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Logitech PS3 Harmony Adapter endelig i salg


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Hva vil du vite? Har hatt denne oppkoblet i en måneds tid nå ca, og er meget fornøyd. Dvs, den gjør jo akkurat det den skal, hverken mer eller mindre. Bruker du f.eks. (som meg) maskinen mye til film, er det praktisk å slippe å hente DualShocken for å trykke play og pause. Det nærmeste den kommer å gjøre noe fancy, er vel å klare skru-av-PS3-knappe-komboen.

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Lurte bare på om den fungerer smertefritt og om du synes det var verdt pengene. Synes den er litt dyr. 3-400 er jo nesten like mye som jeg betalte for fjernkontrollen.


Har også lest at noen har hatt problemer med at kontrollerne ble forstyrret etter at man pairet adapteren med ps3'n, men det har du ikke opplevd da eller?

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Etter å selv ha kjøpt denne dingsen og hatt den i bruk i et par uker kan jeg nå rapportere om at jeg burde ha ventet med kjøpet og lest litt mer på nett om det.


Jeg har PS3 Slim som er oppdatert med seneste firmware (3.01).


Adapteren fungerer ikke som den skal, her er en beskrivelse fra et engelsk forum som er det nøyaktig samme som jeg, med flere, opplever:


(...)turn the PS3 on with the controller, no problems. Both controller and remote work fine. Turn the PS3 on with the Harmony: the controllers will not pair at all. None of them. They just blink all 4 LEDs endlessly. Plug the controller in via USB and it will eventually, but unplug it and it goes back to the 4 LED blink. (...)


Jeg kjøpte adapteren mens jeg fortsatt hadde den gamle PS3 80gb, alt fungerte fint de første dagene helt til jeg oppdaterte til v 3 av firmware. Da fungerte ikke kontrollerne lengre. Jeg brydde meg ikke spesielt mye om dette siden jeg dagen etter skulle ned og bytte den inn mot en ny ps3 slim.


Med den nye ps3 slim i hus fungerte alt bra de første dagene, men for noen dager siden begynte jeg også å få disse problemene. Har søkt på Logitech sitt support-forum og funnet denne tråden som viser at det er flere som opplever det samme.


Såvidt jeg kan se så er dette et problem både Sony og Logitech er klar over men ikke har klart å fikse ennå.


I called their support number 1-866-291-1505, option 3. Right off the bat the tech knew about the issue.


- He says that Logitech is well aware off the issue. To sum it up, he basically said that Sony changed the BlueTooth Protocol in the Slims[hardware] and also with the Firmware update in the Fats[software].


- They are unrelated, but similar issues.


- He says that there is no solution at the moment and it is possible that the Logitech PS3 adapter I bought might never work with the PS3 slim. He said since the device isn't upgradeable, Sony 'might' be able to fix it with a software patch, but Logitech might make a PS3 adapter specifically for the slim.


- He also mentioned that I should probably return it to Bestbuy, since that would be the easiest route. Then wait for a fix or purchase the PS3 slim adapter if/when it comes out. One good thing is that he said those of us who have the PS3 adapter will likely be able to send it to Logitech for a sawp if/when the PS3 slim adapter comes out.... but like I said, he mentioned that it would be easier to return it to Bestbuy and call support in a month.


Så til de av dere som vurderer å kjøpe denne dingsen: min anbefaling er å vente litt.

Endret av Solaar
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Da er det funnet en løsning på problemet hos Logitech. Her er hva jeg skrev på et annet forum (det er på engelsk, håper det går greit).


I can report the same as Yabbah. I contacted my local support-office today and they told me that yesterday Logitech had sent out information to all of their support-offices saying that those that are affected will have their adapters replaced. All you need to do is contact your local support and have them register a case with your contact info, they will then make contact with information on how to get a replacement for your faulty adapter.


The very helpful customer-service representative also told me that all new batches of adapters do not have this problem and that the problem is mainly connected to PS3-slim owners. However, he also said that some may experience the same problem with older PS3 models.


Thanks to Yabbah, and to those of you that want to get in contact with your local support-line, here's an overview of phone-numbers and opening hours:


Support Information Provided Is For Logitech Harmony Remote Only (click this link)




Logitech fortalte videre at dette problemet er fikset i alle nye utsendelser av adaptere og at det kun er de aller første modellene som er påvirket. Det forklarer hvorfor enkelte ikke har opplevd dette (jeg kjøpte min omtrent med en gang den kom ut).


Så da er det bare å løpe og kjøpe for dere som vurderer det, jeg kan anbefale adapteren på det varmeste da den fungerer utmerket på alle (andre) måter!


PS: Netshop fikk inn denne på lager i går (koster kr 349,-), ser at det bare er 2 stk igjen så først til mølla osv. Komplett.no har også 1 på lager men der er den en hundrelapp dyrere.

Endret av Solaar
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Kan forøvrig opplyse om at iflg Logitech så er adaptere med PID høyere enn LZ922xx ikke berørt av problemet.


Jeg har PID LZ920.

Er dette noe Logitech bytter ut dersom man opplever problema? Er det å regne som feil på produktet? Opplevede problemer i går faktisk :/


Jeg går utifra at de bytter den, er i kontakt med deres kundeservice nå så jeg får se hva som skjer. Kan oppdatere her når jeg får fortgang i saken. Man må forøvrig sende kopi av kvitteringen til de, enten på fax eller scannet pr mail (med mindre du vil sende den pr post til Canada).

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Her er mitt siste innlegg på Logitechs support-forum. Orker ikke oversette så håper dere klarer å forstå min engelsk :)


Unlike you, I am not impressed with the service at all.


First I called customer support and explained the whole situation. The guy in the callcenter was very helpful and promised to send the whole case to their department in Canada. A few days later I received an e-mail where someone asked me to explain what problem I had. So I did, and then it took two more days to receive a response saying I had to send them my original receipt by fax or mail. Since I don't have either a fax or a scanner at home I had to wait another couple of days before I could send it to them.


I don't see the point in having to send the receipt, I mean it's a Logitech product, it has the PID printed on the back, why do they need a proof of purchase? I'd understand it if I had to return it to the place where I originally purchased the item, but not in this case.


So I returned the receipt by e-mail and then it took another week before I heard anything, only after having sent a reminder to them by e-mail. Like you, I received a mail from UPS where I now have to print out their receipt and return the package by mail to Logitech. Since I don't have a printer I will have to wait another day before I can send it. I reckon a few days will pass before Logitech receives my returned product, and another few days before they return a functional procuct to me.


All in all, so far, one and a half week has passed and I am still stuck with my non-functional product. Absolutely nothing has happened, apart from me having had lengthy conversations with support by phone and e-mail. It will probably take the equal amount of time (minimum) before I receive my replacement, but my guess would be another two weeks. On average they use two days (!) to respond to an e-mail. (For those of you that remember the good old days when we sent mail through the post-office, that is one more day that it took to send a letter and for the receiver to have it in his/her hands.)


I don't know about you, but I am not happy at all to have to wait 3 weeks to get a replacement for my faulty product and I deeply regret ever having contacted their support. What I should have done is go back to the place I bought the adapter, told them it didn't work and to give me a new one.


I was one of the first persons to buy this adapter, not only have I been punished for that by receiving a faulty product, I also paid more just to get it as soon as possible. Add to that, the price of this adapter is almost the same as I paid for my remote, so I had high expectations for it to function properly. I have also been forced to go through all this trouble and waiting, just to solve a problem they've created in the first place. Logitech spent several months to realize they had a problem, and then it takes several weeks to get a replacement, how on earth is that good service?


To me good service is not about receiving friendly answers by phone or e-mail.

To me, good service is to get your problem/product fixed as soon and smooth as possible. (if I am treated well along the way, it's a plus)


Logitech haven't by far been close to fulfilling my expectations of good service. However, I must admit, I had high expectations after having read what others told about their happiness with Logitech's treatment of it's customers.


So people, don't be fooled. Logitech does not always offer good service to their customers. If you are reading this and have the same problem as all of us have had I have one strong advice for you:


Go down to the store where you purchased the adapter and tell them it doesn't work and you want a refund or a new product. (be sure to check the PID so that you don't get another faulty product). When we as final consumers contact Logitech, it has absolutely no consequences for them at all. However, if we return our product to the place we bought it, Logitech will have a problem. Not only with the logistics (which they are now demanding of us to handle), they will also get bad feedback from the stores and chains (i.e their real customers). This will have economic consequences for them and it is the only way they will recognise they have a problem. This way, next time they try to sell a product that doesn't function properly, maybe they'll think twice.


Let Logitech handle the problem instead of you having to do all the work for them!


Så jeg har altså gått veien fra å være imponert over raskt svar (over telefon) til å bli rimelig oppgitt over deres måte å behandle denne saken på.

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Da kan jeg videre fortelle at jeg etter en uke fortsatt ikke har hørt noe fra Logitech. Jeg har kontaktet de pr mail, pr telefon og forsøkt å skrive tilbakemeldinger på deres forum. Jeg får ikke svar fra noen steder.


Jeg angrer så utrolig mye på at jeg noensinne tok kontakt med de. Dette er seriøst den ALLER verste kundeservicen jeg noensinne har vært borti (med unntak fra Nextgentel).


Hvis du i det hele tatt planlegger å kjøpe dette produktet så sørg for at du har riktig PID på den!

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  • 4 uker senere...

Jeg fikk aldri svar på den siste mailen jeg sendte til de og hadde vel egentlig gitt opp. Det er bare dumhet og latskap som har gjort at jeg ikke har kommet meg ned til butikken og krevd en ny der.


Men på tirsdag kom det en fra Logitech i Canada og i dag kom det en fra Komplett.no, dvs Logitech Norge har sørget for å sende en derifra. Merkelig greie og ekstremt dårlig kundeservice fra Logitech, menmen nå har jeg en som fungerer ihvertfall :)

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