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Patch 1.3 til Medieval 2: Total War er kommet.

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Dette innlegget ble oppdatert 5. September 2007 med informasjon om patch 1.3. Postens originale innhold kan beskues nederst i denne posten.


Hei, i denne tråden skal diskusjon om hva dere synes om den tredje patchen gitt ut til spillet Medieval 2: Total War. Husk at denne tråden hovedsakelig er til diskusjon om erfaringer og meninger om patchen. Om du har noen nyheter vedrørende nye patcher skal dette opplyses om i denne tråden: https://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?act=ST&f...=0#entry7402143



Relaterte tråder:

- Post nytt om m2tw sine patcher her (klikk her)

- Dine erfaringer og meninger om 1.01 (m2tw patch)

- Info/diskusjon: patch 1.2 (M2TW) KOMMET! (4. Mai)



Informasjon fra før patchen kom ut

Se nederst i dette innlegget.



Hvis jeg har noe å fortelle om en ny kommende patch, skal jeg poste her da?

Nei, den diskusjonen skal taes i tråden: Post nytt om m2tw sine patcher her (klikk her)



Når kom oppdateringen?

4. September 2007 for de som ikke har Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms



Trenger jeg denne patchen?

Merk: Om du har Medieval 2: Total War Kingdoms trenger du IKKE denne patchen! Kingdoms installerer nemlig patch 1.3 selv om den ikke finnes.


Vel, hovedsakelig fikser den kun kompatibilitetsproblemer med multiplayer, om du ikke spiller multiplayer trenger du derfor ikke denne. Men med tanke på at det er endringer i kjernefiler til spillet er det sannsynlighet for at du trenger å ha 1.3 installert for at fremtidige modifikasjoner til spillet skal virke. Du må i tillegg ha patch 1.3 om det kommer en annen oppdatering på et senere tidspunkt, det er dog ikke planlagt andre oppdateringer etter dette fra Creative Assembly sin side av hva som er offentliggjort.



Hvor stor er patchen?

520,96 MB

NB: Andre størrelser på patchen kan forekomme, forhør deg i denne tråden om du er usikker på om du har funnet riktig patch, eller om størrelsen ikke er 515-525MB



Hvorfor så stor oppdatering?

Kompatibilitet er fikset, det er mange filer som må endres i en slik prosess.



Hvor kan jeg laste ned oppdateringen fra?







Må jeg ha installert patch 1.1 og/eller 1.2 for å installere patch 1.3?

Du må ha installert patch 1.2. (patch 1.1 følger med patch 1.2) for nedlastningslenker, informasjon og diskusjon rundt patch 1.2 klikk her: Info/diskusjon: patch 1.2 (M2TW) KOMMET! (4. Mai)



Hvordan installerer jeg den?

Last ned installasjonsfilen til Patch 1.3. Når den er ferdig lastet ned, starter du installasjonsprosessen. Det er ikke uvanlig at det tar lang tid å installere denne oppdateringen, ha derfor tålmodighet.


Om spillet ikke virker som det skal etter dette, prøv følgende:

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Virker ikke dette heller?

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Hva er det CA sier er fikset?

"Update 1.3 is now available to download for owners of Medieval II: Total War. The latest update includes online multiplayer fixes to allow owners of the original game to play with those who have installed Kingdoms (available in stores now!). You need Update 2 installed in order to install Update 1.3. Please note that Update 3 is just for users of Medieval II and if you have installed Kingdoms then you do not need this update.


Update 1.3 is available to download from the following mirror sites, with more to follow as they become available"



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Her er et meget godt svar fra Wikiman på totalwarforums.com ;)



Post from Wikiman regarding 1.3 update

I have read all of your thoughts and I do sympathise. I can completely understand your perspective. Disappointment that bugs in the vanilla version were very annoying, that the game was not balanced as per expectations. Also finding out now that other things appear to be more important than fixing remaining issues must be a blow.


You really have to walk a mile in a dev studios 'shoes' to get an understanding of the demands of game production. Given that arranging this for you all is logistically impossible, all I can offer is a few words about my perspective. Med 2 had a longer 'lock down' phase where there were no code changes and only bug fixes than previous games, it lasted for several months. It took a huge amount of discipline in the team to be able to restrain themselves, new features is always more fun that fixing bugs. We also sought the opinions of long time Total War players and had testing teams in three locations around the world. The studio gave itself the best possible chance of being 'acceptable'. Whether we made it or not I won't comment on, it cannot be proven either way except in the extremes. You either do not get a single person complaining (we all know that didn't happen) or every single thread is in uproar and the game returns are through the roof. This didn't happen either.


Regarding the decision to focus on finalising Kingdoms and not attempting to add code changes to 1.3. Well we would have been absolutely bonkers to even attempt it and the result would have been that we would have produced neither. I can't express to you just how difficult it is to ship a product. The stress it places on our lives and our partners, the technological stresses it places on our equipment (I will get back to this), the demands it places on CA's and SEGA's limited resources. The challenges it places on the team mentally and their stamina are enormous.


On a difficultly scale of 1 to 10, if 1 equals getting 5 people all to agree on the same movie in a video library and 10 equals launching a space shuttle, it is definitely a 9. Now we all know that five people in a video library can never agree so I hope that gives you some idea of how difficult it is!


It only takes on tiny little mistake to cause the game to be unacceptable for shipping. Now I would like to think we are a well run studio with good detailed processes in place to handle the construction of a game, but I am always amazed at the challenges that shipping a game presents to the team. Now to do that twice; shipping Kingdoms and a Medieval II Update at the same time. Well we can't ask the team to kill themselves to do it. If we asked, they probably would do it for a while, then get sick of it and get jobs elsewhere leaving the game unfinished. If they did hang around, the number of introduced errors would skyrocket and the production would slow down to a crawl while illnesses shoots up. Either way, you the public does not get the goods.


To digress, I have to mention the technological stresses as it was crazy. Med 2 was a big game, to compile it took about 12 hours in the end. Now this is distributed compilations, to speed the process up it gets as many PCs as are available to it to compile parts which get sent back to the master build machine to be assembled. It still takes 12 hours! Now Kingdoms is that x4 so in the end it was taking about 38 hours to compile the game. If there is one mistake in the game, restart the 38 hour clock and come back in 2 days. We ended up with multiple build machines in order to have a rolling system. I won't even go into how many terabytes of data we were generating each week.


I didn't want to blank you guys and girls out there; you deserve to know why we appear to make these decisions that sometimes don't meet your expectations. I know you probably don't want to hear it, but Kingdoms has had even more testing and process applied to it to ensure it is in a better state for release than Med 2. I will eat my words if the consensus doesn't agree. We are trying to be better at what we do, every time around. Economically, we do have to keep moving on making new games, it's what we do. If we didn't we wouldn't make money which means I wouldn't get paid, which means I couldn't buy a new killer PC, which just isn't going to happen, geddit! So blame me and my unashamed desire for bleeding-edge PC hardware for all of our woes if you must.


One last thing, the game came out nearly a year ago, and you are all still here! Sometime I think we forget and we don't give you enough credit for your passion. Thanks for hanging around and caring about the TW games."



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Patch 1.3 er nå kommet ut, det er lagt ut informasjon om patch 1.3 i førstepostens, førsteposten originale innhold finner dere nederst i førsteposten.


Det ble opprinnelig laget en egen tråd for det som nå er i førstepost, men fant ut at denne tråden var nært nok "beslektet", derfor fikk jeg en moderator til å slette den nye tråden og redigerte det innholdet inn i denne trådens førstepost.

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