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cock hammer

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Innlegg skrevet av cock hammer

  1. Nå burde det nevnes at STALKER har blitt mindre og mindre RPG-aktig, om man skal stole på de nyeste previewene, og former seg til å bli et ganske så generisk FPS.


    Men man kan jo håpe.



    Vel alle previewene jeg har lest skryter av at det IKKE er en standard fps og at det ser ut til at de leverer stort sett alt de lovet for noen år siden. Feks:




    "This highly ambitious first-person survival game isn't a traditional shooter by any means. You won't be running and gunning through linear levels like you do in so many other games. Instead, you'll be plopped down around the radioactive ruins of the infamous nuclear power plant, and from that point you'll be able to explore a dynamic and living world, complete with its own ecology."


    "This initial taste of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is enticing, mainly because it appears that GSC Game World has delivered on many of the ambitious features that were promised years ago. There's almost a palpable sense that you're not quite playing a game, but rather exploring an incredibly dynamic and dangerous world. We're excited at the prospect of adventuring and living in this world. It also doesn't hurt that the visuals have remained impressive."



  2. Here a translation of the rating box from the review :





    Fun/Time factor: thrilling from the first until the last minute

    Level: from intermediate to pro

    (start is easy, high accessability)

    available format: 4:3 5:4 16:9 16:10

    copy protection: Securom


    RATING: (they have a rating system ranging from 1 -10 -- 10 is best .. you got it )

    [+ = positive; - = negative]

    graphics: + spectacular light effects; - animations

    => 9/10

    Sound: + (...)Soundtrack; + (...)environmental sounds; - flat weaponsounds; - only few voices

    => 8/10

    Balance: + good learning curve... ; - ... which could be changed by random events

    => 8/10

    Atmosphere: + coherent endtime world; + awesome horrormoments;

    => 10/10

    handling: + good fps handling; - lengthy inventory management

    => 9/10

    Extend: + 10 Territories for free roaming and exploration; + scores of subquests; + (...) replayability very high

    => 9/10

    Leveldesign: + handmade; no buildings are similar; + multiple solutions

    => 10/10

    KI: + dodges; + uses all weapons; + independent behaviour; - infrequent ki errors

    => 9/10

    Weapons&extras: + weapons customizable; - low weapon varity

    => 9/10

    Story: + dense story; + mystical cutscenes; - parts of the plot left in the dark


    ====> Ratin : 90

    Conclusion : „The most atmospheric Shooter ever“



  3. Lager man noe som er litt utenom det vanlige tar man seff en risk. Som tidligere nevnt er det mulig at den den vanlige gamer synes det blir for sært. Hele konseptet tiltalter meg meget sterkt, så jeg gleder meg som en unge. At alle hands-on har vært meget positive gjør heller ikke noe. Betaen er det morsomste MP jeg har spilt siden mine CS-dager.

  4. For de som får "dårlig" grafikk...følg denne linken og last ned STALKER.pl-CFG.rar






    #. Info

    PL / ENG

    Link: STALKER.pl-CFG.rar

    Waga / Weight: 4KB (4 096B)



    - 1280x1024 - 32bit

    - High Dynamic Range Lightening Rendering,

    - Soft Shadows,

    - Bloom,

    - Motion Blur,

    - Emulowany Temporal Supersampling po różnych zabiegach / Emulated Temporal Supersampling,

    - Bump-Mapping,

    - Radiocity,

    - Refractions,

    - R1 Lights,

    - "Gamma, Contrast, Brightness" dla najlepszego wyglądu / "Gamma, Contrast, Brightness" for best visuals,

    - GI bez drastycznego spadku FPS / GI without FPS loss,

    - Parallax-Mapping.

  5. husker dere de helt gamle buggene da? de som var noe eldre enn de som det er bilde av i første post. De som var innpakket i papir som var brettet rundt tyggisen, i stedet for plast slik som det er på bildet. Det var da ikke noe luft inni pakken.


    Av den sorten var det en type som var gul-grønn som var ganske syrlig. Er helt sikkert den du tenker på Holger, og jeg mener det var sitronsmak på den eller noe sånt...




    Skulle gitt mye for å få de gode gamle buggene tilbake! Vakumpakket bugg? huff! Jeg og venner saumfarte skogholt og grøfter på vei hjem fra skolen i håp om at en av de lokale alkoholikerne hadde slengt i fra seg noen flasker. Panting av flasker var neppe inn på 80-tallet siden vi alltid fant en hel haug hehe.

  6. "For example, the first area you start in - essentially a large training zone - is bisected by a shattered railway bridge. The way through the bridge is guarded by bandits, who will demand 500 roubles each time you wish to pass through. After paying up once, I decided my money could be better spent elsewhere, and decided to just make a run for it on the return journey. Sure enough, they opened fire, but I was able to out-run them. After that, they didn't seem open to bribery. So the next time I needed to cross their turf, I waited until dark. Lurking a short distance away from their barricade, I flashed my torch and fired off a few warning shots. As they came to investigate, I cheekily doubled back around them and sauntered through their den unscathed - even stopping to swipe their stash of vodka on the way."




  7. ehh, spillet kommer om litt over en mnd da



    Vi håper i alle fall det. Jeg tror det ikke før jeg får se det. Dog virker det mer nærliggende enn noen gang nå. Jeg krysser i alle fall fingrene for at de slipper et "ferdig" produkt, som ikke må patches et utall ganger før det fungerer tilfredstillende.



    Quote/Intervju med betatester:


    "Having liked Boiling Point, is the game bugged? A: This beta is 100 times better than retail Boiling Point."




    Det lover jo bra ;)

  8. Les og gled dere!




    "...it feels distinctly different from anything out on the market right now. The outdoor environments in the game are massive..."







    "This highly ambitious first-person survival game isn't a traditional shooter by any means. You won't be running and gunning through linear levels like you do in so many other games. Instead, you'll be plopped down around the radioactive ruins of the infamous nuclear power plant, and from that point you'll be able to explore a dynamic and living world, complete with its own ecology."


    "This initial taste of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is enticing, mainly because it appears that GSC Game World has delivered on many of the ambitious features that were promised years ago. There's almost a palpable sense that you're not quite playing a game, but rather exploring an incredibly dynamic and dangerous world. We're excited at the prospect of adventuring and living in this world. It also doesn't hurt that the visuals have remained impressive."



  9. ojojojoj! jeg GLEDER meg. Logget meg inn på forumet på den offisielle siden. Siste post var for 3 år siden lol. Atmosfæren kommer til å uslåelig!



    20:52:03 Thursday, 21 December 2006, det var siste post, og det er mange fra denne måneden.




    hva er det du snakker om? jeg snakker om MIN siste post fra stalker-forumet. rai rai :!:

  10. uuuuuuuuutrolig fett spill! at det ikke var en jævla loading screen var deilig. genialt. finnes det et fetere våpen en torc bow? don`t think so lol.


    btw hvordan i helvete har folk klart å runde spillet på 6 timer? tror jeg brukte ca 15 timer på hardcore. kom meg igjennom uten å dø mange ganger gitt. målet var å ikke daue, men da måtte man ha gått særdeles varsomt frem.

  11. Rett på hardcore. Har brukt rundt 6 timer og er ca midt i act 2! Tar litt tid å få kontrollene i fingra. Bare å ta seg god til her altså, ellers er det rett i grava. Chainsaw kill er vanskeligere enn antatt, men det er bra siden det er en jævlig digg følelse når man først får sjansen og klarer det.

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