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Letter to the gayhunter


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Jeg satt og mora meg stort over å lese på Love gods way sin hjemmeside og lese om alle bandene som gjør folk homofile. Ja, det finnes altså de som jakter på homofiliserende musikk.Denne mannen mener han skal kurere homofili, fordi gud hater homofile. Jesus er glad i dem, men pappa Gud HATER dem. Der har du en tynn kampanje. Jeg syns alikevel synd nok på denne mannen, Donnie Davies, at jeg bestemte meg for å sende en e-post til han. Dette brevet tolkes sikkert som et provoserende angrep, men det gjør meg ingenting :):

Hello!My name is Bjørn and i am from Norway. I have just read a little bit on your sites and i havethings to say. First, you should know that i am not gay (if i was, you would probably be to terrifiedto keep reading becaus you know i could use powerful gay voodoo on you), but a proud heterosexualagnostic. You should be ashamed of yourself, you so-called soldier of god. You do a good job at spreading your slander and i found this all quite amusing up until when I read that you mean Queen are a band that is supposed to make one gay. By the way, make someone gay? You do know that is not a possibility, right? Your god, in your religion, has created us as free-thinking beings and I admit that todays wayward and weak youth are easily corrupted by media-hype. Never the less, for you to claim that people can become gay from listening to the art that music is, ss we say here in Norway: "Den må du dra lengre ut på landet med!” Music is supposed to put us in certain moods, but to change our sexual orientation? Never. I do believe you mean all you say, but i also mean you are nothing but a weak pawn influenced by the temptation of power and attention. You are weak. You should learn to stand up to yourself. Even if you couldn't handle the fact that homosexuals are constantly hated, that doesn't mean that all the other gays are as weak as you. Facts:God loves his creation.We will be judged for our discretions in the afterlife by god himselfYou should not pass out judgement.God wants us to be happy and free-thinking in this life.Youth nowadays are sceptics. Youth nowadays often want to be loved, even if they are a little different.The teachings of Christianity show people an unconditional love. (Are you one to try changing that?) A little word of advice: Teach love. Teach understanding. You will gain more supporters doing that than going on the old witch hunt after homosexuals.Quit trying to "convert" these good people.Grasp these facts and you will be much happier And a little something to leave you shivering in your chair: God created homosexuality. It's called natural population control. Had every living soul on our earth been in the typical average family of man, wife and 2,5 kids, we would no doubt have filled the earth with people within a few years.In other words: You are contributing to the destruction of Gods creation.Even if you don’t I do care about human rights and the thought of being a free-thinking person.I care for these human beings and I am proud to say I have many close homosexual friends. The fact that you really believe the things written about homosexuality and it’s coming from music shows how deep your prejudices are and how weak minds easily manipulate by the temptation of attention.You are no better than real human beings. Those who aren’t afraid to be themselves.Eagerly awaiting responseBjørn Floeng Svendby
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jeg elsker blog innleggene dine og det brevet du skrev til mannen er bare over min fatte evne av genialt.

selv om jeg er litt små uenig i noe av det. eller; jeg har en annen vinkling på det.

men det hav vi vel snakket om.

elsker deg.


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Good shit. (y)


Stiller meg bak brevet ditt.


Forøvrig synes jeg Donnie virker som en skaphomse som prosjekterer sitt selvhat(ang. pga. "bibelsk" homsehat og dårlig selvtillit) mot andre homofile.

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