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Innlegg skrevet av _Finch_

  1. Jeg er faktisk enig med deg i det du sier, man bør styre unna "default domain policy" og lage en ny som du sier, men man vet aldri kaskje dem på skolen bruker default, det var der for jeg nevte domain security policy bare som et poeng på at hvis alex100 er kun en bruker så har han egentlig ingen mulig het til å endre Policys

  2. Hei søkte litt på google (google is ur friend ;))

    og kom fram til dette:

    Had this problem myself and got rid of it this way. I've used an antivirus to cleanup my disks any demo version will do, mine was Panda. then go to startup/ execute and type: regedit you will now see your registry in the menu bar go to edit/ find and type in: system 32.exe that will locate the keys you should clean. it is in Hkey_Local_machine/software/Microsoft/Windows NT/WinLogon/ on the right panel locate the key: shell explorer.exe c:\windows\system32\systeme32exe double click on shell and leave only explorer.exe there you go next time you reboot the bug will be gone.


    Håper det hjelper....



    edit: Velkommen til forumet foresten...

  3. \r_displayinfo 1 i console for å vise FPS



    edit: søkte litt på google.com og fant console commandoer til FC server hvis noen er interisert i dem:



    Farcry Server Comands (2 reactions)


    FC: Console Commands For admin.


    I’ve seen lots of new admins asking me what do I have to download to be a admin?

    -Well you don’t download anything, You just have to know some syntax command’s.


    You enter these commands in console.

    -To access console press the ~ button on the upper left side of your keyboard.

    -You should now have a green looking screen that pops down. If you so it then your in console.



    Here are the list of Rcon commands For admins


    \cl_rcon_serverip "yourserversip" (this command is used to type rcon commands, from in the game,but off of the server, this command is useful if your server is full)


    \cl_rcon_password "your rcon password" Type this on the server by itself, or off of the server after typing the above cl_rcon_server_ip command.


    \rcon listplayers (gives list of ips)


    \rcon kickid id <-the second id being the actual number.


    \rcon banid id <-to ban someone ingame.


    *note you can also ban by cd key , and IP using punkbuster. The info is obtained from log file.


    \rcon pb_sv_banguid guid <-guid being the guid assigned to the players ip address


    \rcon pb_sv_banmask ip <-ip being the players ip address



    To change the map:


    \rcon sv_changemap map gametype


    example: \rcon sv_changemap mp_dune assault , will change the map to mp_dune with assault gametype.


    map names are:

















    \rcon sv_restart will restart the map


    \rcon sv_restart 10 <-will restart the map in ten seconds, any number may be used.


    Game Rule commands:


    \rcon gr_timelimit "time"


    \rcon gr_scorelimit "score"


    \rcon gr_friendlyfire "1" for on "0" for off


    \rcon gr_nextmap "mapname" to set the next map


    *note gr_ commands require a map restart.




    Color Codes (for Names and Servernames)

    $0 (Black)

    $1 (White)

    $2 (Blue)

    $3 (Green)

    $4 (Red)

    $5 (Light blue)

    $6 (yellow)

    $7 (Pink)

    $8 (Orange)

    $9 (Grey)

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