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  1. From Cinemaspy.com


    Fans of The CW series Smallville take note: industry sources inform CinemaSpy that the show has been renewed for a tenth season, and that the official announcement is probable before the end of January — possibly to be made on the Vancouver sets — when Peter Roth, President of Warner Bros. Television will visit the Warner-produced shows Smallville, Supernatural...and Fringe.

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    The media has been speculating for the past few days that the series would come back for a tenth season, with Tom Welling purportedly already signed on. CW President Dawn Ostroff recently told Entertainment Weekly, "I’m really pleased with the show. Creatively, I think they’ve done a great job. And the ratings are strong on Friday night. I have to commend the producers… It’s not easy in season 9 to keep a show fresh. And you know what I think? The fans have really liked the show this season. I don’t know which way we’ll go."


    So with a tenth season in the offing, it will be interesting to see how the writers keep the material fresh. I’ve been critical of Smallville the past two years, believing that the powers-that-be have taken the character in a direction that is too far removed from its familiar roots. Despite these misgivings — certainly shared by other readers — the overall ratings have been back in ascension, and the remainder of this ninth season will introduce more characters & costumes from the DC multiverse, along with the return of Martha Kent—Entertainment Weekly reports today that Annette O’Toole has inked a deal to reprise her role as Clark’s mom later this season.

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