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- Ingen årlige Battlefield-spill (PC, PS3, X360)

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Synes MW1 og MW2 er glimrende spill som har klart å fenge millioner av spillere. Hvorfor det i det siste har blitt en "voldsom" hatbølge mot CoD-serien skjønner jeg ikke da de har gitt ut flere gode spill opp igjennom, riktignok med litt for hyppige mellomrom. Virker som det er blitt litt Activision-hat kombinert med hipster-takter hvor "MW blir spilt av flere millioner og er derfor ikke kult lenger".


Gleder meg til Battlefield 3 kommer og håper det kan bringe noe nytt og bedre fra CoD-serien! Litt konkurranse må til :)

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Syntes nå COD er bedre en BF (Ikke black Ops, anser ikke det som COD) Men MW1 og 2 er mine favoritter..


Men BF skal få en sjanse på PS3 tror jeg blir forelsket.. Men blir nok mere timer på MW3 mistenker jeg :)


Hvordan du kan mene at MW2 er bedere enn BO er for meg uforståelig, men vær sin smak.


Second Chanse, Ghost Camping, Hit detection, flyten i spillet, host migration, må jeg fortsette? Black Ops er vel et av de værste og mest frustrerende spillet for min del.


For og ikke snakke om Host Pro, er du ikke host sliter man som regel, de 3 første skuddene registres omtrent aldri:


Tok opp dette på BO forum:


The Lag: When i complete a full knife lunge towards another player, the other player kills me with the knife even when i started before him (The power of host ?) This happens dayli.

Hit detetion: Almost every time i shoot at a player (Spot on with aim) the 2-3 first bullets never register (unless u are Host) why is that ?

Dedicaded server? Then it will be fear for everyone who playes, (u know like i do, the HOST has an HUGE advantige)


Second Chanse: Why do SC users get rewarded for loosing a Gun Fight? And the Reward: Superman and Killer bullets. 2 shoots i i am dead because i won the "fight" ? Is that fear ? Mayby everyone shuld have SC as a 4 perk that u cannot remove ? Or put it to MW2 standar..

Its just so unfair! Get rewarded for loosing.. ?


U Nerf weapons u think is "overpowerd" but what is them Second Chanse?

Claymore"s: When i have Hacker pro on i have the abilety to hack almost everything, buit when i put my claymore down and move to another area to spot the Enemy claymore, i will hack it. Reward: your claymore blows up.. That is not rewarding is it? So with hacker pro u shuld maintain your on claymore and hack 1 more without your first blowing ut. (if u try to hack claymore 3 it should blow up etc)


Map Pac: When the first map pac came we had the option to play only that map pac, that was great..

But when map pac 2 came we could only play that ? And the first map pac option was/is gone.. ? Why ?

Now the 3 map pac is here and we can only play that, can"t u put that in 3 or 4 bar"s so we can choose witch map pac to play

(Since i do not like80% of map pac 2 -Just an example-)


4Bars in the online menu:



*First Strike



*First Strike/Escalation/Annihilation


1More thing:

Is it me or can Ghost Users take more damage? Always seems like the have some extra health ?

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