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mitt navn er sofie, jeg har ikke mye tid, ikke mye å si, ikke mye å gjøre, jeg må bare få det ut. denne meldingen hevder å komme fra adrian berg. vanligvis ville jeg ignorert det, men denne eposten inneholder informasjon som samstemmer med den nå avdøde kjæresten min. jeg var 16 år selv da han forsvant, jeg er 22 nå. jeg har slitt med å glemme, med fortrenge også dukker alle disse detaljene opp nå, i dag. jeg mottok inneholdet i et brev, i en konvolutt i dag, sammen med en link til den følgende nettsiden: http://www.spillegal.no/forum/showpost.php?p=413942&postcount=296


og din epostadresse. fortell meg, vet du noe om dette? jeg har brukt lang tid på å glemme min adrian også kommer alt dette. det er fullt av små detaljer han bare fortelte meg, det hadde vært rart om han hadde fortalt det til så mange andre siden han var en veldig innelukket person. hvem kan ha laget dette, hva vil de? var det deg? hvorfor er din epostadresse her? hva skjer, hjelp meg... hjelp meg... hjelp meg...


Good Afternoon, young gents of Spillegal.


I am Adrian Berg, and I come from the beautiful city of Tromsø. At this time I am almost 17 years old, currently studying what we in Norway call «Studiespesialisering». I guess this is were my very good teacher Bjørn-Olav would correct me with a straight line from the word and up to the side, as a good teacher he respects our efforts enough not to write on the top of our musings, with a note about rather writing it in English, but I'm afraid even I fail at times and at this hour I am completely blank. I could of course directly translate it, but then again that would be kind of wrong, I am no Joyce and thus I dare not invent my own words, and on the other hand I doubt there is an official translation so I'll just leave it at that with a smile on my face.


My ambitions are to become a teacher in the most noble art of them all: literature. Ever since I was a child, hushed away from by children because of my thin fingers - having "skeleton" and later "Mr. Skellington" thrown at me. I become a lonely soul only losing myself in the beautiful sea of music, before I one day came across «Catcher in the Rye» by J.D. Salinger. It was love at first sight. Since then I have indulged myself in the beauties of text of words, but - a thing that surprises many of my schoolmates - I have never felt any interest in writing myself. To me real literature, a solid text is something godly, something holy. Something you can practice and touch, but the second you try it yourself - nothing will ever be the same. I worship it, but I do not try to transpire to the state of God myself. Therefor my call is to become a lecturer in literature.


My all-time favourite author is Jane Austen. A lot of people have found that strange but I have my reasons. It simply transcends everything humanity has ever said and done, it's value so strong an beautiful, it's word so simple but true. There is nothing quite like it. Ulysses might argueably be more beautiful, but it lacks the heart. Nietzsche might have more to say, but he lacks the gracefullness. And I could go on forever. In the end Austens works stand back as the greatest work I have ever read.


I know this is Spillegal, so I will talk a bit about my relationship to games before I finish off too. Music, movies, games and books. The four greats, right? Music has always been a part of me, but a dear part of me - not something distant, beautiful, noble, worshipable like books. I have briefly mentioned music and I have talked about books. Two stand left. Movies I find vulgar; full of ugly imperfections and a pace that for some reason makes me think of Steven Spielberg masturbating. I am sorry, but that is just how I feel.


Now games, games are something different. They can have the delicious pacing of books, the perfection et cetra, but unfortunately very few of them are like that but instead tend to be vulgar as movies. Thus I have a small list of games I like and enjoy; the rest is garbage. The following games are the Tales of-games, the Xenosaga- and Xenogears-games, Final Fantasy IX, and only IX. These are all, and those are the games I am here to try and discuss while trying to see if I can make some friends that enjoy books the same way I do. I don't really have that many friends in the real world, you see, and even I can admit that some social company is both acceptable and pleasing.


Other than that I hope I find myself welcome here, and I thank you for letting me register and stay here so freely.


In the end, I just want to add something: A lot of you are probably wondering why I'm writing in English. Well, that is simple. As I managed to receive the grade of 6 in all the subjects at my school, I was suprised to hear when the teacher I have in English, Bjørn-Olav, told me that I was risking a 5 the following year if I didn't sharpen up, and thus I am doing exactly that; using my English wherever I can. I really hope you're OK with that.


Sincerely yours,

Adrian Berg



The reason i call myself Sokrates is because he is an inspiring and inteligent man that changed society forever. I hope to change and inspire Spillegal the same way and thus my name is Sokrates.




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Det skrives INTELLIGENT!


"Hva har det med saken å gjøre?"


Vel, Watson, dunno lol.


Nei, jeg tror for å være helt ærlig at et bare er noe tull for å få igang en diskusjon.

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