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Hvordan vise kontaktenes email adresse i Pidgin istedenfor nick?

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Siden folk ikke kunne holde seg for fristelsen til å ignorere overnevte er tråden nå ryddet for off-topic. Dersom dere ønsker å diskutere hva som faller inn under GNU-programvare og ikke kan dette tas på PM, eller en dertil egnet tråd.

Endret av cyclo
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On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 01:28:21AM +0000, Flash¹³ Egis-Minsky wrote:


> Hi Luke!


> You may or may not be the right person to talk to about this, but it's

> really annoying me.


> In the older versions of gaim there used to be an option that showed the

> email address of msn contacts on the contacts list, rarther than their

> friendly name, and I'll be damned if I can find it again!


> Now, when I say, "used to be," I'm talking a different OS and possibly

> some time ago. Never the less, I really quite like looking at email

> addresses 'cause next to none of my contacts use their real name or even

> a fixed alias. Any chance you know where it is, or can get it put back in?


> Thanks for the help in advance :)


... [show rest of quote]


That option was removed. It was useful only to msn users, and was thus

deamed a needless complication.



Endret av Kagee
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veit ikke hva du kjører for os men, google vår kjære venn sier:




om du har ubuntu, kan jo altids bare søke på andre os også..

Fikk en feilmelding da jeg forsøkte å installere deb. pakken fra terminalen.


johan@johan-desktop:~$ wget http://www.kalpiknigam.com/blog/uploads/pu..._1.0-1_i386.deb

--2009-07-22 19:34:56-- http://www.kalpiknigam.com/blog/uploads/pu..._1.0-1_i386.deb

Resolving www.kalpiknigam.com...

Connecting to www.kalpiknigam.com||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden

2009-07-22 19:34:56 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

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