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Innlegg skrevet av Xplode

  1. "How can you recover a corrupt BIOS ?


    Modern motherboards have a boot-block BIOS. This is small area of the BIOS that doesn't get overwritten when you flash a BIOS. The boot-block BIOS only has support for the floppy drive. If you have a PCI video card you won't see anything on the screen because the boot-block BIOS only supports an ISA videocard.


    Award: The boot-block BIOS will execute an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on a bootable diskette. Copy an Award flasher & the correct BIOS *.bin file on the floppy and execute it automaticly by putting awdflash *.bin in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.


    AMI: The AMI boot-block BIOS will look for a AMIBOOT.ROM file on a diskette. Copy and rename the correct BIOS file on the floppy and power up the PC. The floppy doesn't need to be bootable. You will see the PC read the floppy, after about 4 minutes you will hear 4 beeps, this means the transfer is done. Reboot the PC and modify the CMOS for your configuration"


    Prøv dette...det virket ihvertfall for meg for noen måneder siden

  2. DFI Lanparty NFII Ultra (Rev.B) er knall.


    Svær bundle og beste klokkeegenskaper når det gjelder Socket A. :thumbup:

    Neppe bedre enn NF7-S korta vel?

    Mener å ha sett at det klokker hakket bedre ;)


    I tillegg til fett utseende :thumbup:

    Det DFI kortet er vel regnet for å være det beste til Socket A, men det koster jo en del mer enn et Nf7-s, og jeg syns faktisk at det blir så mye at det koster mer enn det smaker.

    hvis du ikke vil ha alt stæsjet som følger med DFI Lanparty NFII Ultra går det ann å kjøpe DFI NFII ULTRA Infinity for det er samme kortet

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