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cock hammer

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Innlegg skrevet av cock hammer

  1. endre' date='12/09/2004 : 03:47']
    Det beste fps spillet ever er jo Half-Life selvfølgelig.


    Og syns Far Cry er sånn midt på treet. Ikke spesielt bra utenom grafikken...

    Dårlig levetid.. pga dårlig multiplayer , og ble kjedelig med en gang jeg gjennomførte det.



    For å være ærlig likte jeg Doom 3 mye mer enn Far Cry.


    samma her

  2. "The desire to make a game different from the others led to the player not becoming the main hero. Enough of saving countries and worlds! Here everything is like in real life. You are just one of many. Only your own actions (and not the programmist's wishes) will set your character apart from the crowd. If you do not follow the plot (which is possible) and simply explore the Zone, earning money, it can happen that some other stalker finishes the main quest for you. Wouldn't it be embarassing to have some stupid bot pass S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for you? This is no joke. This is actually possible. If we make the player a supermegahero, all our efforts of creating game atmosphere and modelling social interaction would be wasted. After all, it is not scary to to walk in an abandoned factory or laboratory if you are invincible. We are also paying special attention to fear. Its main source will not be bloodthirsty monsters with ten rows of teeth, but the abovementioned atmosphere and the game world with nothing but trouble set in store for the player. Why would anyone want artifacts if they were easy to get? People have always created challanges for themselves, and the more refined the challange, the more pleasant it is to overcome! A kind of masochism, one might say! And this relates to basic wants and needs. Remember what we said before? The cycle is complete. The chain binding the live player and the stalker inside the Zone is complete. They are alike, they have the same goal. This idea is the basis of interaction between the player and his character. The player no longer has to convince himself that he is a robot-like eight-eyed five-barreller. You are a simple person thrown into harsh environment of the Zone. Your character has to survive, following the strongest instinct of any being. The need for food and rest is also tied in, to increase the effect. And then there are competitors, and various ill-wishing wildlife... In other words, don't expect a walk in a park. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was not meant to be a horror game, and is not one. Cruelty and unpredictability of the real word can at times scare more than any hideous monster. They force into boundaries, lock up in a room, where there is no exit in sight, where the inevitable price of any action forces people to perform misdeeds that no other creatures would ever perform. Man is the scariest and most cruel monster, in game, as in real life. It is what one should really be apprehensive of."



  3. Hvis det tar 30min å krysse 1,6km blir dette spillet noe dårligere enn jeg trodde  ;)

    hehe, en del av levelsa er jo også innendørs(chernobyl-sarcofagen), så dele 30 på 18 blir jo ikke riktig. det er jo ikke en gang sikkert området er delt opp i 18 deler, det er bare noen jeg mener de sa en gang i tiden. det kan jo uansett virke som at det hvertfall ikke er slik lenger.

  4. http://stalker.myexp.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1235


    lite utdrag...


    How long will it take to walk from one side of the world/map to the other?




    On average, it will take about 30 minutes and up to cross one level - they are huge


    What shaders will there be?



    For Dx8 - 1.4

    For Dx9 - 3.0


    How many character models are there ingame? any random animals like porcupines and tigers?



    Character models - several hundreds; no porcupines in Chernobyl though:) only Bloodsuckers!!!


    Will there be elements of horror found in Stalker ? (ex. Ravenholm in HL2, MoonBase in DOOM3)



    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a very spooky game, a horror in itself.


    How long does a 24 h day in STALKER takes in reality time?



    In reality it is 2,5 hours.

  5. Synes ikke grafikken ser noe bedre ut enn det som er ute nå jeg :o

    bortsett fra vær og dag\natt cycle ? stalker har dynamisk vær som skifter mens du spiller, regn, mørkt, overskyet, sol, lyn, osv osv.



    Kinda like GTA3?



    Okay ttt. Jeg får vente i spenning til de får inn dx9 da.


    Modellene er det ikke noe å utsette på. Men det er liksom ikke bedre enn det som finnes allerede.

    nei i s.t.a.l.k.e.r. skjer det i realtime. står du stille på et sted å ser på himmelen går døgnet og været sin gang. det er selvfølgelig klokka opp slik at døgnet ikke er 24 timer hehe.

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