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Holder på med en nå, men lurer på om jeg skal poste den.


Her kommer den. Må bemerke at jeg ble frista til å dikte opp litt løgner her. Eneste som er sant er at jeg har vært sammen med dama i 9 år.



Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: i hate all the hipacrits

Stranger: me too

You: just hate them

You: always the same shit

Stranger: seem to be hurt..?

You: always

You: nobody belive in me

Stranger: im a good listener

Stranger: and adviser

You: well, here is a big problem for me

You: My best friend has a sister, she is HOT. I like her a lot, and she likes me

You: but the problem is that I have a girlfriend

You: what should I do?


Stranger: firsty of; how old r u?

Stranger: *first

You: 31

Stranger: lol

Stranger: u serious

Stranger: ?

You: yes

Stranger: so

You: actually

You: it's bad

You: i know it

Stranger: how do u feel about ur girl?

You: but can't help it

You: well, not sure for my girl

You: we been together for 9 yrs

Stranger: ovv

Stranger: thats long time

You: yes

Stranger: u hsould be married

You: we are talking about it

You: but it's my friends sister

You: she visited me yesterday when my girlfriend was out

Stranger: ouv

Stranger: and?

You: and...... we almost had sex

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: u feel excited about her?

You: my girlfriend don't know anything

You: yes i do

You: we had a great time

Stranger: have u ever made sex?

Stranger: with her

You: with whom?

You: sister?

Stranger: sister

Stranger: lol

You: no not yet

You: but we always quit before, but alomst sometimes

You: we have kissed

Stranger: u r 31, creating a family is important.. and im not sure if u can have a good family with that sister...

Stranger: its just testesterons and ostrogens

You: btw, the sister is 21, soon to be 22

Stranger: think in long run

You: and she even have a daugther

Stranger: woow

Stranger: thats uncool

You: well, the kid is cute

You: and the kid likes me

Stranger: if i were u, i wouldnt chase the sister.. u have a 9 year relation, and to have and continue a 9 year relation without marriage is a serious shit

Stranger: maybe u guys r the first in the world who did that

Stranger: and i think u should respect that

You: well, it's not easy

You: belive me

Stranger: i can guess buddy

Stranger: i lived the same too

Stranger: but not with a 9 year relation lol

You: ok

Stranger: my best frieds twin, she was so hot

Stranger: and i had a girl

You: wow

Stranger: we had a relation about 6 months

Stranger: once i have been witht the twin, the morning i was regretful

You: i guess

You: but once I heard that my girlfriend where out with a boy i don't know, and when I asked her, she didn't told me the truth

Stranger: ovv thats suxxx man!

Stranger: i hate that

You: yes

Stranger: i truly do

Stranger: im jealous..

Stranger: and i couldnt stand it

Stranger: even d hire a detective

You: as in cheaters?

Stranger: yep

You: ok

You: well, i'm quite not sure what to do

Stranger: what did she say exactly about that GUY! situation?

Stranger: how u felt she wasnt telling the truth

You: that it was a friend she know and that it was a gril

You: girl

You: not a boy

You: i got pic from it as well

Stranger: and how did u know it was a boy?

You: it's 4-5 yrs ago

You: i got pic from some others i know

Stranger: ov

Stranger: u showed that to her?

You: with she holding his hand

You: no i just said it

You: stupied me deleted the pic

You: i was so mad

Stranger: and her reaction?

Stranger: once u said it

You: nothing, just said she didn't do it

Stranger: mmh

Stranger: u r in a great dilemma...

You: i know

Stranger: but i d suggest u to think the long run

Stranger: if u leave her and be with the sister, can u be happy?

You: and the big thing here is my friend says that if i date his sister, he will never see me again

Stranger: shit

You: and i won't loose my best friend

You: so I have BIG probs

Stranger: so case closed..

Stranger: u r stucked with the 9 year

You: why?

Stranger: do never lose a best friend

You: i know, but what should i do?

You: i have feelings

Stranger: we men are interesting sometimes... we want sth more which we cant get

You: yes

Stranger: it can be that sendrom in u

You: that's true

You: i need to figure out what to do

Stranger: and, i say, be with her once.. if u still have some feelings, and talk with her brother first

You: i will taking me a long walk to figure it out

You: feel i need to go out in fresh air now

Stranger: dont make a stress

You: i won't

You: bye bye

Stranger: bye

You have disconnecte


Endret av Geggse
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#1 - Slow Typer is Slow:


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: do you like music?

You: do you molest little boys?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: no

You: Too late

Stranger: i'm U.A.E

You: Sure you are

You have disconnected.



#2 - Slow Typer is Slow


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hey

You: do you like music? xD

You: do you drink diarrhea?

Stranger: yes

You: Gotcha



#3 - Slow Typer is Slow


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: hii

Stranger: how are you?

You: like music? xD

You: do you lick cows anuses?

Stranger: yeah I do

You: Nice


Endret av Mr.Graves
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Gikk for bra en stund så.. jeg orka ikke mer :p




You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i

Stranger: hi.

You: hi ^^

Stranger: als?:p

You: why do everyone want to know that? :p

Stranger: idk?

Stranger: your a girl right?;p

Stranger: or a woman.

You: haha :p

You: nei, er ikke det vettu ;)

Stranger: english please.

You: ok :p

Stranger: english or dutch :p

You: hehe :p

You: no

Stranger: hmm your a boy?xD

You: maybe.. :p

Stranger: i can see your a girl because how you write :p

You: haha :p

Stranger: its not very weird a boy don't even typ like hi ^^

Stranger: ;p

You: hehe :p

You: why do you think so? ^^

Stranger: its because a boy is diffrent he will never do like ^^ or could be nice if you ask to muchxD

Stranger: have no patient.

You: really? ^^

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: xD

Stranger: but still your a girl or a boy?

You: you got me :p

Stranger: whaha.

Stranger: where are you come from?;p

You: hehe norway ^^

Stranger: The Netherlands:$

You: how's it there? ^^

Stranger: mha a little sucks ;p

You: oh :p

You: been waiting for me a long time or? ^^

Stranger: :p

You: mmmh..? ^^,

Stranger: ?:o

Stranger: srry what did you ask;o;p

You: if you had been wait a long time for me :p

You: it's fine if you just lie and say something :p

Stranger: yeah i really wait for you.:$:p

You: hehe ^^

You: you are a nice person ^^,

Stranger: :)"

You: wanna have some fun? ^^

Stranger: ofc.:p

Stranger: what kind of fun?:O

You: mmh... you decide ^^,

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: you have a name?

You: of course ;)

Stranger: may i know it?:p

You: hehe ^^

You: Ida ^^,

Stranger: keey

Stranger: my name is leon:P

Stranger: do you have msn?:O

You: hehe ^^

You: I have, but I'm a bit scared of giving it to a stranger again

You: since last time.. well.. it wasn't very nice

Stranger: oh oke.

Stranger: you can trust me?:O

Stranger: what will i do?

You: no idea

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i'm not a pervertxD

Stranger: how old are you?

You: hehe, that was just what the last pervert said :p

You: I'm 17 :p

Stranger: well i'm 16xD

You: ^^,

Stranger: do you have a webcam?

Stranger: then i can show you i'm not a old man :p

You: just wondering.. how does that help me knowing you aren't an old man? :p

You: since you'll just be looking at my.. me ^^,

Stranger: i have webcam too.

Stranger: srryxD

Stranger: we can show eight that we are not old :p

You: hehe ^^

Stranger: well?

Stranger: can i have it or not?

You: have what?

You: oh no.. my dad is here

Stranger: oh sucks.

You: Who's this?

Stranger: im a stranger.

Stranger: i'm srry?

You: tgr uf6565945 t6u

You: r8 sfx mhj

You: jmkh

You: kluj

You: ujhyj

You: lh

You: øo

You: æpø

You: 'iryøh

You: køuøl

You: Your IP address has been logged by the Child Internet Service Protection Agency. Please wait while memory reference code "872286924" is entered into the database.

NOTICE TO CHATTER: the Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to the potential violation of U.S law. This chat is currently being monitored by one of our agents. If you believe this chat session was logged in error, call your local F.B.I office and quote reference number #6292568407. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. Please also state your reasons to the member of staff why you believe this error has occurred. Failure to do so within 15 minutes of the violation will result in imprisonment until proven non-guilty. Also if you choose to appeal about the violation, we may offer you a deduction on your sentence. But until proven non-guilty you are thought of as a registered pedophile to the F.B.I and be dealt with within the next 24 hours.

You have disconnected.




Ja.. "veldig orginalt" av meg å bruke den slutten :p

Endret av StudioARE
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Snakka med en fyr her, utga meg for å være ei jente på 17. For en fyr.




Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: u wish u see me?

Stranger: maybe

Stranger: if u r a girl

Stranger: its ok

You: i am

You: 17

Stranger: good

Stranger: ı am 22

Stranger: from where

You: norway

You: and u?

Stranger: turkey

You: cool

Stranger: yeah

You: u like sexy girls?

Stranger: yeah so much

Stranger: :D

You: cool

Stranger: ı am all str8

Stranger: :D

You: me too

You: u like young girls?

Stranger: sure ı like

Stranger: ı like young girls

You: how young?

You: 17?

You: younger?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: doesnt matter if her pyhsic enough mature

You: ok

You: so what would you do to me?

Stranger: hey ?

Stranger: whats ur name

You: my name?

Stranger: yeah

You: isabella

You: and u?

Stranger: hakan

You: ok

Stranger: u have msn id?

You: i don't give my msn to stangers

Stranger: ı c

Stranger: we would meet , arent we?

You: where and when?

Stranger: ohh on net

Stranger: maybe in real

You: i wanna meet me in real?

Stranger: yeah ı wanna

Stranger: if u r a girl

You: and?

Stranger: n fuck u

You: u will?

Stranger: why do u ask so much

Stranger: sure

Stranger: ı will

You: is it ok if I bring my sister, she is 14

Stranger: yeah u can

You: u lived in Turkey?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: antalya

Stranger: turkey/antalya

You: we are going to antalya this summer :)

Stranger: really

You: yes

Stranger: nice for ya

You: yes

You: wanna meet then?

Stranger: here is so hot

Stranger: yeah sure

Stranger: why not

You: i'm not well known around there

You: where is it nice?

Stranger: alanya

Stranger: is perfect

You: yes

You: but where in alanya?

You: any good places to go for a drink?

Stranger: ı would fuck u at the beaches at nites

Stranger: yeah a lot

You: u will

You: my sister too?

Stranger: yeah sure

Stranger: its better

Stranger: can u take iti my all cock

Stranger: ?

You: sure

Stranger: n ur sister too

Stranger: ?

You: yes

Stranger: have u ever taken it

Stranger: ?

You: yes

You: it's good

Stranger: vell

Stranger: well

Stranger: u like sex ha

Stranger: ?

Stranger: but u will fall in love when u see me

You: i love sec

You: sex

You: Your IP address has been logged by the Child Internet Service Protection Agency. Please wait while memory reference code "872286924" is entered into the database.

NOTICE TO CHATTER: the Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to the potential violation of U.S law. This chat is currently being monitored by one of our agents. If you believe this chat session was logged in error, call your local F.B.I office and quote reference number #6292568407. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. Please also state your reasons to the member of staff why you believe this error has occurred. Failure to do so within 15 minutes of the violation will result in imprisonment until proven non-guilty. Also if you choose to appeal about the violation, we may offer you a deduction on your sentence. But until proven non-guilty you are thought of as a registered pedophile to the F.B.I and be dealt with within the next 24 hours.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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Han ble eid!

det gjorde han^^


det er like gøy å spille 54 årgammel mann som sitter i kjeller'n og søker 12-15 år gammel jente :p



som sagt:


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: hey

You: 54 male basement

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


hihi :)

Endret av 2ball(s)
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: i molest children

Stranger: michael?

You: oh , wrong chat

You: Hi

Stranger: ha

You: How are you ? :)

Stranger: i'm doing great

Stranger: :)

Stranger: how are you?

You: good

You: What do you do for a living ?

Stranger: nothing, i'm a student

Stranger: you?

You: i make films

You: childrens films

Stranger: oh really?

You: yup

Stranger: interesting

You: they're cute little creatures, arent they?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i babysit some

Stranger: they're great

You: :-)

You: Im making a movie right now actually

You: with my daughter in the main role

Stranger: ok

You: I can send it to you if youd like

Stranger: i get it.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Endret av Mr.Graves
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: Hello,This is Mike from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the appropriate authorities.


We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures and/or video of them. The Police have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide

Stranger: You have been notified


jeg ler^^


håper det har skjedd en eller annen missforsåelse. det hadder vert så konge :!:


edit: det er ingen som vil snakke når jeg sier jeg er 54. mann og befinner meg i kjelleren.

skal jeg bytte ut male med female?

Endret av 2ball(s)
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: Hello,This is Mike from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the appropriate authorities.


We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures and/or video of them. The Police have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide

Stranger: You have been notified


jeg ler^^


håper det har skjedd en eller annen missforsåelse. det hadder vert så konge :!:

Er jo bare en som kødder med deg.

Lenke til kommentar

Tok den på et par stykker, de bare disconnecter.



Stranger: hi

You: We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures and/or video of them. The Police have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide

Stranger: what is this all about

You: I am Mike from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the appropriate authorities.

You: You have been notified

Stranger: my exuses but our computers are hacked



Stranger: my exuses but our computers are hacked

Stranger: we dont have a wep key

Stranger: this is (my) fist time on this site

You: I am joking with you :)

Endret av CypheroN
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Connecting to server...


Stranger: You have been notified


jeg ler^^


håper det har skjedd en eller annen missforsåelse. det hadder vert så konge :!:

Er jo bare en som kødder med deg.

neh.. tror du det? :roll:


edit: i ettertid ser jeg at jeg kunne formulert meg bedre :)

Endret av 2ball(s)
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You: y hello thar

Stranger: hii

Stranger: how r you?

You: i am fine

You: i think

You: are you?

Stranger: not bad i think

You: where do you live?

Stranger: turkey

Stranger: u?

You: i have been there

You: norway

Stranger: i wish you are alexander rybakov




Han håpet at det hadde skjedd en misforståelse, han trodde ikke.

Ser den..

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