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  1. altså jeg bruker MSI K7N2 DELTA l versionen og en kammerat av meg har den du har og dissa korta klokker bra nokk. men kan ikke sammenlignes med NF7 v2.0 siden det er mere begrensa på økning av volten på rammen og CPU, jeg klarer og få min XP 2500 @ 2.46ghz med detta Hovedkortet så det er ikke no problem for deg ...men har du ikke bra stepping klarer du såvidt 2.3ghz :(



    men se i siggen dessuten må du oppdatere Biosen ..

  2. det hjelper også og ta opp tingene i en rekkefølge...fks.


    det første du tar opp etter en ren os inst. er Direct x 9.0b også all programm vare + lydkort + HK driver + nett.. og til slutt skjermkort driverne. denna har jeg alltid brukt en anbefalling av folka på forumet

    i futuremark.com jeg klarer 15k i 3dmark 2001 se med mitt skjermkort se under :wink:

  3. Jeg bruker MSI K7N2G- DELTA L... og det kortet klarer jeg stabilt 225fsb


    men pga at man ikke kan ta på høyere voltage på rammen enn 2.8 med modede bios så klarer jeg bare 2.46ghz på min xp2500 (BARTON)


    Ikke no spes og overklokke med dissa korta..husk på og ta på Vcore på 1.8 som er maks.. og rammen aner jeg ikke siden jeg ikke vet hva du har. og jeg anbefaler og bruke den über biosen som er ute. den skal være bra

    jeg bruker den og PC'en er 100% stabil..søk på forumet etter den jeg har lagt den ut.


    Your use of this bios constitutes that I'm in no way shape or form responsible for any mishaps from any mis-use or what ever anyone can think of. If it breaks, You own the pieces.


    K7N2-Delta-L modded bios based on the recent 5.3 official release from MSI



    K7N2-Delta-L modded bios based on the recent 5.4 official release from MSI



    K7N2-Delta-ILSR modded bios based on the recent 7.4 official release from MSI





    K7N2G-ILSR modded bios based on the recent 1.6 official release from MSI





    K7N2 and K7N2G-L modded bios based on the recent 3.7 official release from MSI





    Features that are now enabled for you to change.



    New in Version SC2-6570Vxx.zip

    2.8 vdimm has been enabled and Serial port 2 has been renamed to Onboard IrDA-Controller to properly reflect it's true nature - Thank You Wombat!.

    All features from previous version included also.



    Features in Previous Versions


    In power saving functions:

    IPCA can be disabled or enabled.

    Power status led can be changed to blinking, single or dual.


    In onboard Super IO device function menu:

    Serial port 2 can now be disabled or enabled!! (Thanks msi, I'll just do it myself.)

    Your PC will now go into Standby mode if this option is disabled.


    PnP/PCI function menu:

    Onboard SATA IRQ can be specified now.

    Note: Reason behind this is to be able to change the irq if needed to keep it from conflicting with other hardware. Why, I don't know since SATA isn't used on this board I own but Mine would get conflicted with other pci slots.


    Advance bios features:

    CPU internal cache can be enabled or disabled. (why you want to disable it is beyound me)

    Small EPA logo can be disabled or enabled now.


    Advanced chipset features:

    Super stability mode can be enabled or disabled now. <-- I like this one. Tad bit more performance since by default it's enabled. Why msi? lol


    Hardware monitoring:

    Shutdown temp can be configured to your liking now. Actually works. I tested it.


    Boot screen:

    Pci configuration is now shown on boot up. Allowing to see what devices,pci slots are being used along with corresponding IRQs.





    Get the fan rpm's to show in hardware monitoring.


    Redo the IRQ's to keep the usb and onboard lan controller from conflicting. This slows down your network to the internet greatly if you use the onboard lan.

    It could be a driver issue also. I will be looking at that soon.


    Fix the ATI issue which I think corresponds to the nvidia 5900 or 5800 problem. I believe it's the delay time which I noticed was way to low. Could cause the video to not be initialized properly. Intel AGP8X specs detail the mininum delay time. (I got to look it up again. I hate digging through there docs.)

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