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Innlegg skrevet av Holypanzer

  1. Da det ikke finnes noen offisiell Saxon tråd, bestemte jeg meg for å lage en.


    Her kan dere diskutere ting rundt bandet.


    Hvorfor er Saxon så undervurdert? Hvilke sanger liker du best?


    Her er de 10 beste Saxon sangene etter min mening (rekkefølge har ingeting og si)


    1. Princess of the Night

    2. I've Got to Rock (To Stay Alive)

    3. State of Grace

    4. Requiem

    5. The Great White Buffalo

    6. English Man O War

    7. Denim And Leather

    8. If I Was You

    9. Hungry Years

    10. Ashes to Ashes


    Saxon videoer på youtube:



    Requiem (we will remember)


    The Eagle Has Landed



    Wheels of Steel






    If I Was You

  2. Nye shaman talenter?




    Link til de nye talentene:




    General Changes



    Now a class ability by default.


    Beneficial Totems

    All "buff" totems, except for grounding, poison cleansing, diesease cleansing, tremor, mana spring, mana tide, and healing stream now have a "pulse" that puts a 10 second buff on all affected group members. This is similar to how windfury totem currently works. In addition, all buff totems (excluding the ones listed above) have a three minute duration by default. These changes should make totems easier to use in PvE raids, and actually usable in PvP encounters. If the totem expires or is killed, these buffs do disappear, but the buffs are not removed right away when you leave the radius of the totem. To reapply the buff, you have to return to the totem's range. Also, the totem doesn't vanish when you die, but instead remains in its place and continues to buff people in their radius until it expires or is killed.


    Earthbind Totem

    Mana cost increased to 4% of your base mana. This results in about a 20-30 mana increase in cost at level 60.


    Grounding Totem

    Mana cost increased to 6% of your base mana. Grounding Totem no longer absorbs ticks from DoT's. This results in the totem costing a little over 100 mana at level 60.


    Sentry Totem

    Design change. This ability will now work like the human racial trait "perception" with a five minute cooldown. When activated, it allows you and all group members within its radius to have a much better chance to detect stealthed enemies that approach. Totem duration is half a minute, costs 10% of base mana.


    Stoneskin Totem

    Design change. The final rank now increases your group's defense skill by 20, if they are within 45 yards of the totem.


    Flametongue Weapon

    This weapon buff's damage is now increased by 35% of your +spell damage gear. If you have 100 +spell damage gear on, your flametongue weapon on a 3.5 speed or slower weapon will be 35% higher. The benefit from +spell damage gear scales down accordingly as the damage already does with your weapon speed.


    Spell Surge Totem

    This new fire totem would be available to all Shamans at level 54. It would add up to 40 spell damage to your group's casting.


    Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)

    Costs 200 mana, lasts 12 seconds. Restores 400 health to each party member over the duration, one minute cooldown.


    Mana Spring Totem (Rank 4)

    Costs 150 mana, lasts 2 minutes. Restores 10 mana every 2 seconds, for a total of 900 mana restored over 3 minutes.


    Håper dette stemmer! I så fall får shammys en real buff :D:dribble:

  3. Grounding Totem


    Summons a Grounding Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that absorbs one harmful spell every 10 seconds for each nearby party member. Will not absorb area of effect spells. Lasts 45 sec.


    Den fjerner en spell som bli kastet på shamanen, eller gruppa hans. F.eks en fireball fra en mage


    Tremor Totem


    Summons a Tremor Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that shakes the ground around it, removing Fear, Charm and Sleep effects from party members within 30 yards. Lasts 1.50 min.


    Fjerner Fear, Charm og Sleep


    Det er hva de forskjelige totemene gjør

  4. Jeg og en kompis raida med 2 forskjellige guild i MC samme dagen (det var en Torsdag)


    Kompisen mitt sitt guild drepte garr, og Bindings of The Windseeker dropper


    ca 30 mins etterpå dreper mitt guild han, og Bindings of The Windseeker dropper igjen.


    Hvordan er dette mulig :hmm: Og hvor stor sjanse er det for det ?

  5. Min shammy

    Player Name: Holypanzer

    Rase: Orc

    Guild: Restyle (Shaman class officer :D )


    Best instance Molten Core atm :p

    Realm Dunemaul

    Level 60


    Buildet mitt har jeg satt opp selv og jeg må si det er det beste jeg har prøvd (Jeg har prøvd mange shammy builds :p)


    Buildet passer både PvE og PvP



    Ancestral Knowledge Rank 5

    Improved Stoneskin Totem Rank 3

    Improved Ghost Wolf Rank 2

    Two-Handed Axes and Maces Rank 1


    Enhancement Total: 11



    Tidal Focus Rank 5

    Improved Reincarnation Rank 2

    Ancestral Healing Rank 5

    Eventide Rank 5

    Combat Endurance Rank 1

    Improved Lesser Healing Wave Rank 5

    Tidal Mastery Rank 5

    Improved Mana Spring Totem Rank 5

    Nature's Swiftness Rank 1

    Purification Rank 5

    Mana Tide Totem Rank 1


    Restoration Total: 40



    Total Points Spent: 51

    Level Required: 60



    Min mening om shaman er gøy:


    Shaman er ikke gøy før du er lvl 60 og raider i MC evntuelt BWL.

    Jeg kjedet meg sinnsykt for å levle opp min shaman, men da den ble lvl 60 ble det straks mye morsommere. :thumbup:


    Det var vel alt :w00t:

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