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Hvorfor har "dr" hovind så mye støtte?

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Om arken:

Noah's family and two of every "kind" of animal (including young dinosaurs)[31] safely boarded the Ark before a minus 300° F (~-184°C) ice meteor came flying toward the earth and broke up in space. Some of the meteor fragments became rings and others caused the impact craters on the moon and some of the planets. The remaining ice fragments fell to the north and south poles of the earth.


Om "floden":

During the first few months of the flood, the dead animals and plants were buried, and became oil and coal, respectively. The last few months of the flood included geological instability, when the plates shifted. This period saw the formation of both ocean basins and mountain ranges and the resulting water run-off caused incredible erosion — Hovind says that the Grand Canyon was formed in a couple of weeks during this time.


Når han ble stilt for 58 punkter med skattesvindel:

After being indicted, Hovind maintained his innocence. "I still don't understand what I'm being charged for and who is charging me," he said.[99] Magistrate Miles Davis asked Hovind if he wrote and spoke English, to which Hovind responded "To some degree". Davis replied that the government adequately explained the allegations and the defendant understands the charges "whether you want to admit it or not."[


hovind's utdannelse:

1971 he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 until 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.).[6] In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the unaccredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado


Om karbondatering:

Hovind has stated that carbon dating and radiometric dating -- methods used by scientists to estimate the age of various objects and events -- is unreliable


Om biologi og evolusjon:

"Hovind maintains that biology textbooks are lying and that he considers evolution to be a religion"


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Arkansas state Representative Jim Holt's Anti-Evolution Bill in 2001 (House Bill 2548).[58] This bill "would have required that when public schools refer to evolution that it be identified as an unproven theory." Some politicians claimed this bill "would have made Arkansas a laughingstock"


Om staten i usa:

Hovind has several conspiracy theories about the U.S. government. He believes that Laetrile actually works as a "cancer cure" and teaches that the US government is conspiring to suppress a cure for cancer.[22]} On his radio program he has said that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks and that a "lot of folks were told not to come to work."[67][reliable source needed] He also believes the Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by the government. "Did you know the Federal Government blew up their own building to blame it on the militias and to get rid of some people that weren't cooperating with the system?"[68] He also alleges that "UFOs are apparitions of Satan" and that the US government possesses UFOs


Om fosiler:

Hovind disregards all fossil evidence, saying that "no fossils can count as evidence for evolution," because "all we know about that animal is that it died," and we do not know that it "had any kids, much less different kids."[


Noe om New world order theorien hans:

As part of his "one world government" conspiracy theory[citation needed], Hovind also believes that HIV, West Nile Fever, Gulf war syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Wegener's disease, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's colitis, Type I diabetes, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's were all engineered by "the money masters and governments of the world" for the purpose of global economic domination.[70]



Hovind was sentenced on January 19, 2007 to ten years in prison and ordered to pay the federal government restitution of over $600,000. After his prison term finishes, he will have to serve another three years of probation. A tearful Hovind had hoped to avoid prison, telling the court, "If it's just money the IRS wants, there are thousands of people out there who will help pay the money they want so I can go back out there and preach."[115]


Har selv vært gjennom det meste av referanse lista på wikipedia, og personlig skammer jeg meg over å være menneske når jeg leser om hovind.


Vet det har vært threads om han tidligere, men vil gjerne høre litt dypere forklaring fra tilhengere, og gjerne også noen bevis for noe av det han sier. Har prøvd å finne noe som støtter opp det han sier men virker som nesten alt er tatt rett ut fra løse lufta.


Hvorfor får han så mye støtte? Kan noen her som liker hovind forklare hva dem ser i han?


Ps: gidder ikke linke så mye referanser her, ta å se gjennom referanse lista

på wikipedia isteden.

Endret av Lafs
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Kan noen her som liker hovind forklare hva dem ser i han?


Så langt jeg har forstått har han tilhengere fordi han forklarer ting på en enkel måte (ala Hagen i politikken her hjemme...) , sånn at selv de dummeste kan forstå det (Skal du forstå bakgrunnen til evolusjons teorien trenger du litt balast i form av forkunnskaper i en del evner, noe dette mølet ikke gjør...)

Og så blander han inn gud.... En kombinasjon som er mer enn nok til at folk sluker dette rått, i USA ihvertfall... De har rett og slett ikke forkunnskaper nok til å avsløre bløffene han fremsetter! Har både hørt og lest en del fra disse kreasjonistene og må si at de har en forbløffende lettsindig omgang med fakta som peker deres vei, og tilsvarende forbløffende lettsindighet med å lyve så skam rødmen hadde tatt en hvilken som helst annen person når det er ting som ikke støtter "teoriene" deres! Og så har de den frekkhet å si at evolusjons teorien, der de har hentet alt materiale fra, er løgn og bedrag!! Jøss, for en bande!!!


Egentlig er de en latterlig bande hadde de ikke ment dette dønn alvorlig ved å forsøke å stenge den virkelige og sanne informasjonen ute fra skoler og instutisjoner! Helt spinn vilt at folk tror dette, men jeg tror det er kombinasjonen lett oppfatterlig og gud som gjør dette! De har sogar satt opp et museum der de presenterer løgnene sine på en "vitenskapelig" måte! :dribble:


Huff så dumt!

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Så langt jeg har forstått har han tilhengere fordi han forklarer ting på en enkel måte (ala Hagen i politikken her hjemme...)

Tull. Å sammenligne Hagen med Hovind blir å vise at du er lik som Hovind. Like liten troverdighet.


Hvorfor får han så mye støtte?

Han er en kynisk drittsekk som appellerer til f.eks. dødsfrykten i mennesket. Menneskets usikkerhet. Ønsket om trygghet og forutsigbarhet.

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Han forklarer naturvitenskap på en meget enkel og underholdende måte som appellerer til de store massene. Nå er veldig mye av hans naturvitenskapelige beviser rent vissvass og selv en videregående elev med basiskunnskaper innen kjemi/fysikk klarer å se det (Hovind's "even just a drop of water can cover the earth's surface" er klassisk). Men det er ufattelig mange mennesker som ikke har denne basiskunnskapen.

I tillegg taler han stort sett til meningsfeller og konservative kristne som allerede har bestemt seg for at intelligent design er svaret. Jeg mener å huske han også stort sett bare stiller i debatter der han vet at motstanderne kan overkjøres.


Så han har nok fint lite støtte på generell basis, men han velger sitt publikum med omhu.

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  • 4 uker senere...

Det er godt å se at kreasjonismen ikke har noe særlig fotfeste i Norge, og stort sett heller ikke i Europa, Polen er kanskje et unntak.


Men mørkemennene har ikke gitt opp; her i Fredrikstad var det nylig et arrangement i en privat kirke, Zoe, hvor bl.a. den kjente fundamentalist Ivar Kristianslund - tilhørende samme klikk som Børre Knudsen, Ludvig Næssa m.fl. hadde invitert en svensk tullebukk for å holde foredrag om kreasjonisme. Han har skrevet bok om dette også - det er så latterlig det hele. Men det er så fiendtlig innstilt overfor vitenskapen at det bare må bekjempes.


Og siden kreasjonismen står utrolig sterkt i det fundamentalsitiske USA er det stadig en risiko for spredning. Kreasjonistene i USA, anført av ID-bevegelsen, som støttes av G.W. Bush og hans klikk, har stadig verdensherredømme på sin agenda! Og fundamentalistiske Islamister henger seg på, de er ganske aktive i Tyrkia.

Endret av rofl
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Det er godt å se at kreasjonismen ikke har noe særlig fotfeste i Norge, og stort sett heller ikke i Europa, Polen er kanskje et unntak.


Men mørkemennene har ikke gitt opp; her i Fredrikstad var det nylig et arrangement i en privat kirke, Zoe, hvor bl.a. den kjente fundamentalist Ivar Kristianslund - tilhørende samme klikk som Børre Knudsen, Ludvig Næssa m.fl. hadde invitert en svensk tullebukk for å holde foredrag om kreasjonisme. Han har skrevet bok om dette også - det er så latterlig det hele. Men det er så fiendtlig innstilt overfor vitenskapen at det bare må bekjempes.


Og siden kreasjonismen står utrolig sterkt i det fundamentalsitiske USA er det stadig en risiko for spredning. Kreasjonistene i USA, anført av ID-bevegelsen, som støttes av G.W. Bush og hans klikk, har stadig verdensherredømme på sin agenda! Og fundamentalistiske Islamister henger seg på, de er ganske aktive i Tyrkia.



De ironiske er jo at uten vitenskap så hadde det ikke vært noe kreasjonisme... :D De rapper jo rått alt derfra...


Det hele faller av seg selv på urimelighetens sverd er jeg redd. Det er vel derfor det ikke får fotfeste her hjemme og i de opplyste landene i europa (ikke polen, som er mørtemenn land :no: ). Folk VET at dette tullet ikke henger et sekund på greip og styrer klar. De fleste i USA kan ikke finne rompa si med kart engang så de faller veldig ofte for dette tøvet, dessverre. Al Queda har fått en skikkelig støtte spiller i GW Bush....



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Gjest medlem-141789





Om arken:

Noah's family and two of every "kind" of animal (including young dinosaurs)[31] safely boarded the Ark before a minus 300° F (~-184°C) ice meteor came flying toward the earth and broke up in space. Some of the meteor fragments became rings and others caused the impact craters on the moon and some of the planets. The remaining ice fragments fell to the north and south poles of the earth.


Om "floden":

During the first few months of the flood, the dead animals and plants were buried, and became oil and coal, respectively. The last few months of the flood included geological instability, when the plates shifted. This period saw the formation of both ocean basins and mountain ranges and the resulting water run-off caused incredible erosion — Hovind says that the Grand Canyon was formed in a couple of weeks during this time.


Når han ble stilt for 58 punkter med skattesvindel:

After being indicted, Hovind maintained his innocence. "I still don't understand what I'm being charged for and who is charging me," he said.[99] Magistrate Miles Davis asked Hovind if he wrote and spoke English, to which Hovind responded "To some degree". Davis replied that the government adequately explained the allegations and the defendant understands the charges "whether you want to admit it or not."[


hovind's utdannelse:

1971 he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 until 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.).[6] In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the unaccredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado


Om karbondatering:

Hovind has stated that carbon dating and radiometric dating -- methods used by scientists to estimate the age of various objects and events -- is unreliable


Om biologi og evolusjon:

"Hovind maintains that biology textbooks are lying and that he considers evolution to be a religion"


Prøver å manipulere undervisnings systemet:

Arkansas state Representative Jim Holt's Anti-Evolution Bill in 2001 (House Bill 2548).[58] This bill "would have required that when public schools refer to evolution that it be identified as an unproven theory." Some politicians claimed this bill "would have made Arkansas a laughingstock"


Om staten i usa:

Hovind has several conspiracy theories about the U.S. government. He believes that Laetrile actually works as a "cancer cure" and teaches that the US government is conspiring to suppress a cure for cancer.[22]} On his radio program he has said that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks and that a "lot of folks were told not to come to work."[67][reliable source needed] He also believes the Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by the government. "Did you know the Federal Government blew up their own building to blame it on the militias and to get rid of some people that weren't cooperating with the system?"[68] He also alleges that "UFOs are apparitions of Satan" and that the US government possesses UFOs


Om fosiler:

Hovind disregards all fossil evidence, saying that "no fossils can count as evidence for evolution," because "all we know about that animal is that it died," and we do not know that it "had any kids, much less different kids."[


Noe om New world order theorien hans:

As part of his "one world government" conspiracy theory[citation needed], Hovind also believes that HIV, West Nile Fever, Gulf war syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Wegener's disease, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's colitis, Type I diabetes, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's were all engineered by "the money masters and governments of the world" for the purpose of global economic domination.[70]



Hovind was sentenced on January 19, 2007 to ten years in prison and ordered to pay the federal government restitution of over $600,000. After his prison term finishes, he will have to serve another three years of probation. A tearful Hovind had hoped to avoid prison, telling the court, "If it's just money the IRS wants, there are thousands of people out there who will help pay the money they want so I can go back out there and preach."[115]


Har selv vært gjennom det meste av referanse lista på wikipedia, og personlig skammer jeg meg over å være menneske når jeg leser om hovind.


Vet det har vært threads om han tidligere, men vil gjerne høre litt dypere forklaring fra tilhengere, og gjerne også noen bevis for noe av det han sier. Har prøvd å finne noe som støtter opp det han sier men virker som nesten alt er tatt rett ut fra løse lufta.


Hvorfor får han så mye støtte? Kan noen her som liker hovind forklare hva dem ser i han?


Ps: gidder ikke linke så mye referanser her, ta å se gjennom referanse lista

på wikipedia isteden.


Han sa no at det låg eit yttelag med vatn rund jorda, som gjorde at det vart eit mildt klima.

Det ytterste laget regna ned og dekte heile jorda.

Gud gjorde at fjella røste seg og det vart land.

Har aldri høyrt om noko is som trenfte jorda i talane hans....xD

Endret av medlem-141789
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God sent a comet or knew that one was coming toward the earth. As it was progressing through our solar system, some of the fragments broke off and became trapped in what is now some of the rings around Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. All three of these planets have ice rings around them that are still not stabilized, indicating that they have not been there for millions of years. These rings are still separating the lighter particles from the heavier particles from the Pointing Robertson Effect of the solar wind. Some of those meteors may have hit the moon and caused the craters on the moon. What made the craters? On Mars and the moon there are actually flow marks as if there was water flowing. Maybe the ice meteor hit the planets, made a crater, and then melted in the heat of the day, because in the heat of the day the surface of these planets is about 250 degrees. The closer it got the stronger the pull of gravity and the faster it traveled. It continued travel to closer and move faster until it reached a point called Rosches Limit, which is about 2.44 times the diameter of the larger planet. About 20,000 miles out, the meteor exploded in space and turned into a puff of snow. Ice that is 300 degrees or below becomes magnetic and can be picked up by a magnet. At this low temperature, this magnetic ice would be sucked to the north and south pole because of the intense magnetic field. That would cause a very rapid snow fall of some very cold snow, about 300 degrees below zero, at the North and South Poles. Another thought to keep in mind is that the South Pole is considered a desert because they receive less that ten inches of precipitation a year; yet, the ice is up to 14,000 feet thick at the South Pole. Either it took millions of years to accumulate 14,000 feet of ice or it was dumped there all at once.


Husker jeg så en video som tok for seg fysikken av det hele med sitatet over i video om en skulle være i tvil at det er han som har sagt det, men jeg ser ikke ut til å finne den akkurat nå.

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