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Innlegg skrevet av Lexiboij

  1. alt i alt virker det som om det å være barnevakt er mye bedre enn å slave rundt for en lat butikk arbeider som ikke gidder å gjøre sin egen jobb :p

    Får lite i timen da (i alle fall jeg, ganske vanlig lønn), men ja det er mer gøy og slækt.

    Får 60kr i timen, da har jeg råd til overlord 1 på spaceworld (elkjøp finnes ikke! lalalalalalla) etter bare to time :)


    EDIT: yay, Lex har penger til overlord! Men får ikke før 1330

  2. Her kommer oppfølgeren til "A story from a strange barkeep"

    Self synes jeg disse historiene er til å få diabetes av, hvorfor jeg skriver sånn halveis i kjærlighets sjangeren er et mysterium...


    så here it comes




    A story from a strange barkeep: The loss of a loved one.


    This story is dedicated to those who read "A story from a strange barkeep" on www.Gamer.no


    written by Aleksander Bye


    After one year nothing had changed, but one thing. Karen and Joakim had been married.

    They accepted contracts at the same time, they did never fight against each other anymore.

    Mostly the French paid most money at this time so Karen and Joakim helped the French.

    They ran side by side Joakim with his sword and shield units and Karen with her lady fencers.

    They defeated everyone foolish enough to resist. But one day this would all change again.


    As usual Karen and Joakim accepted a French contract located in Aquitaine They walked to MontPellier. They were supposed to find and kill a spy before they attacked the vital position. Joakim found his trusted sword and shield units and Karen found her lady fencers.

    They walked for about an hour trough a thick forest. Suddenly a lady fencer saw a clearing.

    When they approached the clearing they took a five minute break.

    The group started to go unaware of what was hiding in the forest. Joakim saw that Karen was a little unsure of walking in this thick forest, but he said calmly to her. “Don’t be afraid of this part of the forest. It’s no wild animals around here and I am sure that the barbarian tribe to the east is to stupid to set up an ambush.” “very well” sighed Karen and kept walking.


    The forest started to clear up once again and they could see their destination about three miles ahead. “Did you hear that?” Karen whispered to Joakim. “Yes I did and I don’t like it.”

    Something came flying in the air just by the head of Joakim. “ambush!” Joakim roared.

    The sound of metal being dragged out of leather sheaths sounded over the whole area.

    At first it was going quite well to Karen and Joakim, but after some time the assassins were taking over the fight. All the French soldiers were dead or knocked down. Karen and Joakim was still up and fighting bravely. But soon Karen was to tired to hold her rapier up and she lost the grip of it and was sliced in the breast and fell to the ground.

    Joakim saw this and once again he entered the mental state Bladestorm. He slaughtered the assassins and ran as fast as he could to Karen. He kneeled down to her and whispered some few words in hear ear. Karen was dead. “So pathethic” a voice laughed to Joakim. “who are you?” Joakim demanded. I am Marcel the Great and my objective on this battlefield is completed.” Marcel rode away proud over himself. “I swear I am going to revenge you Karen!.” But Karen couldn’t hear him.


    Joakim started to dig in the earth with his bare hands. While digging he was able to think over his life for the first time. He now realised that fighting for money, risking his life almost every day was not worth it. When the grave was ready, Joakim lifted up the corpse and laid it gently down in the grave. He filled it, said goodbye and went back to the tavern.


    “It’s sad, but that’s how life is. Nothing you can do with it.” Brannwyn tried to comfort.

    “Thanks but I am thinking about retiring, but not before I got my revenge.”

    “I can help, I am the best archer in Wales.” Brannwyn said lightly.

    “I accept. But there is one problem. We don’t know where he is.” Joakim said.

    “Well he used to be in Aquitaine before. I think he is there now. He just left for an exclusive contract.” Brannwyn wondered.


    Together Brannwyn and Joakim left for Aquitaine to find and kill Marcel.

    Brannwyn came running after Joakim after she had found some longbowmen that would follow her. Joakim had truble finding someone who was good to fight with a sword and a shield. He didn’t find anyone, but he found some Vikings equipped with some fearsome spears. Together they ran to a little village near the shore. They found what looked like the leader of the place. “Greetings. Are the leader around here?” Brannwyn asked while Joakim were beating up a drunk man in the background. “Indeed, what can I do for you?” he replied.

    “We are looking for a man named Marcel, he calls himself Marcel the great.”

    “Ah, yes, I know who you are talking about. He raided this village for about one day ago.” The old man told her.” “He left for the castle to the west, but he is not allowed to cross the bridge because of the Barbarians. They don’t like him. He is too much of a coward to fight almost alone. If you hurry up you will be able to get to him before he go another place.”

    “Thank you very much, we will leave now.” Brannwyn said bright. “Joakim! Lets go!”


    Brannwyn and Joakim went for the river. And as the village elder said. Marcel was there.

    “Marcel!. Come here and fight me alone you little coward!” Joakim yelled.

    “Hah! You came for revenge at last, just because your little girlfriend died. Take him!” Marcel said calmly. Brannwyn and her longbowmen slaughtered Marcels troop before they could reach them. Joakim walked to Marcel with his sword ready. “Don’t you dare face me alone? Step of your horse and we fight face to face!” Marcel jumped of the horse and ran at Joakim. Marcel was fast, but Joakim was faster than him and stabbed Marcel in the stomach.

    “Hurray” Brannwyn yelled in joy. This is it then. I will leave and never come back.

  3. Jeg har skrevet en historie basert på bladestorm the hundred years war og Joakim_B Vi hadde 2 trivelige timer der jeg først startet på en klassisk Lex historie, men etter hvert blir det noe jeg aldri har skrevet før.

    Hvorfor jeg skrev på engelsk er det ingen som hvet.

    Alle i historien er basert på folk fra spillet. (joakim er en person som er laget av Joakim_B)

    Jeg håper da på konstruktiv kritikk siden jeg er en liten sårbar gutt ;) , blir dette bra kommer jeg til skrive en oppfølger.



    A tale from a strange barkeep

    This story is dedicated to

    Joakim Bye


    Inspired of


    The hundred years war


    Written by Aleksander Bye


    Once upon a time there was a mercenary named Joakim. He fought in the hundred years war.

    He won battle after battle and won fame and glory amongst the generals from both English and French forces. He was a most feared fighter when he lead troops with sword and shield.

    But one day, he got a contract from an English general. As a mercenary of pride he accepted since he got well paid for it.


    When Joakim arrived he looked for a troop of sword & shieldmen, but he could not find them so he went to the hunters. They were not very skilled, but had the ability to ambush from behind and they accepted Joakims offer.

    They walked for quite a while, but finally, they saw a fort in the distance. But between them and the fort there were military troops. It was the feared French cavalry. They decided to wait for the English archers, and so they did. They waited and waited, but no archers came.

    One of the younger boys came back from the forest. He was bleeding from a cut in the stomach and told Joakim that a barbarian troop of axemen were on their way.

    Joakim cursed since he had a terrible troop at hand at the moment.

    Joakim decided to run away from the barbarians.


    They ran back to the nearest English fort and hid there until they knew the barbarians had lost the track of them. They marched to Bouvreuil Castle. On the way they met surprisingly few enemies. But when they were at the river near Bouvreuil Castle they were ambushed but assassins. They fought bravely but the assassins had learned fighting techniques in a foreign land far to the east. Joakim managed to run away but was knocked down by someone he couldn’t see.


    After some hours Joakim waked up with a splitting headache. He could hear a familiar voice laughing. It was a group of men by the campfire. Three were wearing a strange type of clothing, he recognised it as the assassins, but the last one he knew who was at once. It was Magnus. Joakim cursed as usual and got all the attention from the guards.


    Joakim entered a mental state often called Bladestorm by the warriors of the east.

    He knocked the guard out and stole his sword and swung the sword and killed every assassin in the camp. He was about to fight Magnus the traitor when Karen came rushing in with her lady lancers. Karen who was Joakims girlfriend had joined the French forces. Joakim charged out with a beastly roar. He struck Magnus the traitor in the stomach so he could feel the same pain as he did.


    Karens lady lancers charged without orders from Karen. Karen just stood there, watching while Joakim killed the ladies one after another. When he had finally fought them all away he and Karen stood there in the silence after the battle. Karen threaded lightly of her well armoured horse. She walked a meter or two, but Joakim just stood still. He was shocked by seeing Karen in another color.


    Joakim had growned up with a girl that stood side by side with him all the time, he had never felt so alone before. He could just not believe it. Karen had turned her back to him! Karen drew her sword from the belt. Joakim firmed his grip on the sword. Lifted the sword and was ready for anything Karen could do.


    Suddenly some Viking spearmen came running against them, they looked pretty angry and Karen and Joakim stood together back to back once again. The Vikings came closer for every second and when they were almost at range, Karen knew they had no chance again them all.

    Karen kissed him. And Joakim kissed passionately.

    Just before they both got struck it was nightfall.


    Karen and Joakim found themselves in a forest, very exhausted.

    They were once again a couple.


    to be continued?

  4. Stemmer det...hadde helt glemt at du kunne forlate factionen der og...du får uansett ikke slottet selv om du gjør opprør...du må ta det over på nytt...selv om det da er dead easy siden det stor sett er minimalt med tropper i det..


    Noen som gleder seg til 1866 modden kommer ut?:D Gleder seg...ser ut som en av de mest igjennomførte mod'en per dags dato...


    Den gleder jeg meg til, har ikke lest mye, men den ser ut til at denne kan bli veldig bra.

  5. Når du forlater tjenesten som Lord til en Konge, mister du også selvfølgelig alle fiefs du måtte innehave eierskap over.


    Et skittent triks er selfølgelig å fjærne mer eller mindre alle tropper du har stasjonert i slottet før du forlater kongens tjeneste som gjør det sers enkelt å ta over. Her må du riktig nok ikke sose for mye da borgen vil bli satt til en ny lord ganske fort [som forsterker mannskapet der]


    Du kan KUN forlate en joined faction ved å snakke med kongen. Håper det klarerte noe.


    Ellers så vil jeg igjen benytte annledningen til å anbefale alle igjen om å prøve ut mods om du er lei vanlig M&B. Finnes haugevis der ute av fantastisk underholdende mods [med et par VIRKELIGH stilige mods/total konvertering på vei.]


    Jeg vet ikke om denne linken er blitt postet, men den kan være til hjelp hvis noen ikke finner forumet til



    Da jeg googlet det (kom ikke på navnet :whistle: ) fant jeg gamer ganske lang opp på google lista.

  6. Hva kan man gjøre med mer viktige fanger? Lorder og kongen og slikt? Jeg har et par, og får tilbud fra hjemlandene deres om å kjøpe dem fri, men jeg har ikke akseptert enda. Vil de by på fangene igjen? Er det noe annet jeg kan gjøre med dem, som å overlate dem til kongen av det landet jeg følger og representerer?


    Eg aksepterar med ein gong, for kvar gong du seier nei mister du ære. Dei kjem med fleire tilbod, og av og til så vil ein lord eller konge tilby seg å handtere fangen for deg, men han vil meist sannsynleg berre selgje den for litt meir penger enn det han gav deg når han for tilbod. Det du kan gjere, for å lettere eliminere ein faction er jo å ta alle lordar til fange, og settje dei i eit fengsel i ein by eller eit slott.


    Husk at lordene kan rømme også da :p Skal mye til men det kan skje


    30 % sjanse for at han rømmer frå partyet ditt, 5 % sjanse for at han rømmer frå eit fengsel i eit slott eller ein by.


    Det er jo koselig å ha et fengsel fylt opp av fanger noe det ikke blir av vanlige folk <_<


    Sjansen for at de rømmer blir betraktelig mye mindre hvis du har et fangetårn.

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