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Innlegg skrevet av headsplitter

  1. We, www.gameru.net, www.stalker-portal.ru, www.stalker-world.com.ua community, and all the undersigned appeal to the supreme instance of GSC Game World - Sergey Grigorovich, we ask for a precise, clear, straightforward and honest answer:


    What's happening inside GSC GAME WORLD and the team behind STALKER? What stands in your way that doesn't allow you to release S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl?


    We persistantly ask you, the developers and other departments of the company, to make a very thorough approach to what you will answer to the petition created by people who are tired of the permanent flow of contradictory information and once for all dispel all the disturbance and doubts with your answer. Otherwise you risk to lose the already reducing amount of fans, undermine your authority forever and infinitely offence those who respect you. We can be a very convincing force in your hands and prolong your project's life but only in case you show us as much respect as we show you.



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