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Innlegg skrevet av Nexxi

  1. An interview with Shigeru Miyamoto in the Official French Nintendo Magazine seems to indicate so...


    I'm sure by now you are all aware of the fact that a Metal Gear Solid game was announced for GameCube a few weeks back. Shigeru Miyamoto had discussed it while in Paris, and then, only a few days later, it was confirmed by Konami. After this happened, gamers everywhere couldn't help but wonder which MGS it would be. Would it be a port of MGS 2? Would it be a remake of the original MGS as many had thought? Or least likely, would it be a completely new addition to the series?


    Well, according to the Official French Nintendo Magazine, it seems that the game is in fact Metal Gear Solid 4! Not only that, but in a move that no doubt shocked the entire gaming community, Nintendo has apparently gained the title as an exclusive! This is definitely the kind of announcement that sells sytems. Many more people will be driving home from their favorite retailer with GameCubes in hand once they get the news.


    What's that you say? What happened to MGS 3? Well, despite the fact that the magazine printed it as MGS 4, the odds are that this actually is MGS 3, and that they let a terrible typo get through. We don't know for sure, but we hope to get confirmation on this soon.



  2. Ed's Rumor Report returns to IGN!


    Her er et resumee


    Yuji Naka is making a Sonic game for GC, and one other title that should be announced soon and will be part of a bigger unveiling between Nintendo and Sega.


    NOA restructers its pricing plan, so third-party titles on GC are cheaper to make, and closer to Sony's pricing plan. Hopefully this means more third-party support for GC!


    A new game from Free Radical (TimeSplitters 2) called Second Sight is coming to PS2, GC, and Xbox this November and is apparently a survival-horror type game.


    NOA is so impressed by Link in Soul Caliber II that they are going to spend $1.5 million on advertising for the game.


    LAN support for GC is confirmed, but we still don't know exactly how it will work.


    There will be more Capcom GC exclusive games announced within the next couple of months.

  3. Dette spillet her kan bli jævlig bra folkens foreslår at dere leser det. Veldig mye interessangt, for de som ikke vet det var dette spillet ment til Playstation 1 som et 4 disc sett, til det ble kjøpt opp av N. Enjoy




    Let's jump right into it. Too Human is a futuristic psychological thriller which contemplates the effects of genetics, prosthetics, and the struggle of humankind to deal with the symbiosis of man and machine. Developer Silicon Knights promises cinematography like Final Fantasy that wouldn't be anything without a solid storyline as well. Beyond that, the game is a 3D cyberpunk adventure that seamlessly integrates role-playing elements and unparalleled attention to detail you won't find anywhere else. If this is your definition of a good time, then look no further. However, players should be forewarned: this story is not for the weak of heart.


    Appropriately enough, Too Human is set in the year 2450 A.D. and follows the exploits of undercover police officer John Franks. It's not a pretty world to live in anymore, and in this time, androids, robots, and cyborgs alike roam the earth while ironically humans have lost their soul and identity in times of chaos. While investigating the death of a fallen comrade who was viciously killed by a cyborg, Franks is lead to a company known as Aesir Corporation and sucked into an underground world of biblical proportions. He secretly assumes the role of a security operative in this monolithic chip company and goes on a life-altering experience. Ultimately, Franks struggles with themes of symbiosis and we soon find out that this journey is of self-discovery above anything else. As the game progresses, Franks can cybernetically enhance himself by physically replacing body parts, but a few words of advice, there's no turning back.


    Much like Eternal Darkness, there are no loose ends in the storyline and everything adds up nicely. What we weren't expecting was a history build-up that includes a digital archive. "If you want to find out what happened between now and 2450, you can look it up in the history records," says Silicon Knights President Denis Dyack. This is so mine.


    If you have yet to notice, Too Human borrows heavily from Metal Gear Solid, but that's perfectly fine. Players can move while flattened against a wall and sneak across nearly undetected by enemy forces. By the numbers, it's also been reported that Franks has access to 15 weapons, four targeting systems and six ammunition types which should add to the action. Others will be interested to know that you can mix and match them to your liking.


    Of course, youve come here to find out that the cybernetic upgrades play an important role. Lately, much has been said about Franks' optical implant, and for good reason. Reportedly, optical implants detect enemy foes and security lasers in addition to packing infrared and night-vision modes at higher levels. Otherwise, players can take the opportunity to cybernetically enhance the character for increased fighting power, strength, jumping power, damage resistance and much more. It's all in your hands.


    Otherwise, players may also choose to destroy everything in their path or be proficient at not making a sound. Further, it's been made common knowledge that previously unreachable areas can open up with more powerful upgrades, and trust us, there are plenty. We can't help but think there's some backtracking involved, but we actually don't mind. As a result, the game can be approached in several ways. "Actually, our guess is that the way we designed the game, people will want to play it more than once. Once people get to the end, they'll say "Oh, I get it," and then they'll want to play it again," says Dyack.


    On top of that, four different endings will leave wondering what the heck just happened. Reportedly, "By the time you finish the game, you'll understand the choices you have made. There are some that are inherent, and there are some that aren't. Some are above the surface, while there are some that are subliminal."


    As mentioned before, the game is set in the year 2450 A.D. and promises incredible 3D graphics that won't disappoint. Let's not forget that Eternal Darkness is a subset of the Too Human engine. True to its vision, players have the opportunity to deal damage to different areas of an enemy's anatomy with the help of Franks'optical implant. If that weren't enough, Franks will also begin to limp if his leg loses health. It's safe to say that you'll feel right at home if you've played Eternal Darkness, and if you're reading this, you probably have.


    At this point, Too Human features more than 15 different worlds. However, we're most excited about Asgard Tower, a geosynchronous satellite connected by an orbital string. This isn't crazy talk however, and Silicon Knights isn't taking any shortcuts either. "Another thing about Too Human as well is that it is founded on principles of hard science. We discuss orbital strings, and many other technologies. We're not going for a "space opera," we are going for science fiction that is grounded in true science." Very few developers would take the time to attempt such a thing.


    Graphically speaking, "Let's just say that it should be a few minutes before you catch your breath." "As surprising as this may sound, I will go as far as to say now that our in-game work is better than those old FMA shots," says Dyack. It's natural to be a bit skeptical, but we're excited nevertheless. Along with that, there are definitely some Japanese elements added in and over an hour of cinematics to keep things running. We're impressed so far. Just glance around for further proof.


    It should come to no one's surprise that early reports indicate the game runs at 60 frames per second with little to no slowdown. While nothing has been confirmed, players can expect to see bump-mapping and whatever else is thrown in.


    With its dark and futuristic storyline, the game promises more than two hours of speech. As expected Franks takes up the bulk. "It's very much like a Blade Runner noire ...how does he feel as he goes through the prison and sees the inmates in there? How does he feel when he's on the floating city?" The players can expect the same level of detail in the voiceover as we had in Kain since the same people made it," said Dyack. It's our guess that the game will fit onto two discs given the amount of data. We certainly hope so.


    Many undoubtedly heard the voice of David Hayter in Eternal Darkness. This time around roles are reversed and the same actress who played Meryl Silverburgh of Metal Gear Solid fame is included in the voices in addition to many other familiar faces. As a result, players can also expect plenty of character development to appear, something Eternal Darkness was sorely lacking. For one thing, the time setting stays the same, which should help out a bit and this time, non-playable characters also play an important role. Franks himself is also an interesting character. As a result, it's safe to say that you'll also want to turn the volume up in case there's Dolby Pro Logic II support.


    Expect 16x9 as well as 480p support, DIVX I hear will be the choice for non-engine generated cinematics. (good-bye ED fragmentation) The more you alter your body with cybernetic enhancements, the more you leave your humanity behind. Which alters the ending, as well as other aspects of the game.



    Basically, since you improve yourself by adding robotic parts to yourself, is it possible to be Too Human?.

  4. Vel det er 2 tastaturer ute, det kontroll tastaturet, som ser helt vilt ut, og et fra codejunkies som kommer 26 mars, så jeg vet ikke jeg, det som kommer 26 vil koste litt under 200 kr. Men det "kontroll tastaturet" som må importeres koster ca. 700 så...

  5. Nintendo Gamecube ble online i Europa 7 mars, med Phantasy Star Online ja, spiller det en del selv, veldig vane dannende du kan fort bruke flere 100 timer på sånne spill, MMORPG.


    Det er bare spekulasjoner om hvilke andre spill som kommer til å støtte det, så jeg gidder ikke ramse det opp!

  6. Tenchu 3 has stormed this week’s all formats UK sales charts, seeing off all comers in the all-important all-formats section, sneaking (get it!?) past The Sims, which pundits thought likely to make a recovery.


    GameCube sales again rose in week-on-week comparisons, this time by a further 5%, no doubt buoyed by the release of the hotly anticipated Super Monkey Ball 2 and the continued success of Capcom’s Resident Evil 0.


    Xbox slipped another 5%, a fact that has surprised many given the much-heralded launch of Xbox Live last week, and the media attention it gained.


    Perhaps certain retailers will begin to re-think their current videogame shelf-space strategies in the next few months…

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