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Blogginnlegg skrevet av djgudleif

  1. djgudleif
    Nothing kills the mood more than a bad day, providing it with flavours such as bitterness and anger. Or is it perhaps the mood that is killing the day?
    I personally believe that every day is neutral, and so-called bad days are just something we make them into.
    When you feel that you are having a "bad day", you mind is going to look for more evidence to support what you are feeling, and it shall be found.
    Good days are all the same. The day is no different, only the way you perceived it.
    Coming out of a bad mood before it subsides on it's own is usually very hard, because when you are sad there is no real desire for happiness. You are blinded by the dominant feeling.
    It's the same for happiness, you have no desire to be sad when you are happy. Going from sad to happy using only your thoughts is almost as hard as going from happy to sad.
    The difference is that happiness is the preferred state of mind, and rarely one would have any motivation to make one self sad.
    The other way around is more likely and accomplishable.
    In a healthy mind, everything can be controlled almost like a light switch. Some people suppress their bad feelings and become seemingly happy. Although, there is a difference between suppressing emotions and "blocking" them. Blocking emotions is not about suppressing the sadness, which is a dangerous practice, but rather allowing yourself to be happy.
    When you allow yourself to be happy, and stop feeling sorry for yourself, your mind alters it's perception and starts looking for evidence to support that you can indeed feel better, and the feelings of anger, bitterness and sadness eventually subside a little quicker than they normally would. Your mind stops looking for evidence to support the bad mood you were having, and therefore you are gradually blocking these bad emotions, until you can only see reasons to be happy.
    In short, don't try to force yourself to be happy, just allow yourself to be happy, and let the mind come to ease.
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