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Gode farming steder - eksisterer de fortsatt?

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Husker tilbake på gode gamle dager da vi ikke hadde sånn dritt som [Rune Trader]..


Etter denne pachen har de og gjort det vanskligere for oss å finne runer.

De har satt flere fiender på farming stedene våre og fordelt runene mere.


Er det forstsatt steder der man kan finne runer lettere enn andre steder..?




-Necrid HorseMan- Dropper litt


-Witmans Folly- Rett uttafor Droknars Forge mot sør. Her kan du faktisk finne alt.

Der er og en Collector uttafor port Slege som gir dn max dmg. weapons, samle 5 Intriciate Grawl neclases så får du et. der er Bue, EnergyStorage Artifact, Holy staff.


-Nord for Yaks Bend også under navn Iron Horse Mine dette klarer du solo.

Her droppes det mest blå\lilla\gull armors.


-Carumi Elites utenfor Riverside- Har ikke mer info.


-Mener og ha lest noe om mergoyle wavebreakers uttafor et sted. lette og ta gode dropps


-Har fått nice dropps i kyrta der de tenguene er. stort område med masse tenguer .. husker ikke stedet.


(Orker ikke og sette over til noresk nu)

-The mission is Sanctum Cay. Once you begin, you shall find two groups of Inferno Imps witch can be a pain in the....Once you defeat them..you shall find 1-3 relatively LARGE groups of drakes moving around on the beach. I would use the aggroe circle to lure one group away then use Kinetic Armor which gives you plues 22 armour for 8 seconds and +8 seconds every time u cast a spell. Then Cast aura of restoration followed by glyph of lesser energy. When the drakes are close use lava font, phoenix, and meteor/meteor shower. ALL those attacks will do massive damage to all the drakes close to the target.


(en til)

-This area is in Divinity Coast.

I don't know if this is already somewhere else or if it may be in your premium area, but its what i use to farm all the time.


This is made so easy because you get the Eye of Janthir, which will be your best tank ever against melee enemies. Usually youll want a lvl 20 to do farming with, so when you start the mission you can start off normal and run to shaemoor, the first town where you get the Eye of Janthir. If you have enemies following you it'll be fine, the villagers will fight them for you. Talk to Hablion, then go to the Fountain of Truth. You'll run into 3 groups of 3 Mergoyles each, but these are easily dispatchable. Once you return to Hablion, the Eye will begin to follow you. Continue, with the Eye, West to the gate that will open when you approach it. As you proceed down the first steps you'll notice that one of the villagers is following you now, if youve done the mission before you know its one of the Chosen, since your just farming he/she becomes another good tank for you to utilize, especially if you run into ranged enemies. As you pass through the gate, look at your minimap in the top right and youll see a grass path doubling back, take it. if your Chosen runs into Spine Aloe, just leave him/her, if you run into Inferno Imps your just gonna have to kill them, but as long as the Eye is still following you. Continue Southwest until you come to a beach, this is where you'll run into your first set of Drakes. 2 Lightning Drakes will be your first prey, all you need to do is aggro one, back off and let them come to you, then let the eye knock them down together, and as soon as it does that back off. If it worked right they should just stare at the Eye like they want to attack it, though there is nothing there for them to attack. wither them down till they die, then move on. Next youll see 2 different ways to go in the water. go right first as your facing the bridge and youll see your next 2 lightning drakes. Rinse and repeat with them, unless some Caromi are attacking them then just leave them alone and move on. Once youve disposed of your second set, continue northwest until you run into your last set on this side of the bridge, again repeat with the eye, and diminish the drakes. Once youve finished them turn around and proceed back to the bridge. Once there go under the bridge to the southeast, and youll come across 2 Grand Drakes, repeat with eye, continue southeast and you should run into 1 more set of Lightning drakes along the way, and they should be all.


So in all you should have tackled 4 sets of 2 Lightning Drakes and 1 set of 2 Grand Drakes.

Once you get into a mindset, you could do this in about 5-10 min per run. I usually see about 2-3 golds/purples per run, although you sometimes get screwed and get a crappy spiked crest.

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Kan være dere allerede er klar over det, men iallefall så står det i spill reglemanget at farming ikke er tillat og at det kan føre til permanent stenging av konto.

Har selvfølgelig lyst å farme eg å, men tenkte jeg kunne informere om det.

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Ojj.. Det var vist litt uklart hva jeg mente, det jeg mener er at det ikke er tillatt å utnytte bugs eller steder hvor man får mer loot en det som er standard i forhold til vanskelighets grad. Altså min mening med ordet farming er utnytting av systemet hvor det ikke er beregnet å tjene så mye på det.


(litt vanskelig å forklare)


Her er regelen jeg refererer til:

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