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Gravizts musikkprosjekter

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All musikken går under rock/metall sjangeren.

All musikken er min eiendom, du får ikke bruke tekstene uten mitt samtykke.

All musikken går først og fremst til bandet mit.

Legger ut litt etterhvert som jeg får tid.


NB: Lydkvaliteten tilsvarer en 348 år gammel hannskillpaddes paringsrop tatt opp på en voksrull og spillt av gjennom en morseordbok. Nemlig -_-'




Bestemor brenner katta mi


Hun bærer framm buret og setter det klart,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Heller på med bensin nå skjer det snart,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Fakkelen faller og flammene står,

Det byner å lukte svidd kattehår,

Sku vi betalt den tusenlappen hos veterinær?

Håper jeg slipper å rydde opp det her!


Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Det lukter svidd pels over alt!

Den mjauer og hyler mens flammene står,

Den trodde nok alt var i orden i går!


Lyden av blodet som koker og går,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Skinnet det sprekker og blodspruten står.

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Kjøttet det brenner og det lukter sprengt,

Nede veien der kommer Bennt,

Han tror vel at vi lager middag nå,

Vi får se hva bestemor finner på!


Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Det lukter svidd pels over alt!

Den mjauer og hyler mens flammene står,

Den trodde nok alt var i orden i går!




Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Det lukter svidd pels over alt!

Den mjauer og hyler mens flammene står,

Den trodde nok alt var i orden i går!


Buret er borte kroppen ligger igjen,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Nå tar hun katta og marinerer den,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Røyken den ligger og lukta står,

Julemiddagen blir god i år,

På tide at vi inviterer Bennt,

Hvis katta blir kald så er det for sent!


Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Det lukter svidd pels over alt!

Den mjauer og hyler mens flammene står,

Den trodde nok alt var i orden i går!

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Bestemor brenner katta mi,

Og det lukter svidd pels over alt!



King of a lifeless land


I will not wait for my peasants to fry

I will not wait for my people to die

I will not wait for my land to be burned

I will not wait for my child to be churned


You shall not watch while your peasants fry

You shall not watch while your people die

You shall not watch while your land is burned

You shall not watch while your child is churned


The battle is raging were awaiting our fall

It appers that our lord has failed to catch the ball

The only way out is to pray to our god

Saddly he's fallen asleep on the job


All of my people are fighting on

All of my people know they have not won

All of my people awaiting to fall

If only my lord would have catched the damn ball


All of your people are battling on

All of your people know this is not won

All of your people awaiting to fall

If only your lord would have catched the damn ball


The battle is raging were awaiting our fall

It appers that our lord has failed to catch the ball

The only way out is to pray to our god

Saddly he's fallen asleep on the job


The battle is raging were awaiting our fall

It appers that our lord has failed to catch the ball

The only way out is to pray to our god

Saddly he's fallen asleep on the job

Our homes are overrun and they're striking us down

Taking the kingdom and stealing my crown

If only i had mannaged to catch the damn ball

and had staid awake maybe we had not fall





Open the hatch


Drop in the canister

Hear them screaming

Close up the Chamber

Then go off dreaming



Blue acid crystals are boiling




Hear the boddies coiling




Sit with your back to it

You saw the sodomy

Thinking the best

They were the enemy



Blue acid crystals are boiling




Hear the boddies coiling




No regret

No remorse

No blood

But your cold blooded murder



Drop in the canister




You saw the sodomy




Close up the Chamber




Thinking the best




Cold blooded murder







I feel like killing puppies

The furry fuckers should die

Just bring me a little puppie

But remember to say goodbye


I charge fifty bucks an hour

But it rarely takes that long

Just one swing of my broadaxe

And the bastards head is gone


Furry as fuck with puppy eyes

I feel happy when a puppy dies

Hanging thier heads up on the walls

A final breath while it slowly crawls


Burning thier small bodies

Loving the sweet smell

I am pretty confident

I'm going straight to hell


You really can't be mad at me

I'm actually quite humane

I kill 'em quick an painless

Alltough I'm really not that sane


Furry as fuck with puppy eyes

I feel happy when a puppy dies

Hanging thier heads up on the walls

A final breath while it slowly crawls




Kill the puppies

Hear the owners cries,

Smile and dance while a puppy dies

Throwing the ashes in a pit

Then on top I'll take a shit

Furry as fuck with puppy eyes

I feel happy when a puppy dies

Hanging thier heads up on the walls

A final breath while it slowly crawls














On the run for 24 hours

Bleeding feet aching for showers

No food or water or telephone

We dont know when we'll go home


Walking through snow and running throug mud

Nothing to eat but a single spud

No lives or homes or places to go

All we have are our passports to show













Lights in the distance hurry jump in the ditch

If they find us we're hitting a hitch

No sound or warmt or lights at all

If you will survive you must stay in your hole


I think they are gone so lets get out

Then suddenly we hear a shout

No movement or heartbeats or thoughts at all

Thrown in a truck and forced to crawl













Running now would be taking a chanse

The health of our family depends on the curcumstamce

What have we done we should have staid at home

They are loading thiere weapons with bullets of chrome


Running now would be taking a chanse

The health of our family depends on the curcumstamce

What have we done we should have staid at home

They are loading thiere weapons with bullets of chrome


Bound together

Two and two

Standing by a ditch


Is this our graves

Will they end our lives

Will we pass without a hitch


Bound to my brother

Shot in the head

I am alive

He is dead

The weight is to much

I fall in the ditch

They cover us up

Its gone without a hitch


We have been









Now we're dead



Strekkbenken i hjørnet (det første jeg noengang skrev)


Kjellern er mørk,

Kjellern er tom,

Bakerst i hjørnet,

Finns det et rom.

Det ække no rom,

som du kjenner til,

Det er der bare,

Om de vil.


Du venter her nede

Hodet er tomt

På en strekkbenk,

I et mørkt rom.


Stekkbenken venter,

Den venter på deg,

Den sitter i hjørnet,

Vinker og sier "Hei"

Hvor er den nå?

Har den din tå?

Du skal få se,

at du blir trekt ned!


Du er spennt fast,

Ser ingenting,

Ligger å tenker,

Hva er det de vil.

Du ser det der nede,

Men hodet er tomt,

Nok en strekkbenk,

I nok et rom.


Du venter her nede

Hodet er tomt

På en strekkbenk,

I et mørkt rom.


Mister rettning,

Mister kontroll,

Hva vill skje,

Ditt lille troll,

Ingen rettning,

Ingen kontroll,

Ingen aning,

Ditt lille troll


Mørket trekker nærmere,

men ingen vet hva som vil skje,

Ikke engang de som satt deg her,

Du skulle hatt maskingevær.

Hvem vil gjøre noe slikt,

Må nok være en skikkelig frik,

Stygg følelse av at det er han der,

For der står viken uten klær!


Hva vil han nå?

Hugge snåppen tå?

Pass godt på,

Han kommer nå,

Tenk deg godt om,

Dette er din dom,

Hva vil skje?

Tenk på det!


Du venter her nede

Hodet er tomt

På en strekkbenk,

I et mørkt rom.


Hva vil skje?

Tenk på det!

Tenk deg godt om,

Dette er din dom.





This is a song about everything, nothing, and all you might find inbetween.


Walking a trail of glass

Breaking as i go

I never thought it would go this far

How was i supposed to know


I do not know

I cant believe that this has gone so far

I will not go

I cant believe how they would let this happen


I do not know

Will not go

Where am i

Do not

Shall i go

Do you know

Where are you


Break the chain

Run away

Run away

Dont know

Take a chanse and run


Where should you go

Do not know

Who are you

Can i

Are you them

Who are they

Should run

Are you

Should i scream

Should i run

Will i die

Can i

I'll take a chanse and stay


I want you to die for me now!


Burn in a fire

Burn for my desire

Burn in a fire

Punishment for all your sinds

Burning in a fire

Im burning my desire

Burning in a fire




Relapse Colapse Chaos Die


Well I dont feel like i need you

I think i know just what to do

You must be killed

I will obey

Now you shall see just what we say

Behind your back when you're now looking

Light the fire lets get coocking

I dont think you really know

Just what the hell is going on



Going to new lands

Burning thier rivers

Pulling new arrows

Out of my quiver

Never knowing

When were stopping



We will wait here

Until they get there

In the bushes

waiting for mushies

We are hungry

So very hungry

Waiting for dinner

Going to eat her


We want soup!


There they are

Gonna spring the trap

Gonna light the fire

Gonna boil some water

Gonna eat


See them hanging

Gonna tear thier skin of

Gonna boil them living

Gonna test thier swimming

Making Soup! soup!

Human soup.



Burn bleed kill die


Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!



In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!


In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!


Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,


Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,



Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,


Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,



Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!



In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!


In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!


Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,


Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,



Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,


Burn for me,

Bleed for me

Kill for me,

Die for me,



Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!



In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!


In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!



In a lake of fire,


Me a river of blood,


All the unwanted children,

Then die!

Die for all your sinds!


Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!

Burn! Bleed! Kill! Die!



Butplugg dinosaur


Butplug Dinosaur running around

Butplug dino never making a sound

Butplug Dinosaur is all that you know

Butplug dino shows the things you will not show


Butplug Dinosaur hanging around

Butplug dino sitting on the ground

Butplug Dinosaur has no soul

Butplug dino ready for your hole


Its a prehistoric orgy

The greates one in history

A prehistoric orgy

You and me and the butplug dinosaur


Butplug Dinosaur waiting for you

Butplug dino is the only one who knows you

Butplug Dinosaur jumping and shaking

Butplug dino stops your belly from aching


Butplug Dinosaur goes in your but

Butplug dino you can keep him in your hut

Butplug Dinosaur stops your screaming

Butplug dino is a part of bohemen


Its a prehistoric orgy

The greates one in history

A prehistoric orgy

You and me and the butplug dinosaur


Butplug Dinosaur having a blast

Butplug dino gonna make you a clash

Butplug Dinosaur sends you to heaven

Butplug dino working 24/7


Its a prehistoric orgy

The greates one in history

A prehistoric orgy

You and me and the butplug dinosaur

A prehistoric orgy

The greates one in history

A prehistoric orgy

You and me and the butplug dinosaur



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