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The Tainted: Fan Ficition historie(engelsk) i Rappelz

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Chapter One


As he lunged his sword against the relic guard, the impact of it shivered from his right arm and all the way to his head and toes.

Damn, that hurt!

He dodged to the side as the relic guard huge arm crossed with a left sweep, almost able to hit Noiras in his back head, but he was evasive, and dropped to the ground. As the relic guard brought his right arm back for another strike, Noiras saw what the relic guard was about to do.

As the relic guard lifted his colossal arm above his head, he brought it down with an astonishing harshness. It hit dead end, as Noiras predicted the movement, and just as the relic guard was about to lift it's arm back up, Noiras, with the grace of an pantera and strength of an orc, walked up it's arm, turned hundred-and-eighty degrees, and stabbed his sword deep inside the back head of the relic guard. It stood silent for an instant, and faintly started to fall.

As Noiras jumped off, the locals crowded around him, with salutes and lovewords, Noiras did not appreciate it. He was far away from his homeland, these were the oh-so-holy Deva's that flocked around him.

He enjoyed the shady, dark corners of Katan, where people lived in solitude, despair and compassion for survival. This was the way of living, for Asura's of course. Gaia's strode to aid nature, while Deva strode to aid each other. Thinking back to Katan, it was a funny thing, how the Asurans would welcome any Gaia or Deva past any of his people.

«Is there any way we can repay you, honored Servant of Darkness?» an old man, most likely the self-styled major in the small town. Would rather run an empty inn than this town.

«No, only that you leave me in peace, and try keep your children away from anything dangerous, thank you very much,» he replied with a smirk. Most of the faces grimaced their face in confusion.

Yes, now they will despise me, no offerings or anything. Just the way it should be.

He hated these missions that was given to him by the Conclave, they were obviously only meant to keep Noiras distracted from all the rumors of his people killing young normal Asuran babies, and that they somehow was planning to take the whole world in their grasp. He wondered, how a couple of hundred outcasts, could presumably kill the thousands of three races? What people believed these days, were wicked.

And even that was an understatement of the year.

«Are you sure?» the man asked, seemingly as confused as everyone else, but he seemed to know what to do, what to say, and be on his own merry way. «I will be fine, I have places to be, places to go, I will depart now. I am glad to be of assistance,» Noiras replied gracefully, his manners back in place. The man nodded curtly. «Very well then, you are always welcome to come back,» he finished. «Most unlikely not, but thank you,» Noiras retreated into the shadows, as the night pressed the sun into hiding. As did he.



As Ayven ran through the dense bamboo forest, she had one thing in mind. If this is not delivered to the right hands, my destiny that my forefathers gave me, has gone to waste. Her loyal companion through all her life, her pantera had been her guardian, her only gift given by her parents. It was a ritual every gaian woman went through, an animal was lured by someone who knew how(you needed to hire an expert to usually get that done), in this occasion, her father did it. It was his profession.

The pantera was then sixty-odd years, very old, by panteran standards, but the muscles and agility of any pantera, at any age, was lucrative. She had named him: Oùkla.

They said Oùkla was the ancient spirit guarding the old Wolha cementary. Few believed that, since skeletons and the raving dead had awoken there some years ago, still – Ayven believed it with all her heart, Oùkla was still guarding the place. In memory of that, she named her guardian Oùkla.

«Come on Oùkla!» she knew it was completely unnecessary to say it out loud. If the pantera wanted to catch up with her, it would so so in mere seconds. «Must not lose, must not stop, must not give up..» She was desperate to run away, they were so close, it felt as the dark minds of the invisible dead that twinged her mind, beating it, ripping away her memories and thoughts, feeling and emotions.

It felt as her very personality, her being, was surged, disrespectfully stolen away. By who? Who was the running away from? She suppose it was a bad person. No, was it a person? Maybe it was a bird? What the heck was she---

That was not the important thing she needed to remember. Yes, yes! There were something else, as well! For pleading sake, she ran faster than she'd ever ran because of that information! She'd seen a young child.. for lack of better term, die, by the hands of.. nothing? She only saw the little youngling rest his knees on the high grass, as he silently screamed in agony. What was her prediction? Someone had just sucked the soul out of the child!

Oùkla came on her left side, growling, breathing heavily, but he was not exhausted. Ah, that was the problem. She was exhausted.

«Once again, Oùkla, you need to save me,» she gasped while struggling to remain at pace with her guardian.

«Let me just jump on your back, let me catch my breath, and we must head for Rondo immediately.

With the last inch of her stamina, she jumped on the muscular back, and caught her breath. She felt her eyes closing, they felt heavy as stone. Her last thought before she would fell asleep from several kilometers of running in despair, was that the pantera would reach their destination before he too, would be to tired to run any further.


As Noiras approached the cave, it was still late in the evening. His time of the day, of course.

«I see you are back already,» a familiar voice from above came. Ah, that was Seovin, another assassin. He was not too fond of Seovin, his voice arrogant, forced, and tight. Nonetheless, Seovin was a deadly master with his blades. Noiras knew better than to give Seovin any reason to upset him. These days, Seovin usually guarded the entrance to the Fortress.

«Yes, the Conclave gave me a rather dull appointment at some distant middle of nowhere town I had to save from a puny relic guard. Can you believe it?» Noiras preffered to think he and Seovin could open up to each other, he thought it a wise decision. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Though not the most accurate quote for the situation, it was Noiras's motto. Noiras himself pretended what he had just said was something he would not share to most, and therefore – Seovin might share a little idea up his own head, as well.

«I believe the Conclave tries to redeem it's former glory, Noiras. Both in big and,» he hesitated, «smaller aspects. Did the locals know you where what you were?» He asked, suddenly back to his soothing, deciduous voice.

«No, I suppose the Conclave prefers the low profile we are keeping these days, acting as a mercenary's guild,» he replied back, avoiding the answer to Seovin's question.

«I suppose it is for the bests that all of us shield our.. faces from the rest of the public. We are all killed on the spot, if seen,» Seovin said, he seemed satisfied with Noiras's answers so far.

«Now, I won't hold you here any longer, as always, you can go on inside. I believe there is something you need to be told,» he continued. Just as Noiras was about to ask further, Seovin cut off. «I don't have any more details, dear Noiras.» Noiras simply nodded, and went inside. He hoped it wasn't another town in need to remove a little rabid dog.


Chapter Two


It was a tiresome proccess to run a meeting. Noiras had never understood why anyone would gather different people, that shared few thoughts that were alike, just so they could pick on each other. Sure, they were all Marked, Tainted, Decieved by everyone else, but they only came to the Fortress because they were abandoned everywhere else.

It was not like they were welcome any where else.

«She is awaiting you, before you go into the meeting hall, Noiras,» Seovin had said before he had gone inside. There was always little illumination the first hundred paces of walking. Left, right, right, straight forward, left. The Conclave meant that to have their Fortress protected by the non-human made labyrinth made them much harder to be tracked. The Tainted could not be exposed.

The air was dry, so far in. He'd get used to it, he had done several times before, but the moon's air was what he enjoyed breathing in, and so, as every time he entered the cavern, he despited this air. Dry air. He spat on the ground, noticing the lingering taste of blood in his mouth.

Did the relic guard hit me? Or maybe it's the air?

«Most unlikely not,» he said to himself. Another few paces he was greeted by a rather dull door. It creaked as he opened. He hated being noticed. Oh well, it's not like anyone notice you anyway.

«When the day clouds, marked run for their lives as blood-crazed believers stalk them in their path,» he said quietly.

«Step inside, Tainted,» an anonymous voice said. The location of whoever had spoken, Noiras never knew, nor cared.

As the door opened, he stepped inside. It was a large hall we had come to now. It was always quiet, though there were many here today. Unusually many.

Isn't the Conclave busy keeping us in lines, and sending us on save-little-miss-kitty assignments?

«Noiras! I must speak with you at once!» That must've been the leader of the Tainted, Leiyaven. Noiras ever wondered if she was attractive. As all Tainted, he was blind.

He could only feel, touch and smell. Noiras knew one thing about Leiyaven. She was a cold, heartless leader, that most likely didn't give a rat's ass about Noiras. What she lacked in compassion, she more than made up with experience in hiding, seeking, and leading. She had found this fortress, this sanctuary, and it was a clever location. She had smoothly avoided public attention, and she managed all Tainted as a busy mother. Of course, a busy mother that might give her childrens expensive clothes, but not expensive love.

«I will be right there,» Noiras replied. What would such a busy lady want from me now? Wasn't the weekly meeting soon beginning?

As Noiras went into the room he had never seen, he smelled a weird odor. It was distracting it thought, like some drug or sterilizer. He stiffened his remaining senses, and patiently awaited whatever Leiyaven wanted.

«The rumors spread lightly, Noiras. You did not seem satisfied with the mission in the town,» she said, revealing no anger or relief. Her voice had never, as far Noiras knew, exposed her.

«No, any child could easily have done it. Can you not put me to better use?» Noiras asked. He tried not to show any sign of hope, only recognition. Noiras only had one goal: Become recognized, highly ranked, and feared by the stupid people that thought to derive the Tainted from this world. No, the Tainted belong here like every one else. He knew that many saw what he had as a curse.

Oh yes, a beautiful curse it is.

His loss of his sight, and the tribunal marks on his eyes had empowered oter aspects of his body. He had extreme strength and prowess, beyond any mere normal asuran. It was a gift, in his vision. Of course, all tainted had the same abilities as he had.

They fear what they cannot understand. They kill us. Hah, and they call us the murderers. What bastards.

«We, as in dire times, must keep a low profile, or we will be eradicated. Our numbers are lower than ever, Noiras. Tainted are born, and their guardians kill them before we can save them! The Conclave agrees. However, I do not wish to speak of this at the moment. Before we enter the meeting, I need you to promise, on the word of your head, that you tell the truth, and be prepared for what they will question you about.»

Noiras was completely at loss at what she was saying. For once, Leiyaven was confusing, unclear, almost... desperate. What the hell are they going to ask me for? What could be so damned important, that my boss can't keep her usual cool attitude?

«Uhh.. I promise, Leyiaven. I had no idea I was being questioned, why ask me?» Noiras broke a grimace.

«You are not suppose to know, Noiras. All I know, they are suspecting someone's gone behind our ranks, and will reveal everything about our location, undercover missions, everything – to the public. They are suspecting you, Noiras.» Noiras felt her look away.

«Are you?» he stood up as he said. He had pledged his life to redeem the honor of his brothers and his sisters.

She was caught off guard by that question.

«N-no,» she stammered. «I do not, you've proven yourself a long time ago, when you sacrificed your own sister, as she was doing what you are being suspected by now.»

He had remembered that day. Her sister, two years younger than he was, not born a tainted. They had somehow shared a long bond, until the rumors had begun spreading out The Tainted murdering young newborns. She had that day, slapped Noiras, left, and he had later revealed that she had joined one of the many organizations hunting all Tainted. Noiras was assigned to kill her. Even though very many were hunting the Tainted, his sister had been smart, and payed one of the tainted to infiltrate the fortress, and had succeded. Just as she was about tell, Noiras had stopped her in the last moment.

Noiras had driven his blade through the neck of his sister.

«But the Conclave will not believe that?» he asked? He shook his head, his sister had always meant much to him. No matter what.

«I do not know. I don't have any further details. Please, prove your innocence.» she pleaded.

Had never thought I'd hear something like that from her.

«I know exactly what to do,»


Kelethar had once been a good hunter. True, there were possibilities now. But heck, he was a lazy person, draw the bow, aim, shoot. Voila. Food for one day. Most hunters usually had some companion to help them. Kelethar was usually to lazy to give it food, he didn't want a breathing animal's death on the conscience, would he? He understood he had no friends. Tiresome. He enjoyed sitting in the hay grass, staring out against the ocean.

Wonder if some people will come sailing towards us, one day.

«Most likely not in my lifetime,» he said to himself.

Kelethar loved the sun, the quiet, the peace from the wildlife around him. The Deva territory had a lot of dangers hiding behind every corner. Kelethar avoided those. He just shot a megaloceros now and then, and his stomach was happy with that. Yes, Kelethar loved his quiet little life.


Until the evenings were filled with screams, the wolves in howling in the night. It scared Kelethar immensely. He had been mysteriously hit in his back head some days ago, he had awoken in the middle of a plain, near the siren lake. Yeah, that's far away from home.

Today, Kelethar had been visitting Horizon, selling the latest meat to the locals. He earned considerably for a seasoned hunter.

As Kelethar finished the last trade of the day, he saw the sun settling in. «Have to go,» he mumbled to himself as he packed all his belongings and started walking. He did so for a long while, not hearing anything besides the cold, dead wind sweeping his blond hair backwards.

Think it's time I cut my hair? Maybe. Maybe I am. Maybe I shou---

Wait? What was it he saw in the far end of his eyesight? It was a being, that he knew. «I swear, if this is another robber, I'll shoot him on sight before he get's any closer,» he warned nobody.

He hated trouble. He just wanted peace.

Kelethar was not going to risk his life, or his new rupees, over his own stupidity. If this was a robber, Kelethar would strike him in an ambush. He lingered on the situation. Am I just a little panicky? It could just be a weary traveler, or maybe a merchant?

«No, I'll I'll stay on the safe side off things,» he said, soothing himself.

He swiftly seek to meld into the bushes. He double-checked that he was safe from sight. He waited a few minutes. After a while, he heard canters, from paws. Was this a lydian? He'd never seen the creatures, but he knew rich little daddy girls got them for their adult ritual. No, he heard the familiar heavy breathing. A pantera. He stepped out of his hiding, taking a peek at the animal. The pantera carried a petite, young body of a woman, probably no older than twenty-five. The animal carrying her was exhausted, he knew. Every hunter had to estimate his prey. If Kelethar was hungry, the pantera wouldn't have much to offer with of a challenge.

The pantera saw Kelethar, he was now afraid the beast would charge at him, but it did not. It carefully dropped the woman's body on the ground, licking her as it sat down besides her. The beast scoffed into the woman, awaking her.

Kelethar stood and watched as the woman was barely able to lift her head.

«Please, I must get to Horizon. It is important,» she was obviously holding fast to her awareness to relay the information, whatever information it was.

«Of course, it is not far to the city,» even though Kelethar enjoyed privacy like no one else, manners were always kept polish. Manners avoided trouble.

«Thank you. Please hurry!» Gah, I've just been in the forsaken city. I hate not to get back to my house until yesterday.

She had fainted as he thought about it.

Endret av bloodllines
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