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Innlegg skrevet av Eide'n

  1. Rediger filen /etc/rc.local

    legg inn linjen:

    915resolution 32 1400 1050


    før exit 0


    Nesten gang du starter skal du få riktig oppløsning. (Men jeg innbilte meg at oppløsningen var 1440x1050, er du sikker på at det er 1400x1050 ?).



    har prøve det oppløsning er 1400x1050(15" SXGA+ Display på 1400x1050) men eg fant enn betre vei som virka

    sudo gedit /etc/default/915resolution

    og redigerte filen slik:


  2. Det viker som ytelsen ikkje faller vekk ved bruk av Vista. og det er veldig god konkurrent til NV 8800GTS 640M. 2900XT slår faktisk 8800GTX i FEAR(1024x768)

    og rett bak i dei andre oppløsning.


    savner ein god sammenlign med 8800GTS/X og 2900XT.


    edit: korleis klare 2900XT å gjøre det så dårlig i spill med bra i 3Dmark06(9105(GTS), 10723(XT), 11191(GTX). :hmm::no:

  3. AMD har lovet å gjøre sine (ATI) grafikk driver til Åpen kildekode .


    AMD will deliver open graphics drivers


    AMD will soon deliver open graphics drivers, said Henri Richard just a few minutes ago, and the audience at the opening keynote of the Red Hat Summit broke into applause and cheers. Richard, AMD’s executive vice president of sales and marketing, promised: “I’m here to commit to you that it’s going to get done.” He also promised that AMD is “going to be very proactive in changing way we interface with the Linux community.”


    The open sourcing of graphics drivers will indeed be good news, but it’s not a big surprise. After AMD acquired graphics driver maker ATI last year,  an announcement that AMD would be opening up graphics drivers has been anticipated. The other shoe has dropped, and the folks at the Summit in San Diego are very happy. Now, the new question is “when?” Richard didn’t say.


    Well, in a webcast last week Richard told the world that AMD would be delivering Vista drivers, too, and supporting it with gusto. According to the blog, istartedsomething.com:


        “First Henri announced that AMD will be rolling out a gold master image of Windows Vista for deployment throughout the company as a sign of their confidence over the stability and performance of Windows Vista with a combination of their hardware and software support.”


            AMD’s got a lot of supporting to do.


    Enterprise Linux Log » AMD will deliver open graphics drivers

  4. Då e eg så har feil.


    leste det

    Even though eSATA is part of the SATA interface specifications, it uses a very different physical connector from the internal SATA connectors. The reason for this is to better shield the high speed serial lines used to transfer the signals from EMI protection. It also provides a 2m overall cable length compared to the 1m for internal cables. As a result the, the two cable types can not be used interchangeably.


  5. Eg hadde hvertfall ikke bestemt meg for zeptoen før den helt sikkert var kommet og DA sett etter på dell.no om ikke en xps er på gang med skikkelig DX10 kort, ala go 8800 eller noe slikt! For de kommer garantert til å være tidlig ute!



    Sly og Ventle: Goooood! ;)



    var det ikkje slik at det ikkje komme noko Go 8800 kort på grunn av varmen og effekt krav. men det komme kanskje i 3.kvartal.

    Ingen GeForce 8800 Go

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