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Snake eater info ( ikke sikker på om den er ekte men...)


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Metal Gear Solid 3 - Massive Storyline Details


I wish to warn my fellow Metal Gear fans that this article contains some pretty massive spoilers, and if you choose to stop reading now, Serafitia will understand. Though, keep in mind that at this point, these are just rumors! Ok, that was your last warning. Here I go...


As of recent, news concerning MGS3 was scarce, but now, courtesy of MGLegacy we've got some amazing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater info. Brace yourselves!


The MGLegacy informant had this to say:


Solidus will NOT return, he really is dead.


Otacon may betray Snake in this third installment.


It is definite that Raiden returns, but he won't be alongside Snake. He won't even be at the jungle at all.


There will be a new boss character that Snake must battle during a free fall.


Solid Snake is manipulated by the Genesis Army.


Big Boss was cloned and rejuvenated after his death in Zanzibar.


One of the new characters are Crimson Blade, a Cyborg Ninja that will help Snake.


Here is a short sound clip of Colonel Campbell's briefing to Snake. Master Miller's voice may also be heard near the end of it.



The plot consists of Solid Snake infiltrating a terrorist region near a mountain range, which is supposedly the whereabouts of Olga’s missing child. Apparently, the Patriots are also there. Naomi and Mei Ling were kidnapped shortly after the Shadow Moses incident; the task will be to rescue them. Snake will use a jet vehicle (and aquatic scooter). New weapons include a harpoon, a hook, a knife, and a spy camera.


As you may notice in the dialogue below, Meryl will be returning. At some point, Snake says to her, “Meryl? What are you doing here? They… they told me that you died.” Also returning (I use the word loosely) is Grey Fox. He was cloned through Naomi's gene therapy and returns in his human form, Frank Jaeger. He also seems to have some connection to Vamp. They are sworn enemies ever since an event in Romania, but are also both under orders from the Patriots. One of them holds the key to the end of the Patriots. There also seems to be a factory that produces exoskeletons in the jungle similar to the ones Grey Fox and Olga wore. One of the reasons Raiden appears in the game may be aid in the rescue of Olga's child as Snake will be busy searching for the Patriots.


Ok, what you’re going to read is some extracted script from the game. I need not say the amount of spoilers that are here:


Snake: Where is she?


Campbell: Snake, calm down, concentrate on the mission. You know that Meryl can take care of herself... We both know it.


Snake: Colonel, where is she, where have they taken her? She’s your niece, your own blood! Are you just going to sit there and see how she dies?


Campbell: You think I don’t realize that, Snake? You think I want to watch her die? Snake, I know that you care a lot for her, but you’ve been trained to complete missions without letting your human emotions interfere.


Snake: I know. You’ve changed, Colonel.


Campbell: Snake, we’ve all changed, and if you don’t stop it in 72 hours, the entire world will change.


Snake: In 72 hours, I’ll destroy to Metal Gear AFTER finding to Meryl. Now, tell me... Where is she?


Campbell: Good heavens, Snake! I am not hiding anything from you! For the first time since I've known you, I can see something in you that I’ve never seen... is it fear...? Just like his father!


Snake: My father is DEAD! Don’t bring him into this!


Campbell: But he called you, Snake. He was the one that was seen in the airplane, you should be over this by now. You know it well: Big Boss is not dead, he lives on!


Snake: Right now... I don’t know what to believe, I don’t care. I only know that I am going to do one thing. ONE thing... find Meryl. I’ll ask you one more time. Where is she?


Familiar Voice: The Nanomachines check shows the effects of the FOXDIE virus. It grants the subject over-aggressiveness and negetivity.


Snake: NAOMI! Colonel, what’s she doing here?!


Campbell: Lower your voice, Snake. She has her reasons for being here. She’ll explain.


Snake: I don’t have time to reminisce. Leave all that shit about technology and machines out; what you are doing here?


Naomi: Like the Colonel has said, I have my reasons. One of them is personal... the rest is mission-based. My personal reason refers to an old companion yours. I knew him by the name Frank Jaeger... You knew him as Grey Fox.


Snake: Grey Fox! But he died! He’s here?


Naomi: Yes, Snake... He is dead... But he is here... Or at least somebody that looks like him.


Snake: ...Mr.X? It can’t be...


Naomi: This can wait. So, you want to know where Meryl is, eh?


Snake: WHERE?! Where is she?


Naomi: She’s in the airplane, Snake, the same one that you jumped from. You didn’t recognize her because she was disguised as one of them. If she did recognize you, then we wouldn’t even be able to tell, or perhaps she wants to know nothing of you.


Snake: You’ve said enough, I’m losing time trying to understand you.


Naomi: What do you intend to do, Snake? Rescue her? Are you sure that she will appreciate it after what you did to her? The fairy tale’s over. Snake, it’s time to face reality... You have a mission to complete and if you don't, it's over for all of us. It would be the end, the end of everything. Yes, Snake. Meryl is in that airplane, but your mission takes place in Russia. Now you must choose: to follow that airplane and to have hopes that Meryl can forgive you or go to Russia and stop the Genesis Army. It’s your choice, Snake... It is your mission... You only have 72 hours.


If you’re just getting over that and coming up for air, here’s some more:


Ocelot: The "Snake Eater" is dead... Or at least he should be. I don't know what it happened to him, I can't explain it, but... he's back. What should I do, Boss?


Unidentified Voice: Search the battlefield again with that novice... We'll see how powerful he is.


Ocelot: Did you see it? Can you see what he does? He's not human! A human can't destroy a tank with his bare hands...


Unidentified Voice: His power is immense. Soon, he'll be sufficiently strong enough to take a position in the Genesis Army and the Genesis Project will be finally a reality. Long ago we dreamt of this day, Shalashaska...

And it has begun!


And yet another scene...


Naomi: Frank? It's me... Do you remember?


Grey Fox: I have no name. Who is the Snake Eater?


Naomi: What is it you want from him?


Grey Fox: To forget... I must stop him!


Naomi: He told me you'd take care of me... Told me you wanted...


Grey Fox: My mind is not with me now. I have no memory of what I said... Only of what I've done. The Snake Eater will free us all. The freedom we've dreamed of some day... Only 48 hours remain... The end is close.


Further details reveal a battle in the jungle between Snake and Grey Fox. The problem is that the player (as Snake) can't see anything and has to maneuver Snake by listening to the surrounding sounds in Dolby 5.1. We don’t know how this will work for players that don’t have surround sound (but Kojima does not leave players in the cold. If you remember the battle with Psycho Mantis, there was an alternate way to defeat him in case the second control port was damaged.) Occasionally, Otacon will release flares that will temporarily help you see your opponent. It is said to be one of the most difficult fights in Metal Gear history.


An exchange after the battle with Grey Fox:


Grey Fox: You fight very well, Snake Eater. If what they say about you is true, your skills haven't decreased one bit. You have been a great opponent and because of that I ask that one more time, before nightfall, we finish this together.


Otacon (off-screen): Snake, don't listen to him! He's just saying that so you'll follow him, but you'll die before you wake up!


Snake: Quiet, Otacon! Don't move from where you are.


Grey Fox: Tell your friend he can come out, the game is over. I know where he's hiding. If I find him, I'll kill him. You have no choice.


Snake: I don't understand. You can't be him. Not Fox... Not the Fox that I knew...


Grey Fox: Time is short, you have to move fast. They've sent and equipped patrol group to find you. I know a quick way out of here.


After this, Otacon leaves his hiding place and, with Snake, follow the clone of Grey Fox in a jeep through the vast jungle. As soon as Grey Fox takes control of the jeep, Snake and Otacon have no choice but to sit back cautiously. The jeep arrives to a camp in a grassy area and soon they notice there are many more jeeps and a cargo truck. Naomi Hunter is one of the retained prisoners along with Mei-Ling (no word about Campbell).

Shortly after, the soldiers in jeeps become aware of the situation, give chase, and start shooting. And so begins the game…


As Snake, the player must open fire as Grey Fox drives the jeep (reminiscent of the final final battle with Liquid in MGS.) After he destroys the first jeep, many more arrive in front of them. Revolver Ocelot and Crimson Blade also arrive in a cargo truck that plays an important role. A brief scene will show that these trucks carry the Genesis Soldiers. Returning to the game, you must continue opening fire. Wild animals suddenly appear, and rhinoceri start attacking the soldiers' jeeps causing them to crash. Quickly, a cargo truck nears the player and soldiers start coming out of the truck and leap on your jeep! You have to shoot them before they touch Snake (the player), Otacon, or Fox. The graphics are amazing, seemingly a cut-scene, but it's all during gameplay!


Soon after the chase, the new Metal Gear makes its first appearance…


That’s all, for now. You may start breathing again. It looks like Kojima’s taking all the right steps in this sequel (not prequel!). So-called gamers left stupefied in the aftermath of MGS2’s story should be pleased to learn that the series is going back to its roots. No, not the complexes of MGS, but to the roots of Metal Gear (the one to appear on the MSX). Serafitia, the daughter of liberty, is done!




Hva tror dere?

Det høres jo ikke så veldig troverdig ut, med tanke på at "colonel campbell" var en "data" (eller bare jeg som misforstod SoL?) sitter å snakker med snake etter at de har fortalt at spillet forgår i "nåtid" ikke på 60- tallet. Men på meg hørtes det også ut som om solid snake ikke ville ha noe med "colonelen" å gjøre i framtiden (etter "shadow moses"), hvorfor da jobbe for han ?

I tillegg gjennoppstår/klones alle "de døde karakterene" og puttes inn i et område ( jungelen ). :-? (grey fox, big boss osv.)

Kojima sa jo også at snake eater ikke ville være så fokusert på historien som "sons of liberty", pluss at handlingen skulle foregå på 60 -tallet...

I tillegg kommer dette med kostholdet inn. Over står det at du bare har 72 timer på deg. På den tiden kan ikke kostholdet spille så mye inn på deg som Kojima vil ha det til i intervjuene. (PÅ han virker det som om man skal bo i junglene, være der jakte osv. man får ikke "så mye tid til dette" på 72 timer, men..

+ en siste ting, hvor søren har den spanske siden fått tak i alle den infoen? Brutt seg inn hos "Konami"?? :shrug:

Jeg syns det høres litt vilt ut, men Kojima slutter jo aldri å overraske !" :wink:

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Hva tror dere?

Det høres jo ikke så veldig troverdig ut, med tanke på at "colonel campbell" var en "data" (eller bare jeg som misforstod SoL


Vel... Colonel Campbell er ikke en data. Man man kan jo se han gå forci linsa i MGS1. Og Solid Snake har pratet med han "face to face" så han er et ekte menneske. Men den Colonel man ser i MGS2 er bare en AI som the patriots har laget til hele "spillet".


TIPS: Kjøp det "The original strategy guide" til MGS2... Les den fra perm til perm og spill spillet på nytt. Med guiden. Det ga i alle fall meg et klarere syn på historien...

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Dette er ganske sikkert fake...


Forresten fant dette på nettet,kunne ha vært intereesant.

http://www.geocities.com/maxpower429/ZanzibarLand.html Read and be amazed...



Ocelot=Big Boss?


O.K here it goes….


1). Near end of Mgs2 the camera focuses on Solidus's hand before he shoots Olga with the FA MAS Solidus is clearly seen spinning the gun in a similar way to Revolver Ocelot (like father like son you could say).


2). On end cut scene tanker section MGS2 when asked by Gurlockovich about when he turned on Russia he says " I turned my back on HER during the cold war" the Cold war being time setting of MGS 3 SNAKE EATER


3). In Snake Eater e3 trailer you see a picture of the character (which is obviously Big Boss aka Revolver Ocelot) with his back to the communist Russian flag (“ I turned my back on HER during the cold war) and facing USA (where Patriots are from, and Ocelot is a “Patriot Spy”).


4) When character in MGS3 (Big Boss) lands from the air diving in the e3 trailer he closes his eyes and breathes in, in a similar fashion to Ocelot when he says “I turned my back on HER during the Cold War”. See Big Boss and Ocelot have the same mannerisms.

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Ocelot=Big Boss?


Det er bare et lite hull i denne teorien, i alle fall sånn som jeg ser det. Revolver Ocelot og Solidus er vel omtrent på samme alder Solidus ser til og med eldre ut og Solidus er en klon av Big Boss.



Kanskje jeg har feil..... :shrug:

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Forresten...er det bare jeg som ser en viss homoerotisk engelsk oversettelse av tittelen på disse spillene? Smak på disse...


Solid Snake.

Snake Eater.


Oversett dem så til norsk..man kan jo tenke seg hva "snake" er..og en solid "snake" blir....akkurat. Og så har vi "snake" spiseren/sugeren..usj.

Hurra for dårlige japansk-engelsk oversettelser!

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  • 2 uker senere...

S Soldier support is the #1 priority.

N Never say, "it can't be done."

A Accept risk, and allow soldiers to make mistakes.

K Know your soldiers' problems.

E Exact high standards and lead by example.


E Earn your keep - use initiative.

A Acknowledge good deeds publicly; discipline privately.

T Training is not only everything - it is the only thing.

E Encourage employer and family interest and involvement.

R Respect all soldiers, regardless of their rank.


Blir brukt av militæret, de som ønsker finner mer info om det her:http://www.1-115inf.com/command.php

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  • 2 uker senere...
Hva tror dere?

Det høres jo ikke så veldig troverdig ut, med tanke på at "colonel campbell" var en "data" (eller bare jeg som misforstod SoL


Vel... Colonel Campbell er ikke en data. Man man kan jo se han gå forci linsa i MGS1. Og Solid Snake har pratet med han "face to face" så han er et ekte menneske. Men den Colonel man ser i MGS2 er bare en AI som the patriots har laget til hele "spillet".


TIPS: Kjøp det "The original strategy guide" til MGS2... Les den fra perm til perm og spill spillet på nytt. Med guiden. Det ga i alle fall meg et klarere syn på historien...


Selvfølgelig. Dette tenkte jeg ikke over. Det begynner å bli en stund siden jeg spillte MGS sist. (fordi en viss kar med navn : "anonym" låner det)

Like før jeg dro på ferie skrev jeg innlegget, beklager!

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O.K here it goes….


1). Near end of Mgs2 the camera focuses on Solidus's hand before he shoots Olga with the FA MAS Solidus is clearly seen spinning the gun in a similar way to Revolver Ocelot (like father like son you could say).



Kan bare ikke dy meg, men det er ikke en famas han skyter olga med! Det er FN P90! :grumpy:

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