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    Catalyst 8.12 leaked




    Crysis + 2-7%


    Crysis Warhead + 2-3%


    Devil May Cry 4 + 1-6%


    Far Cry 2

    + noAA scores are fixed for Crossfire configs; this is worth +20% on slower cards, and as much as 70% on faster ones

    + 5-10% gains when AA is enabled


    FEAR + 2-6%


    Left 4 Dead + 2-4%


    Lost Planet Colonies + 3-10%, mostly in Area 2


    Prey + 2-5%


    STALKER Clear Sky + 5-10%, primarily on Crossfire configurations

  2. Vet ikke om dette stemmer da har ikke prøvd dette selv, har noen her sett dette og prøvd det.




    Download DirectX 10 for windows XP is available now. This DirectX 10 for windows XP still in alpha stages and isn’t the original of DirectX 10 files from Microsoft. As Microsoft has announced that the DirectX 10 currently support to Windows Vista only.

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