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Innlegg skrevet av Concubine

  1. Det suger at vi må vente helt til 2008 for sesong 4!! Men ja, veldig bra episode! Ble imponert.


    Det var dette som sto i avisen:

    "The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue.


    Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft.


    Concerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room.


    According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son.


    Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening."

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