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Innlegg skrevet av cock hammer

  1. PC/Xbox 360 november.


    noen hørt om dette spillet? ser helt rått ut! fps med en del nye vrier. håper det kommer på PC eller så må jeg gå til innkjøp av xbox360.


    sjekk ut videoer her: "freaky sequence" anbefales! freaky er mildt sagt...grøss.



    gamespot er også svært fasinert av dette spillet:


  2. makan til dårlig skrevet anmeldelse skal man lete lenge etter.



    Nå ble jeg nysgjerrig... lyst til å utdype?



    etter å lest gjennom den et par ganger til må jeg nesten trekke tilbake kommentaren over, dog jeg synes fortsatt anmeldelsen er litt vanskelig skrevet.


    btw du gjør en flott jobb på spillsidene hos dagbladet.

  3. f.e.a.r. kommer til å bli så jæ..g fett!


    gamespot - 9.1


    "F.E.A.R. is quite easily one of the most intense and atmospheric games that you'll play, and it's a spectacular blend of horror and action. You can't help but get the feeling that this is a game that's the spiritual successor to the original Half-Life, because it's so obviously inspired by that classic game. Indeed, some of the locations and enemies are highly reminiscent of those in Half-Life. This is a game that will thrill you one moment and scare you the next. F.E.A.R. features some of the greatest gunplay available in a first-person shooter, and it elevates the art of firing a gun to whole new levels. This alone makes it an incredibly intense game that must be experienced. The fact that it's also one of the creepiest games ever made is just icing on the cake."



  4. Finnes det? Hører så mye negativt om tv-kort i denne prisklassen. Har tenkt å kopiere vhs til dvd, best mulig kvalitet til lavest mulig pris. Er virkelig kortene(programvaren) i denne prisklassen svake, eller er det lite datakyndige folk som klundrer ting til? noen erfaringer/anbefalinger?

  5. The British branch of THQ reports: "This month's PC Gamer Magazine will be a godsend for those keenly following the progress of FPS sensation S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. [...] Meanwhile, fresh from the cover disc, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans are treated to the incredible trailer that made its debut at the Game developer's Conference earlier this year. If you thought GSC Gameworlds' proprietary X-Ray engine was already something special, wait until you see a classic S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fire-fight rendered with full DX9 support.


    PC Gamer is on news-stands now."


    Somebody seems to have posted some video captures from the latest trailer that he got in the latest issue of the PC Gamer. Go, check them out!




    source: http://stalker.myexp.de/en/index.php



  6. I 1.gangstjenesten fikk kompaniet/troppen min se og holde rundt 30 automatrifler og maskinpistoler fra forskjellige steder i verden. Var ikke mange som vill ha bytta bort AG3`n. Bla føltes m16 som et stykke plastikk. Forsvaret hadde testet M16 i minus 20 grader her i Norge, noe som ved flere anledninger førte til sprekker i våpenene(løpet). Et stort minus med ag`n er tyngden. tyngden med montert m79 og innskyvbar kolbe er ubehaglig stor. må i tillegg vedlikeholdes hele tiden for at det ikke skal klikke. tanken på pussing, olje, rødsprit og vonde fingre i syvduker/op gjør meg kvalm hehe.

  7. kort sammendrag....


    "Right ive read it.It made an intresting read.Nothing we didnt already know.They really liked it!


    I like the way they talked about shooting down birds so you could cook them.5pages of writing and all was talking about how you start off being healed by the dealer and have to do a mission to steal a briefcase.


    They talk about it so well how the first time you see daylight they heard a shreak and was like "What the hell was that!"(*shivering*)"was that a scream?"


    They were so amazed by the AI and how it was happing around them all the time.Just standing still they saw a group of patrolling guards walking up a road looking out for stalkers,a wild dog chasing prey across a field and a mutant pig/horse thing pulling a corpse into a bush and a rival stalker running up a hill into the trees.


    They said the animals nearby look up at you as to see if you are a threat.


    A blowout accured when they were playing the game and the player freaked out wondering why dogs and zombies were all running one way and past them..."is it a flaw in the AI?","NO","Should I run?","OH YES!"


    They also found out about a rocket launcher in a house nearby and climbed to the top of a tower to take down a heicoptor...They waited for it come passing by and shot its undercarriage a few times to get its attention.It came back to take the stalker out but one shot from the bazooka and engine bits were flying everwhere as the copter struck the ground.


    As soon as it was hit a whole load of teams of guards rushed to the area and flanked the stalker...got the player surrounded in an underground tunnel and took him out."



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