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Den beste "linja"

aleks tho

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Jokke og Valentinerne - I kjøleskapet hjemme er det øl

øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl,

øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl, øl




Ahah den er jo klassisk. Og så sann.


Soundgarden - /It wouldn't pain me more to bury you rich/

/Than to bury you poor/


Fra Jesus Christ Pose, en trivelig liten ballade som ikke kan spilles høyt nok.

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Har hatt dilla på denne linja siden jeg hørte den for første gang:

Yo, they call me Nas, I'm not your legal type of fella/

Moet drinkin, marijuana smokin street dweller


-"Represent" av Nas


Og jeg vet Eminem ikke står høyt i kurs her på forumet, men noen ganger kommer han med en juvel, som i "Who knew?"

But don't blame me when lil' Eric jumps off of the terrace

You shoulda been watchin him - apparently you ain't parents


Sist, men ikke minst: ikke fordi den er spesielt meningsfylt eller rimende, sangen blir ganske enkelt kjempetøff når denne linja kommer:


Sell me the infection, it is only for the weak

No need for sympathy, The misery that is me

- "Only for the weak" av In Flames

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  • 2 uker senere...

Welcome, my friend!

Here whole generations

Of ghosts

Have raised

Their eyes and wings

Each morning

To unbounded space

With the innocent joy

Of chrysalids


Their final metamorphosis

And in the evening

They're dead and dropping

Like lifeless flowers

Swayed by the plaintive

Whistling of the wind

You must learn, we are all pawns

On this hopeless chessboard;

Your move!

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Strangers passing in the street

By chance to separate glances meet

And I am you and what I see is me


Rett og slett genialt!


Indeed, indeed!


Hele Dark Side of the Moon er et mesterverk når det gjelder lyrikk (musikalsk er det jo forsatt et mesterverk, men har ingenting med saken å gjøre her ihvertfall). Spesielt Eclipse har jeg sansen for:


All that you touch

and all that you see

All that you taste

All you feel.

and all that you love

and all that you hate

All you distrust

All you save.

and all that you give

and all that you deal

and all that you buy,

beg, borrow or steal.

and all you create

and all you destroy

and all that you do

and all that you say.

and all that you eat

And everyone you meet

and all that you slight

And everyone you fight.

and all that is now

and all that is gone

and all that's to come

and everything under the sun is in tune

but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.


Ikke akkurat èn linje, men det er vanskelig å trekke ut bare en i den sangen.


Jeg vet ikke hvorfor, jeg får bare ekstreme frysninger når jeg hører på denne. Oppsumerer på en måte hele DSotM.

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Når James Hetfield tester mikrofonen på scenen: "Testicles, One, Two!"


Og fra Master Of Puppets (live):


Needlework the way, never you betray

Life of death becoming clearer

Pain monopoly, r-r-r-r-ritual misery

Chop your breakfast on a mirror


Digger den måten han "stammer" på når han synger "Ritual misery" :D

Endret av raid2
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It's getting late

I should move on

This is the darkest of all the nights

I've seen before


So take my hand

Your lips so cold

This is the last farewell


Litt senere i låte kommer dette:


You must have died long before

The sun went away

But please darling... weep again...


Fra "Weep - The Project Hate MCMXCIX"


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