.


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Names in Blobs

Address Section Type ( Name Comment

00657684 .idata Import ( COMCTL32.#17

00657AA8 .idata Import ( USER32.AdjustWindowRect

00657A60 .idata Import ( USER32.CallNextHookEx

006579C4 .idata Import ( USER32.CheckDlgButton

00657A1C .idata Import ( USER32.ClipCursor

00657980 .idata Import ( USER32.CloseClipboard

006577CC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.CloseHandle

00657944 .idata Import ( SHELL32.CommandLineToArgvW

006577B4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.CompareStringA

006577EC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.CompareStringW

006576B8 .idata Import ( GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC

006578AC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.CreateFileA

00657AAC .idata Import ( USER32.CreateWindowExW

00657BA8 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCheckVersion

00657B90 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFil

00657B2C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFil

00657B8C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromRes

00657B48 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateEffect

00657B7C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateEffectFromFileW

00657B78 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateEffectFromResource

00657B80 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateFontIndirectW

00657B9C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateFontW

00657B50 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateLine

00657BA4 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateSprite

00657B98 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW

00657B38 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInM

00657B94 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateTextureFromResourc

00657B88 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromF

00657B84 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromR

00657B34 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory

00657B30 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface

00657B6C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixInverse

00657B68 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixLookAtLH

00657B74 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixMultiply

00657B64 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH

00657B3C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion

00657B44 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixRotationX

00657B58 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRo

00657BA0 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixScaling

00657B70 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXMatrixTranslation

00657B4C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXQuaternionMultiply

00657B54 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXQuaternionRotationMatrix

00657B60 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXVec3Normalize

00657B24 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXVec3Transform

00657B5C .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXVec3TransformCoord

00657B40 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXVec3TransformNormal

00657B28 .idata Import d3dx9d_33.D3DXVec4Transform

00657800 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.DebugBreak

00657A44 .idata Import ( USER32.DefWindowProcW

0065775C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.DeleteCriticalSection

006576C4 .idata Import ( GDI32.DeleteDC

006576C8 .idata Import ( GDI32.DeleteObject

00657A54 .idata Import ( USER32.DestroyAcceleratorTable

00657A34 .idata Import ( USER32.DestroyMenu

00657A38 .idata Import ( USER32.DestroyWindow

006579B8 .idata Import ( USER32.DialogBoxIndirectParamW

006579A0 .idata Import ( USER32.DispatchMessageA

00657A50 .idata Import ( USER32.DispatchMessageW

00657988 .idata Import ( USER32.EmptyClipboard

006579C0 .idata Import ( USER32.EnableWindow

006579BC .idata Import ( USER32.EndDialog

00657760 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.EnterCriticalSection

006579E8 .idata Import ( USER32.EnumDisplaySettingsW

00657754 .idata Import KERNEL32.EnumSystemLocalesA

00657854 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.ExitProcess

006577FC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.ExpandEnvironmentStringsW

00657940 .idata Import ( SHELL32.ExtractIconW

0065781C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.FatalAppExitA

00657888 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.FlushFileBuffers

0065772C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.FreeEnvironmentStringsA

00657724 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.FreeEnvironmentStringsW

00657768 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.FreeLibrary

00657828 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetACP

00657A10 .idata Import ( USER32.GetAsyncKeyState

0065797C .idata Import ( USER32.GetCaretBlinkTime

00657A04 .idata Import ( USER32.GetClassLongW

00657A80 .idata Import ( USER32.GetClientRect

00657990 .idata Import ( USER32.GetClipboardData

0065786C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCommandLineA

00657774 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCommandLineW

0065788C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetConsoleCP

00657890 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetConsoleMode

006578A4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetConsoleOutputCP

00657820 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCPInfo

006577DC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess

00657734 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcessId

006577D4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentThread

00657844 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentThreadId

00657A18 .idata Import ( USER32.GetCursorPos

00657708 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetDateFormatA

006579F8 .idata Import ( USER32.GetDC

006576C0 .idata Import ( GDI32.GetDIBits

006579D0 .idata Import ( USER32.GetDlgItem

00657728 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentStrings

00657720 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentStringsW

006577E0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetFileAttributesW

0065787C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetFileType

006579B0 .idata Import ( USER32.GetFocus

006579DC .idata Import ( USER32.GetForegroundWindow

006577E4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetFullPathNameW

006579F4 .idata Import ( USER32.GetIconInfo

0065799C .idata Import ( USER32.GetKeyboardLayout

006579A8 .idata Import ( USER32.GetKeyboardLayoutList

006579F0 .idata Import ( USER32.GetKeyState

00657778 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetLastError

00657704 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetLocaleInfoA

006577B8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetLocaleInfoW

00657A70 .idata Import ( USER32.GetMenu

006579A4 .idata Import ( USER32.GetMessageW

00657810 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA

0065777C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameW

00657858 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA

00657780 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleW

006576B4 .idata Import ( GDI32.GetObjectW

00657824 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetOEMCP

0065776C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcAddress

006577D8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcessAffinityMask

006577B0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcessHeap

00657864 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetStartupInfoA

00657878 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetStdHandle

006576CC .idata Import ( GDI32.GetStockObject

00657714 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetStringTypeA

00657710 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetStringTypeW

00657A08 .idata Import ( USER32.GetSystemMetrics

00657730 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime

00657738 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetTickCount

0065770C .idata Import KERNEL32.GetTimeFormatA

00657898 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetTimeZoneInformation

006577C0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetUserDefaultLCID

006577F8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetVersionExA

00657788 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GetVersionExW

00657A98 .idata Import ( USER32.GetWindowLongW

00657A6C .idata Import ( USER32.GetWindowPlacement

00657A84 .idata Import ( USER32.GetWindowRect

00657A94 .idata Import ( USER32.GetWindowTextW

006577A0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GlobalAlloc

00657794 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GlobalFree

0065779C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GlobalLock

00657798 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.GlobalUnlock

006577AC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.HeapAlloc

00657868 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.HeapCreate

00657804 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.HeapDestroy

006577A8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.HeapFree

00657808 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.HeapReAlloc

00657874 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.HeapValidate

00657978 .idata Import ( USER32.InflateRect

00657758 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection

0065785C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedDecrement

00657718 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedExchange

00657860 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedIncrement

00657994 .idata Import ( USER32.IntersectRect

00657870 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.IsBadReadPtr

006578B4 .idata Import KERNEL32.IsDBCSLeadByteEx

0065782C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.IsDebuggerPresent

006579C8 .idata Import ( USER32.IsDlgButtonChecked

00657A7C .idata Import ( USER32.IsIconic

00657750 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.IsValidCodePage

00657700 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.IsValidLocale

00657A8C .idata Import ( USER32.IsWindowVisible

00657A88 .idata Import ( USER32.IsZoomed

00657998 .idata Import ( USER32.keybd_event

00657744 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.LCMapStringA

00657740 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.LCMapStringW

00657764 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.LeaveCriticalSection

00657A9C .idata Import ( USER32.LoadCursorW

006579D4 .idata Import ( USER32.LoadIconW

006577BC .idata Import ( KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA

00657770 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.LoadLibraryW

006577E8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.lstrcmpW

006578A8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.lstrlenA

006577A4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.lstrlenW

006579EC .idata Import ( USER32.MessageBoxA

00657A0C .idata Import ( USER32.MessageBoxW

00475F9F .text Export <ModuleEntryPoint>

00657790 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.MultiByteToWideChar

00657A24 .idata Import ( USER32.OffsetRect

0065798C .idata Import ( USER32.OpenClipboard

006577F4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA

006577F0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringW

00657A48 .idata Import ( USER32.PeekMessageW

006579AC .idata Import ( USER32.PostMessageW

00657A40 .idata Import ( USER32.PostQuitMessage

006579CC .idata Import ( USER32.PtInRect

006577C8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.QueryPerformanceCounter

006577C4 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.QueryPerformanceFrequency

00657818 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.RaiseException

00657654 .idata Import ( ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey

00657AA0 .idata Import ( USER32.RegisterClassW

00657650 .idata Import ( ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyExW

00657648 .idata Import ( ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExW

0065764C .idata Import ( ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExW

00657A30 .idata Import ( USER32.ReleaseCapture

006579FC .idata Import ( USER32.ReleaseDC

00657884 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.RtlUnwind

00657A14 .idata Import ( USER32.ScreenToClient

006576BC .idata Import ( GDI32.SelectObject

00657A20 .idata Import ( USER32.SendMessageW

00657A28 .idata Import ( USER32.SetCapture

00657984 .idata Import ( USER32.SetClipboardData

00657814 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetConsoleCtrlHandler

00657A00 .idata Import ( USER32.SetCursor

006579E0 .idata Import ( USER32.SetCursorPos

00657A2C .idata Import ( USER32.SetDlgItemTextW

006578B8 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetEnvironmentVariableA

00657894 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetFilePointer

0065771C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetHandleCount

0065783C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetLastError

00657A68 .idata Import ( USER32.SetMenu

00657AA4 .idata Import ( USER32.SetRect

006579B4 .idata Import ( USER32.SetRectEmpty

0065789C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetStdHandle

006577D0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetThreadAffinityMask

00657784 .idata Import KERNEL32.SetThreadExecutionState

00657830 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter

00657A90 .idata Import ( USER32.SetWindowLongW

00657A74 .idata Import ( USER32.SetWindowPlacement

00657A78 .idata Import ( USER32.SetWindowPos

00657A5C .idata Import ( USER32.SetWindowsHookExW

006579D8 .idata Import ( USER32.SetWindowTextW

00657948 .idata Import ( SHELL32.ShellExecuteW

00657A64 .idata Import ( USER32.ShowWindow

0065778C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.Sleep

006579E4 .idata Import ( USER32.SystemParametersInfoA

00657AB0 .idata Import ( USER32.SystemParametersInfoW

00657838 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.TerminateProcess

0065784C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.TlsAlloc

00657840 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.TlsFree

00657850 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.TlsGetValue

00657848 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.TlsSetValue

00657A4C .idata Import ( USER32.TranslateAcceleratorW

00657AB4 .idata Import ( USER32.TranslateMessage

00657834 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilter

00657A58 .idata Import ( USER32.UnhookWindowsHookEx

00657A3C .idata Import ( USER32.UnregisterClassW

00657748 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc

0065774C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.VirtualFree

006578B0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.VirtualQuery

0065780C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte

006578A0 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.WriteConsoleA

00657880 .idata Import ( KERNEL32.WriteConsoleW

0065773C .idata Import ( KERNEL32.WriteFile



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Names in d3dx9d_3

Address Section Type ( Name Comment

00671330 .text Import msvcrt.??1type_info@@UAE@XZ

00671224 .text Import ( msvcrt.abort

006711FC .text Import msvcrt._adjust_fdiv

00671200 .text Import msvcrt._amsg_exit

0067120C .text Import ( msvcrt._assert

0067124C .text Import ( msvcrt.atof

006712C4 .text Import ( msvcrt.atoi

00671238 .text Import ( msvcrt.atol

006712A0 .text Import ( msvcrt.calloc

006712B4 .text Import msvcrt.ceil

006712E0 .text Import msvcrt._CIacos

006712D0 .text Import msvcrt._CIasin

006712C8 .text Import msvcrt._CIatan

006712DC .text Import msvcrt._CIatan2

006712CC .text Import msvcrt._CIcos

00671250 .text Import msvcrt._CIcosh

00671254 .text Import msvcrt._CIexp

006712EC .text Import msvcrt._CIfmod

006712A8 .text Import msvcrt._CIlog

00671318 .text Import msvcrt._CIpow

006712D8 .text Import msvcrt._CIsin

00671258 .text Import msvcrt._CIsinh

0067130C .text Import msvcrt._CIsqrt

0067125C .text Import msvcrt._CItan

00671260 .text Import msvcrt._CItanh

006712B8 .text Import ( msvcrt._clearfp

00671124 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CloseHandle

006710B4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CompareStringA

006712BC .text Import ( msvcrt._controlfp

00671060 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC

00671024 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateDIBSection

00671134 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateFileA

00671094 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateFileMappingA

006710B8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateFileW

00671050 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateFontIndirectA

00671054 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateFontIndirectW

00671198 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateMutexA

00671334 .text Import msvcrt.__CxxFrameHandler

0067132C .text Import msvcrt._CxxThrowException

007CA007 .text Export D3DXAssembleShader

007C9AB1 .text Export D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileA

007C9C03 .text Export D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileW

007C9D56 .text Export D3DXAssembleShaderFromResourceA

007C9EAE .text Export D3DXAssembleShaderFromResourceW

0072D70B .text Export D3DXBoxBoundProbe

007ACAF2 .text Export D3DXCheckCubeTextureRequirements

007ACAC6 .text Export D3DXCheckTextureRequirements

006FEBC0 .text Export D3DXCheckVersion

007ACB1E .text Export D3DXCheckVolumeTextureRequirements

0072FBA0 .text Export D3DXCleanMesh

0071A250 .text Export D3DXColorAdjustContrast

0071A1D3 .text Export D3DXColorAdjustSaturation

007CA8B6 .text Export D3DXCompileShader

007CA15E .text Export D3DXCompileShaderFromFileA

007CA32F .text Export D3DXCompileShaderFromFileW

007CA501 .text Export D3DXCompileShaderFromResourceA

007CA6DB .text Export D3DXCompileShaderFromResourceW

0073138B .text Export D3DXComputeBoundingBox

0073122C .text Export D3DXComputeBoundingSphere

008D2395 .text Export D3DXComputeIMTFromPerTexelSignal

008D0C3F .text Export D3DXComputeIMTFromPerVertexSignal

008D0F91 .text Export D3DXComputeIMTFromSignal

008D1EF3 .text Export D3DXComputeIMTFromTexture

007ADD5C .text Export D3DXComputeNormalMap

0075CFE6 .text Export D3DXComputeNormals

0075D07B .text Export D3DXComputeTangent

0075D175 .text Export D3DXComputeTangentFrame

0075D1C0 .text Export D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx

00870113 .text Export D3DXConcatenateMeshes

0075E1CF .text Export D3DXConvertMeshSubsetToSingleStrip

0075E226 .text Export D3DXConvertMeshSubsetToStrips

0070ED9A .text Export D3DXCreateAnimationController

007A81E6 .text Export D3DXCreateBox

006FF73F .text Export D3DXCreateBuffer

0070F725 .text Export D3DXCreateCompressedAnimationSet

007ACC21 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTexture

007B0BC3 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileA

007B05BA .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileExA

007B0623 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileExW

007B0768 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileInMemory

007AFE47 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileInMemoryE

007B0C2D .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileW

007B0C97 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromResourceA

007B068C .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromResourceExA

007B06FA .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromResourceExW

007B0D04 .text Export D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromResourceW

007A8F85 .text Export D3DXCreateCylinder

007DAFAA .text Export D3DXCreateEffect

007D9EDA .text Export D3DXCreateEffectCompiler

007D953A .text Export D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromFileA

007D97AE .text Export D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromFileW

007D9A0E .text Export D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromResourceA

007D9C74 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromResourceW

007DACF7 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectEx

007DAEF0 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromFileA

007DA143 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromFileExA

007DA418 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromFileExW

007DAF1D .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromFileW

007DAF4A .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromResourceA

007DA838 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromResourceExA

007DAA96 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromResourceExW

007DAF7A .text Export D3DXCreateEffectFromResourceW

007D94D8 .text Export D3DXCreateEffectPool

006FF202 .text Export D3DXCreateFontA

006FEF4A .text Export D3DXCreateFontIndirectA

006FECC2 .text Export D3DXCreateFontIndirectW

006FF296 .text Export D3DXCreateFontW

00852BF2 .text Export D3DXCreateFragmentLinker

007125C8 .text Export D3DXCreateKeyframedAnimationSet

006FF105 .text Export D3DXCreateLine

0071D45E .text Export D3DXCreateMatrixStack

0074E068 .text Export D3DXCreateMesh

00751216 .text Export D3DXCreateMeshFVF

00760E29 .text Export D3DXCreateNPatchMesh

00760C78 .text Export D3DXCreatePatchMesh

0076678B .text Export D3DXCreatePMeshFromStream

007A8A0F .text Export D3DXCreatePolygon

00872BBE .text Export D3DXCreatePRTBuffer

00872C3D .text Export D3DXCreatePRTBufferTex

00873E8F .text Export D3DXCreatePRTCompBuffer

00877D20 .text Export D3DXCreatePRTEngine

006FF064 .text Export D3DXCreateRenderToEnvMap

006FEFC6 .text Export D3DXCreateRenderToSurface

00740759 .text Export D3DXCreateSkinInfo

0074086C .text Export D3DXCreateSkinInfoFromBlendedMesh

0074081B .text Export D3DXCreateSkinInfoFVF

007A9488 .text Export D3DXCreateSphere

0075922A .text Export D3DXCreateSPMesh

006FEEB8 .text Export D3DXCreateSprite

007A87CB .text Export D3DXCreateTeapot

007AB0AF .text Export D3DXCreateTextA

007ACB4B .text Export D3DXCreateTexture

007B0A11 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromFileA

007B038E .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExA

007B03FA .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW

007B0548 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory

007AFE03 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx

007B0A7C .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromFileW

007B0AE7 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromResourceA

007B0466 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromResourceExA

007B04D7 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromResourceExW

007B0B55 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureFromResourceW

0087DDF7 .text Export D3DXCreateTextureGutterHelper

007CBEBF .text Export D3DXCreateTextureShader

007AB159 .text Export D3DXCreateTextW

007A85C2 .text Export D3DXCreateTorus

007ACCF0 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTexture

007B0D71 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileA

007B07DA .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileExA

007B0849 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileExW

007B09A0 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileInMemor

007AFE8B .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileInMemor

007B0DDD .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromFileW

007B0E49 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromResourceA

007B08B8 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromResourceExA

007B092C .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromResourceExW

007B0EB8 .text Export D3DXCreateVolumeTextureFromResourceW

006FF8BE .text Export D3DXDebugMute

00737B43 .text Export D3DXDeclaratorFromFVF

007D06FA .text Export D3DXDisassembleEffect

007D06B2 .text Export D3DXDisassembleShader

008A28C9 .text Export D3DXFileCreate

007AD006 .text Export D3DXFillCubeTexture

007ADCCA .text Export D3DXFillCubeTextureTX

007ACDD0 .text Export D3DXFillTexture

007ADCAF .text Export D3DXFillTextureTX

007AD785 .text Export D3DXFillVolumeTexture

007ADCE5 .text Export D3DXFillVolumeTextureTX

007AEEDC .text Export D3DXFilterTexture

007CABE9 .text Export D3DXFindShaderComment

00716443 .text Export D3DXFloat16To32Array

0071635E .text Export D3DXFloat32To16Array

0071319B .text Export D3DXFrameAppendChild

00714E7C .text Export D3DXFrameCalculateBoundingSphere

007130FB .text Export D3DXFrameDestroy

007131DD .text Export D3DXFrameFind

007132DC .text Export D3DXFrameNumNamedMatrices

0071326B .text Export D3DXFrameRegisterNamedMatrices

0071A2A5 .text Export D3DXFresnelTerm

007318A5 .text Export D3DXFVFFromDeclarator

007CCF02 .text Export D3DXGatherFragments

007CCCA0 .text Export D3DXGatherFragmentsFromFileA

007CCD37 .text Export D3DXGatherFragmentsFromFileW

007CCDCE .text Export D3DXGatherFragmentsFromResourceA

007CCE68 .text Export D3DXGatherFragmentsFromResourceW

00767350 .text Export D3DXGenerateOutputDecl

007593A8 .text Export D3DXGeneratePMesh

00731AFE .text Export D3DXGetDeclLength

007315B9 .text Export D3DXGetDeclVertexSize

006FEBE8 .text Export D3DXGetDriverLevel

007314C5 .text Export D3DXGetFVFVertexSize

007AE7CA .text Export D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileA

007AC105 .text Export D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileInMemory

007AE812 .text Export D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileW

007AE85A .text Export D3DXGetImageInfoFromResourceA

007AE8A7 .text Export D3DXGetImageInfoFromResourceW

007CAA94 .text Export D3DXGetPixelShaderProfile

007CBE25 .text Export D3DXGetShaderConstantTable

007CAD8A .text Export D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics

007CB181 .text Export D3DXGetShaderOutputSemantics

007CB4DB .text Export D3DXGetShaderSamplers

007CACF0 .text Export D3DXGetShaderSize

007CAD73 .text Export D3DXGetShaderVersion

007CAB63 .text Export D3DXGetVertexShaderProfile

0072E60E .text Export D3DXIntersect

0072E673 .text Export D3DXIntersectSubset

0072DA60 .text Export D3DXIntersectTri

007671C8 .text Export D3DXLoadMeshFromXA

0076726F .text Export D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory

00766756 .text Export D3DXLoadMeshFromXof

007672DC .text Export D3DXLoadMeshFromXResource

0076721B .text Export D3DXLoadMeshFromXW

00714A5B .text Export D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromXA

00714961 .text Export D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromXInMemory

007149ED .text Export D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromXW

007610A0 .text Export D3DXLoadPatchMeshFromXof

00872CBF .text Export D3DXLoadPRTBufferFromFileA

00872EA9 .text Export D3DXLoadPRTBufferFromFileW

00873F12 .text Export D3DXLoadPRTCompBufferFromFileA

008740EB .text Export D3DXLoadPRTCompBufferFromFileW

00766A68 .text Export D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof

007AF1F9 .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFileA

007AE8F4 .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFileInMemory

007AF253 .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFileW

007AC145 .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromMemory

007AF2AD .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromResourceA

007AF30C .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromResourceW

007AE9FA .text Export D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface

007AF36B .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromFileA

007AEC77 .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromFileInMemory

007AF3C5 .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromFileW

007AC402 .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromMemory

007AF41F .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromResourceA

007AF47E .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromResourceW

007AED82 .text Export D3DXLoadVolumeFromVolume

007186B2 .text Export D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation

007187E7 .text Export D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation2D

00717616 .text Export D3DXMatrixDecompose

00717514 .text Export D3DXMatrixDeterminant

00717C02 .text Export D3DXMatrixInverse

0071C428 .text Export D3DXMatrixLookAtLH

0071C290 .text Export D3DXMatrixLookAtRH

00717639 .text Export D3DXMatrixMultiply

00717986 .text Export D3DXMatrixMultiplyTranspose

00718E83 .text Export D3DXMatrixOrthoLH

00719022 .text Export D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH

00718F34 .text Export D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterRH

00718DD8 .text Export D3DXMatrixOrthoRH

00718B19 .text Export D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH

00718A36 .text Export D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH

0071898B .text Export D3DXMatrixPerspectiveLH

00718CE8 .text Export D3DXMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH

00718BFA .text Export D3DXMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH

007188DA .text Export D3DXMatrixPerspectiveRH

0071914D .text Export D3DXMatrixReflect

00718373 .text Export D3DXMatrixRotationAxis

007184BE .text Export D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion

00718170 .text Export D3DXMatrixRotationX

0071821A .text Export D3DXMatrixRotationY

00718613 .text Export D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll

007182C6 .text Export D3DXMatrixRotationZ

0071805E .text Export D3DXMatrixScaling

0071912A .text Export D3DXMatrixShadow

00718636 .text Export D3DXMatrixTransformation

00718679 .text Export D3DXMatrixTransformation2D

007180EF .text Export D3DXMatrixTranslation

007178B5 .text Export D3DXMatrixTranspose

007512AF .text Export D3DXOptimizeFaces

0073823C .text Export D3DXOptimizeVertices

00719E69 .text Export D3DXPlaneFromPointNormal

00719EE2 .text Export D3DXPlaneFromPoints

00719D70 .text Export D3DXPlaneIntersectLine

00719C87 .text Export D3DXPlaneNormalize

00719FE2 .text Export D3DXPlaneTransform

0071A0CA .text Export D3DXPlaneTransformArray

007CBD89 .text Export D3DXPreprocessShader

007CBB19 .text Export D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFileA

007CBBB3 .text Export D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFileW

007CBC4E .text Export D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResourceA

007CBCEB .text Export D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResourceW

00719BB3 .text Export D3DXQuaternionBaryCentric

00719825 .text Export D3DXQuaternionExp

0071966C .text Export D3DXQuaternionInverse

0071975D .text Export D3DXQuaternionLn

00719568 .text Export D3DXQuaternionMultiply

00719649 .text Export D3DXQuaternionNormalize

007193A9 .text Export D3DXQuaternionRotationAxis

007191DA .text Export D3DXQuaternionRotationMatrix

0071945C .text Export D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll

00719920 .text Export D3DXQuaternionSlerp

00719AC8 .text Export D3DXQuaternionSquad

00719B72 .text Export D3DXQuaternionSquadSetup

00719170 .text Export D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle

00767430 .text Export D3DXRectPatchSize

00715F3D .text Export D3DXSaveMeshHierarchyToFileA

00715F61 .text Export D3DXSaveMeshHierarchyToFileW

00764E0D .text Export D3DXSaveMeshToXA

00764E3A .text Export D3DXSaveMeshToXW

00871EDD .text Export D3DXSavePRTBufferToFileA

0087203E .text Export D3DXSavePRTBufferToFileW

008734AF .text Export D3DXSavePRTCompBufferToFileA

00873625 .text Export D3DXSavePRTCompBufferToFileW

007AC396 .text Export D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileA

007AC3DE .text Export D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileInMemory

007AC3BA .text Export D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileW

007B032B .text Export D3DXSaveTextureToFileA

007B036D .text Export D3DXSaveTextureToFileInMemory

007B034C .text Export D3DXSaveTextureToFileW

007AC640 .text Export D3DXSaveVolumeToFileA

007AC688 .text Export D3DXSaveVolumeToFileInMemory

007AC664 .text Export D3DXSaveVolumeToFileW

0072045D .text Export D3DXSHAdd

007204E6 .text Export D3DXSHDot

0072C598 .text Export D3DXSHEvalConeLight

0071FBDD .text Export D3DXSHEvalDirection

0072B832 .text Export D3DXSHEvalDirectionalLight

0072B968 .text Export D3DXSHEvalHemisphereLight

0072C091 .text Export D3DXSHEvalSphericalLight

0072056C .text Export D3DXSHMultiply2

00720650 .text Export D3DXSHMultiply3

00720AE7 .text Export D3DXSHMultiply4

00721A81 .text Export D3DXSHMultiply5

0072491B .text Export D3DXSHMultiply6

007B0F27 .text Export D3DXSHProjectCubeMap

008804C9 .text Export D3DXSHPRTCompSplitMeshSC

008802D0 .text Export D3DXSHPRTCompSuperCluster

0072BC23 .text Export D3DXSHRotate

0071FCF7 .text Export D3DXSHRotateZ

007203E8 .text Export D3DXSHScale

007594BB .text Export D3DXSimplifyMesh

0072D60A .text Export D3DXSphereBoundProbe

0074E1D7 .text Export D3DXSplitMesh

007A4D2C .text Export D3DXTessellateNPatches

0079F8F6 .text Export D3DXTessellateRectPatch

0079F60C .text Export D3DXTessellateTriPatch

00767513 .text Export D3DXTriPatchSize

008D0B0D .text Export D3DXUVAtlasCreate

008D0ACC .text Export D3DXUVAtlasPack

008D0A6C .text Export D3DXUVAtlasPartition

0072FB56 .text Export D3DXValidMesh

0075F0B5 .text Export D3DXValidPatchMesh

007167AF .text Export D3DXVec2BaryCentric

0071667B .text Export D3DXVec2CatmullRom

00716562 .text Export D3DXVec2Hermite

00716526 .text Export D3DXVec2Normalize

00716830 .text Export D3DXVec2Transform

00716853 .text Export D3DXVec2TransformArray

00716876 .text Export D3DXVec2TransformCoord

00716899 .text Export D3DXVec2TransformCoordArray

007168BC .text Export D3DXVec2TransformNormal

007168DF .text Export D3DXVec2TransformNormalArray

00716BCF .text Export D3DXVec3BaryCentric

00716A78 .text Export D3DXVec3CatmullRom

0071693E .text Export D3DXVec3Hermite

00716902 .text Export D3DXVec3Normalize

00716D3C .text Export D3DXVec3Project

00716D5F .text Export D3DXVec3ProjectArray

00716C6A .text Export D3DXVec3Transform

00716C8D .text Export D3DXVec3TransformArray

00716CB0 .text Export D3DXVec3TransformCoord

00716CD3 .text Export D3DXVec3TransformCoordArray

00716CF6 .text Export D3DXVec3TransformNormal

00716D19 .text Export D3DXVec3TransformNormalArray

00716D82 .text Export D3DXVec3Unproject

00716DA5 .text Export D3DXVec3UnprojectArray

00717240 .text Export D3DXVec4BaryCentric

007170A8 .text Export D3DXVec4CatmullRom

00716DC8 .text Export D3DXVec4Cross

00716F33 .text Export D3DXVec4Hermite

00716EF7 .text Export D3DXVec4Normalize

0071730B .text Export D3DXVec4Transform

007173F3 .text Export D3DXVec4TransformArray

00737E3E .text Export D3DXWeldVertices

0067116C .text Import ( KERNEL32.DebugBreak

00671154 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DeleteCriticalSection

00671028 .text Import ( GDI32.DeleteDC

006710F0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DeleteFileA

00671088 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DeleteFileW

0067102C .text Import ( GDI32.DeleteObject

00671150 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DisableThreadLibraryCalls

006711F4 .text Import msvcrt.__dllonexit

00671168 .text Import ( KERNEL32.EnterCriticalSection

00671234 .text Import ( msvcrt.exit

00671130 .text Import ( KERNEL32.ExpandEnvironmentStringsA

00671064 .text Import ( GDI32.ExtTextOutA

0067106C .text Import ( GDI32.ExtTextOutW

0067111C .text Import ( KERNEL32.FatalAppExitA

0067121C .text Import ( msvcrt.fflush

006710A0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.FindResourceA

006711CC .text Import ( KERNEL32.FindResourceW

006712D4 .text Import msvcrt._finite

00671278 .text Import msvcrt.floor

006710C0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.FormatMessageA

00671264 .text Import msvcrt._fpclass

00671218 .text Import ( msvcrt.fread

00671338 .text Import ( msvcrt.free

00671114 .text Import ( KERNEL32.FreeLibrary

006710B0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.FreeResource

0067129C .text Import msvcrt.frexp

00671220 .text Import ( msvcrt.fwrite

00671108 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetACP

00671034 .text Import ( GDI32.GetCharacterPlacementA

00671038 .text Import ( GDI32.GetCharacterPlacementW

00671074 .text Import ( GDI32.GetCurrentObject

006711BC .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess

006711B0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcessId

006711AC .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentThreadId

006710F4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentVariableA

00671090 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetFileSize

006710D8 .text Import KERNEL32.GetFileSizeEx

0067104C .text Import ( GDI32.GetFontLanguageInfo

006710DC .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetFullPathNameA

00671080 .text Import ( GDI32.GetGlyphOutlineA

0067107C .text Import ( GDI32.GetGlyphOutlineW

006710BC .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetLastError

0067119C .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA

0067115C .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA

00671018 .text Import ( GDI32.GetObjectA

0067101C .text Import ( GDI32.GetObjectW

00671078 .text Import ( GDI32.GetOutlineTextMetricsA

00671164 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcAddress

00671144 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcessHeap

00671120 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetProfileIntA

0067113C .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetSystemInfo

006711B4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime

006710E8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetTempFileNameA

00671178 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetTempFileNameW

006710E4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetTempPathA

00671020 .text Import ( GDI32.GetTextMetricsA

00671048 .text Import ( GDI32.GetTextMetricsW

006711A8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetTickCount

00671138 .text Import KERNEL32.GetVersion

00671118 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetVersionExA

0067117C .text Import ( KERNEL32.GlobalMemoryStatus

0067114C .text Import ( KERNEL32.HeapAlloc

00671148 .text Import ( KERNEL32.HeapFree

00671158 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection

00671204 .text Import msvcrt._initterm

006710C8 .text Import KERNEL32.InterlockedCompareExchange

006710F8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedDecrement

006710D0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedExchange

006711D8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedIncrement

00671268 .text Import ( msvcrt.isalnum

0067126C .text Import ( msvcrt.isalpha

00671184 .text Import ( KERNEL32.IsBadCodePtr

00671188 .text Import ( KERNEL32.IsBadReadPtr

0067118C .text Import ( KERNEL32.IsBadWritePtr

006710E0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.IsDBCSLeadByte

0067128C .text Import ( msvcrt.isdigit

006712C0 .text Import msvcrt._isnan

00671100 .text Import KERNEL32.IsProcessorFeaturePresent

00671288 .text Import ( msvcrt.isspace

00671300 .text Import ( msvcrt.iswalpha

00671304 .text Import ( msvcrt.iswdigit

00671308 .text Import ( msvcrt.iswpunct

006712FC .text Import ( msvcrt.iswspace

00671248 .text Import ( msvcrt.isxdigit

00671298 .text Import msvcrt.ldexp

00671170 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LeaveCriticalSection

00671160 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA

006710A4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LoadResource

006710C4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LocalFree

006711F0 .text Import msvcrt._lock

006710A8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LockResource

00671294 .text Import ( msvcrt.longjmp

006710D4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.lstrcmpiA

0067133C .text Import ( msvcrt.malloc

00671098 .text Import ( KERNEL32.MapViewOfFile

00671310 .text Import ( msvcrt.memcpy

006712E4 .text Import ( msvcrt.memmove

00671314 .text Import ( msvcrt.memset

006711E0 .text Import ( USER32.MessageBoxA

006712F8 .text Import msvcrt.modf

00918715 .text Export <ModuleEntryPoint>

006710FC .text Import ( KERNEL32.MoveFileA

00671174 .text Import ( KERNEL32.MoveFileW

00671068 .text Import ( GDI32.MoveToEx

00671110 .text Import ( KERNEL32.MultiByteToWideChar

006711EC .text Import ( msvcrt._onexit

0067112C .text Import ( KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA

006712F0 .text Import msvcrt._purecall

006712E8 .text Import ( msvcrt.qsort

006711A4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.QueryPerformanceCounter

00671244 .text Import ( msvcrt.rand

006710EC .text Import ( KERNEL32.ReadFile

006712A4 .text Import ( msvcrt.realloc

00671010 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey

00671008 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegEnumKeyExA

00671004 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyA

0067100C .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyExA

00671000 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA

00671194 .text Import ( KERNEL32.ReleaseMutex

006711A0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.RtlUnwind

00671030 .text Import ( GDI32.SelectObject

00671040 .text Import ( GDI32.SetBkColor

00671044 .text Import ( GDI32.SetBkMode

00671180 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetEndOfFile

0067108C .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetFilePointer

00671290 .text Import msvcrt._setjmp3

006712AC .text Import ( msvcrt.setlocale

0067105C .text Import ( GDI32.SetMapMode

00671058 .text Import ( GDI32.SetTextAlign

0067103C .text Import ( GDI32.SetTextColor

006711C4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter

006710AC .text Import ( KERNEL32.SizeofResource

006710CC .text Import ( KERNEL32.Sleep

00671228 .text Import ( msvcrt.sprintf

00671210 .text Import ( msvcrt.srand

00671284 .text Import ( msvcrt.sscanf

0067131C .text Import ( msvcrt.strchr

00671280 .text Import msvcrt._strdate

006712B0 .text Import ( msvcrt._strdup

006712F4 .text Import ( msvcrt._stricmp

00671324 .text Import ( msvcrt.strncmp

0067122C .text Import ( msvcrt.strncpy

00671328 .text Import ( msvcrt._strnicmp

0067127C .text Import msvcrt._strtime

00671214 .text Import ( msvcrt.strtod

00671230 .text Import ( msvcrt._tempnam

006711E8 .text Import msvcrt.?terminate@@YAXXZ

006711B8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TerminateProcess

006711D4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TlsAlloc

006711C8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TlsGetValue

006711D0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TlsSetValue

00671274 .text Import ( msvcrt.tolower

00671270 .text Import ( msvcrt.toupper

00671070 .text Import ( GDI32.TranslateCharsetInfo

0067123C .text Import ( msvcrt._ultoa

006711C0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilter

006711F8 .text Import msvcrt._unlock

0067109C .text Import ( KERNEL32.UnmapViewOfFile

00671140 .text Import ( KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc

00671104 .text Import ( KERNEL32.VirtualFree

00671320 .text Import ( msvcrt._vsnprintf

00671190 .text Import ( KERNEL32.WaitForSingleObject

00671240 .text Import ( msvcrt.wcstombs

0067110C .text Import ( KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte

00671128 .text Import ( KERNEL32.WriteFile

00671208 .text Import msvcrt._XcptFilter


d3d9 (to filer i minne litt forskjellig versjon):


Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

Names in d3d9

Address Section Type ( Name Comment

4FDD13F4 .text Import msvcrt.??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z

4FDD1404 .text Import msvcrt.??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z

4FDD1414 .text Import msvcrt.??0exception@@QAE@XZ

4FDD13F8 .text Import msvcrt.??1exception@@UAE@XZ

4FDD1394 .text Import msvcrt.??1type_info@@UAE@XZ

4FDD102C .text Import ADVAPI32.AddAccessAllowedAce

4FDD1398 .text Import msvcrt._adjust_fdiv

4FDD13C8 .text Import ( msvcrt.atoi

4FDD1088 .text Import ( GDI32.BitBlt

4FDD141C .text Import ( msvcrt.calloc

4FDD1264 .text Import ( USER32.CallWindowProcA

4FDD13CC .text Import msvcrt.ceil

4FDD1298 .text Import ( USER32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA

4FDF5DB0 .text Export CheckFullscreen

4FDD13DC .text Import msvcrt._CIpow

4FDD1220 .text Import ( USER32.ClientToScreen

4FDD124C .text Import ( USER32.CloseDesktop

4FDD1138 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CloseHandle

4FDD116C .text Import KERNEL32.ConnectNamedPipe

4FDD106C .text Import ( GDI32.CreateCompatibleBitmap

4FDD107C .text Import ( GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC

4FDD1050 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateDCA

4FDD1094 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateDIBitmap

4FDD1078 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateDIBSection

4FDD10EC .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateEventA

4FDD1144 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateFileA

4FDD120C .text Import ( USER32.CreateIconIndirect

4FDD11D8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateMutexA

4FDD118C .text Import KERNEL32.CreateNamedPipeA

4FDD1064 .text Import ( GDI32.CreateRectRgn

4FDD112C .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateSemaphoreA

4FDD10F0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.CreateThread

4FDD13E0 .text Import msvcrt.__CxxFrameHandler

4FDD1420 .text Import msvcrt._CxxThrowException

4FDF6A30 .text Export D3DPERF_BeginEvent

4FDF6A90 .text Export D3DPERF_EndEvent

4FDF6C70 .text Export D3DPERF_GetStatus

4FDF6BB0 .text Export D3DPERF_QueryRepeatFrame

4FDF6AF0 .text Export D3DPERF_SetMarker

4FDF6C10 .text Export D3DPERF_SetOptions

4FDF6B50 .text Export D3DPERF_SetRegion

4FDD1110 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DebugBreak

4FDFB030 .text Export DebugSetLevel

4FDFAFD0 .text Export DebugSetMute

4FDD127C .text Import ( USER32.DefWindowProcA

4FDD11A4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DeleteCriticalSection

4FDD1048 .text Import ( GDI32.DeleteDC

4FDD1158 .text Import ( KERNEL32.DeleteFileA

4FDD105C .text Import ( GDI32.DeleteObject

4FDD1200 .text Import ( USER32.DestroyIcon

4FDFAED0 .text Export Direct3DCreate9

4FE2F9B0 .text Export Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9

4FDD11DC .text Import ( KERNEL32.DisableThreadLibraryCalls

4FDD1174 .text Import KERNEL32.DisconnectNamedPipe

4FDD1388 .text Import msvcrt.__dllonexit

4FDD1128 .text Import ( KERNEL32.EnterCriticalSection

4FDD1224 .text Import ( USER32.EnumDisplaySettingsA

4FDD138C .text Import ( msvcrt._except_handler3

4FDD10F4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.ExitThread

4FDD1418 .text Import ( msvcrt.fclose

4FDD13FC .text Import ( msvcrt.fflush

4FDD13D8 .text Import msvcrt.floor

4FDD1178 .text Import ( KERNEL32.FlushFileBuffers

4FDD1408 .text Import ( msvcrt.fopen

4FDD13A8 .text Import ( msvcrt.free

4FDD11AC .text Import ( KERNEL32.FreeLibrary

4FDD13E4 .text Import msvcrt._ftol

4FDD1400 .text Import ( msvcrt.fwrite

4FDD108C .text Import GDI32.GdiEntry1

4FDD1054 .text Import GDI32.GdiEntry13

4FDD121C .text Import ( USER32.GetClientRect

4FDD111C .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess

4FDD11E0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcessId

4FDD10C4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentThread

4FDD1194 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetCurrentThreadId

4FDD11F8 .text Import ( USER32.GetCursor

4FDD11F0 .text Import ( USER32.GetCursorPos

4FDD123C .text Import ( USER32.GetDC

4FDD1204 .text Import ( USER32.GetDesktopWindow

4FDD1098 .text Import ( GDI32.GetDeviceCaps

4FDD1070 .text Import ( GDI32.GetDeviceGammaRamp

4FDD1068 .text Import ( GDI32.GetDIBits

4FDD10E4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentVariableA

4FDD1160 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetFileSize

4FDD12A8 .text Import ( VERSION.GetFileVersionInfoA

4FDD12AC .text Import ( VERSION.GetFileVersionInfoSizeA

4FDD1284 .text Import ( USER32.GetForegroundWindow

4FDD1278 .text Import ( USER32.GetKeyState

4FDD119C .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetLastError

4FDD1024 .text Import ADVAPI32.GetLengthSid

4FDD1164 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA

4FDD11C8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA

4FDD1238 .text Import USER32.GetMonitorInfoA

4FDD104C .text Import ( GDI32.GetNearestColor

4FDD1168 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetPrivateProfileStringA

4FDD11B0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcAddress

4FDD10D4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetProcessAffinityMask

4FDD1060 .text Import ( GDI32.GetRandomRgn

4FDD1058 .text Import ( GDI32.GetRegionData

4FDD1018 .text Import ADVAPI32.GetSidLengthRequired

4FDD1020 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.GetSidSubAuthority

4FDD11C4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetSystemDirectoryA

4FDD1190 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetSystemInfo

4FDD1230 .text Import ( USER32.GetSystemMetrics

4FDD1090 .text Import ( GDI32.GetSystemPaletteEntries

4FDD1124 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime

4FDD10D8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetTempPathA

4FDD1250 .text Import ( USER32.GetThreadDesktop

4FDD10AC .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetTickCount

4FDD1248 .text Import ( USER32.GetUserObjectInformationA

4FDD1140 .text Import ( KERNEL32.GetVersionExA

4FDD1208 .text Import ( USER32.GetWindowDC

4FDD1274 .text Import ( USER32.GetWindowLongA

4FDD1258 .text Import ( USER32.GetWindowThreadProcessId

4FDD1028 .text Import ADVAPI32.InitializeAcl

4FDD11A8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection

4FDD1030 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.InitializeSecurityDescriptor

4FDD101C .text Import ADVAPI32.InitializeSid

4FDD139C .text Import msvcrt._initterm

4FDD11E4 .text Import KERNEL32.InterlockedCompareExchange

4FDD11C0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedDecrement

4FDD11B8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedExchange

4FDD11A0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.InterlockedIncrement

4FDD122C .text Import ( USER32.IntersectRect

4FDD13B4 .text Import ( msvcrt.isalnum

4FDD126C .text Import ( USER32.IsIconic

4FDD110C .text Import KERNEL32.IsProcessorFeaturePresent

4FDD1254 .text Import ( USER32.IsWindow

4FDD1288 .text Import ( USER32.IsWindowVisible

4FDD1290 .text Import ( USER32.IsZoomed

4FDD125C .text Import ( USER32.KillTimer

4FDD10C0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LeaveCriticalSection

4FDD11B4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA

4FDD1234 .text Import ( USER32.LoadStringA

4FDD10B4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LocalAlloc

4FDD10B0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.LocalFree

4FDD1198 .text Import ( KERNEL32.lstrcmpA

4FDD11CC .text Import ( KERNEL32.lstrcpynA

4FDD13AC .text Import ( msvcrt.malloc

4FDD13A0 .text Import ( msvcrt.memmove

4FE4F772 .text Export <ModuleEntryPoint>

4FDD1210 .text Import ( USER32.mouse_event

4FDD1154 .text Import ( KERNEL32.MoveFileA

4FDD1148 .text Import ( KERNEL32.MultiByteToWideChar

4FDD1228 .text Import ( USER32.OffsetRect

4FDD1384 .text Import ( msvcrt._onexit

4FDD12A0 .text Import ( USER32.OpenInputDesktop

4FDD11D4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.OpenMutexA

4FDD12E4 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkD3dContextCreate

4FDD12E8 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkD3dContextDestroy

4FDD12EC .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkD3dContextDestroyAll

4FDD12F8 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkD3dDrawPrimitives2

4FDD12F4 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkD3dValidateTextureStage

4FDD12D4 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdAttachSurface

4FDD1328 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdBeginMoCompFrame

4FDD1304 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdBlt

4FDD12E0 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCanCreateD3DBuffer

4FDD12DC .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCanCreateSurface

4FDD12D0 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCreateD3DBuffer

4FDD1330 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCreateMoComp

4FDD12CC .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCreateSurface

4FDD12C8 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCreateSurfaceEx

4FDD12D8 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdCreateSurfaceObject

4FDD1314 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdDeleteDirectDrawObjec

4FDD1374 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdDeleteSurfaceObject

4FDD137C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdDestroyD3DBuffer

4FDD132C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdDestroyMoComp

4FDD1378 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdDestroySurface

4FDD1324 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdEndMoCompFrame

4FDD130C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdFlip

4FDD1348 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdFlipToGDISurface

4FDD1344 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetAvailDriverMemory

4FDD1358 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetBltStatus

4FDD1310 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetDC

4FDD1318 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetDriverInfo

4FDD12F0 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetDriverState

4FDD1354 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetFlipStatus

4FDD1338 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetInternalMoCompInfo

4FDD1334 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetMoCompBuffInfo

4FDD133C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetMoCompFormats

4FDD1340 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetMoCompGuids

4FDD12FC .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdGetScanLine

4FDD1364 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdLock

4FDD1368 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdLockD3D

4FDD1300 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdQueryDirectDrawObject

4FDD131C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdQueryMoCompStatus

4FDD1308 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdReenableDirectDrawObj

4FDD1370 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdReleaseDC

4FDD1320 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdRenderMoComp

4FDD136C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdResetVisrgn

4FDD134C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdSetExclusiveMode

4FDD12C4 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdSetGammaRamp

4FDD135C .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdUnlock

4FDD1360 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdUnlockD3D

4FDD1350 .text Import d3d8thk.OsThunkDdWaitForVerticalBlank

4FDD11D0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA

4FDD1180 .text Import ( KERNEL32.PeekNamedPipe

4FDD1270 .text Import ( USER32.PostMessageA

4FE781A0 .text Export PSGPError

4FDED030 .text Export PSGPSampleTexture

4FDD11EC .text Import ( USER32.PtInRect

4FDD13BC .text Import msvcrt._purecall

4FDD13EC .text Import ( msvcrt.qsort

4FDD10A8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.QueryPerformanceCounter

4FDD10A4 .text Import ( KERNEL32.QueryPerformanceFrequency

4FDD1150 .text Import ( KERNEL32.ReadFile

4FDD13A4 .text Import ( msvcrt.realloc

4FDD1040 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey

4FDD1004 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyExA

4FDD1000 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegDeleteValueA

4FDD1010 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegEnumValueA

4FDD1014 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyA

4FDD1038 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyExA

4FDD100C .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegQueryInfoKeyA

4FDD103C .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA

4FDD1008 .text Import ( ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExA

4FDD1240 .text Import ( USER32.ReleaseDC

4FDD117C .text Import ( KERNEL32.ReleaseMutex

4FDD1134 .text Import ( KERNEL32.ReleaseSemaphore

4FDD10CC .text Import ( KERNEL32.ResumeThread

4FDD1074 .text Import ( GDI32.SelectObject

4FDD1268 .text Import ( USER32.SendMessageA

4FDD11FC .text Import ( USER32.SetCursor

4FDD11F4 .text Import ( USER32.SetCursorPos

4FDD11BC .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetErrorMode

4FDD10F8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetEvent

4FDD114C .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetFilePointer

4FDD1214 .text Import ( USER32.SetForegroundWindow

4FDD1170 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetNamedPipeHandleState

4FDD1218 .text Import ( USER32.SetRect

4FDD1034 .text Import ADVAPI32.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl

4FDD1084 .text Import ( GDI32.SetStretchBltMode

4FDD10D0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetThreadAffinityMask

4FDD10C8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetThreadPriority

4FDD1294 .text Import ( USER32.SetTimer

4FDD1114 .text Import ( KERNEL32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter

4FDD1260 .text Import ( USER32.SetWindowLongA

4FDD1280 .text Import ( USER32.SetWindowPos

4FDD128C .text Import ( USER32.ShowWindow

4FDD10A0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.Sleep

4FDD13E8 .text Import ( msvcrt._snprintf

4FDD140C .text Import ( msvcrt.sprintf

4FDD13B8 .text Import ( msvcrt.sscanf

4FDD1410 .text Import ( msvcrt.strchr

4FDD1080 .text Import ( GDI32.StretchBlt

4FDD13D0 .text Import ( msvcrt._stricmp

4FDD13C0 .text Import ( msvcrt._strlwr

4FDD13B0 .text Import ( msvcrt.strstr

4FDD1244 .text Import ( USER32.SystemParametersInfoA

4FDD1390 .text Import msvcrt.?terminate@@YAXXZ

4FDD1120 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TerminateProcess

4FDD12BC .text Import WINMM.timeBeginPeriod

4FDD12B8 .text Import WINMM.timeEndPeriod

4FDD10E8 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TlsAlloc

4FDD10DC .text Import ( KERNEL32.TlsGetValue

4FDD10E0 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TlsSetValue

4FDD1184 .text Import ( KERNEL32.TransactNamedPipe

4FDD1118 .text Import ( KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilter

4FDD10BC .text Import KERNEL32.VerifyVersionInfoA

4FDD12B0 .text Import ( VERSION.VerQueryValueA

4FDD10B8 .text Import KERNEL32.VerSetConditionMask


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det er litt phunny, siden dependency walker sier at dette er funksjonene d3d9.dll eksporterer:

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
















som er ordinal 14, entry point 0x002AED0

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Joda, jeg har funnet den.

Men den finner jeg ikke i d3dx9d_33.dll, den finner jeg først i d3d9.dll men det er etter jeg har startet programmet. For d3d9.dll står ikke i listen over executables modules før etter programmet er startet.




Når jeg da debugger programmet mitt.

Får samme så deg når jeg ser på d3d9.dll i Dw.

Men vil det si at hvis jeg tar base + entrypoint, så havner jeg på rett på plass?

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Jeg vet at den injector koden jeg fant er veldig viktig.

Man velger bare .exe-fil, lager koden/programmet sitt i en .dll fil og injectoren sprøyter hele greia inn i targetprogrammet.

Jeg skjønner bare ikke helt hvordan koden i min dll får kjøre, eller når den får kjøre.

Og hvordan :p


Får bare lese gjennom hele koden. :wee:

Problemet er bare at den filen (d3d9.dll) står først i lista over moduler etter jeg har startet programmet. Derfor får jeg ikke satt noen breakpoint. :s:

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Jeg fant iallefall diasm av den callbackfunksjonen:





HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext )


    HRESULT hr;



    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnCreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );

    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnCreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );

    // Query multiple RT setting and set the num of passes required

    D3DCAPS9 Caps;

    pd3dDevice->GetDeviceCaps( &Caps );

    if( Caps.NumSimultaneousRTs < 2 )


        g_nPasses = 2;        g_nRtUsed = 1;




        g_nPasses = 1;

        g_nRtUsed = 2;



    // Determine which of D3DFMT_R16F or D3DFMT_R32F to use for blob texture

    IDirect3D9* pD3D;

    pd3dDevice->GetDirect3D( &pD3D );

    D3DDISPLAYMODE DisplayMode;

    pd3dDevice->GetDisplayMode( 0, &DisplayMode );


    if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( Caps.AdapterOrdinal, Caps.DeviceType,

                    DisplayMode.Format, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,

                    D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, D3DFMT_R16F) ) )

        g_BlobTexFormat = D3DFMT_R32F;


        g_BlobTexFormat = D3DFMT_R16F;




    // Initialize the font

    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,


                        L"Arial", &g_pFont ) );


    // Define DEBUG_VS and/or DEBUG_PS to debug vertex and/or pixel shaders with the

    // shader debugger. Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex

    // processing, and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  The

    // D3DXSHADER_FORCE_*_SOFTWARE_NOOPT flag improves the debug experience in the

    // shader debugger.  It enables source level debugging, prevents instruction

    // reordering, prevents dead code elimination, and forces the compiler to compile

    // against the next higher available software target, which ensures that the

    // unoptimized shaders do not exceed the shader model limitations.  Setting these

    // flags will cause slower rendering since the shaders will be unoptimized and

    // forced into software.  See the DirectX documentation for more information about

    // using the shader debugger.



    #if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG )

    // Set the D3DXSHADER_DEBUG flag to embed debug information in the shaders.

    // Setting this flag improves the shader debugging experience, but still allows

    // the shaders to be optimized and to run exactly the way they will run in

    // the release configuration of this program.

    dwShaderFlags |= D3DXSHADER_DEBUG;



    #ifdef DEBUG_VS



    #ifdef DEBUG_PS




    // Read the D3DX effect file

    WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];

    V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"Blobs.fx" ) );


    // If this fails, there should be debug output as to

    // they the .fx file failed to compile

    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pd3dDevice, str, NULL, NULL, dwShaderFlags,

                                        NULL, &g_pEffect, NULL ) );


    // Initialize the technique for blending

    if( 1 == g_nPasses )


        // Multiple RT available

        g_hBlendTech = g_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "BlobBlend" );

    } else


        // Single RT. Multiple passes.

        g_hBlendTech = g_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "BlobBlendTwoPasses" );



    // Setup the camera's view parameters

    D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);

    D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt (0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f);

    g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt );


    return S_OK;



Det er samme funksjon sant?

Mye kommentarer og stuff, fordi det er et microsoft sample program :p

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Dette minner meg om hvorfor jeg ikke bruker C++ lenger...

anyways, denne funksjonen blir kalt etter at Direct3DCreate9 er kalt (IDirect3D9 er resultatet av denne funksjonen)


men der har du pekeren din da :)

Du er interresert i IDirect3DDevice9 "interfacet" (C++ støtter ikke interfaces)


uff nei, jeg orker ikke mer Direct3D....


wglCreateContext FTW!

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Bare sånn ja, hvor helt er pekeren min. :blush: ?

Driver å leser om de forskjellige cdecl, fastcall, stdcall og thiscall.

Hva er denne?

Altså, på hvilket tidspunkt befinner pekeren seg i et gitt register?

Den blir jo parsa som en parameter, så det burde jo være en av de som blir pusha på stacken. :hmm:

eax må det jo være lol?




Poenget var vel egentlig å skrive noe tekst da, så nå trenger jeg bare noe kompilert kode som skriver tekst ved hjelp av pekere til de rette objektene.

Så skrive en liten mini-loader som putter det hele i en code-cave og samtidig slenger på plass en liten detour via ReadWriteProcessMemory :wee:

Ja, det høres egentlig ikke gale ut. :p

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