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Innlegg skrevet av toranv

  1. Tatt fra en twink guide til 29:





    Head: Elders Hat of the Eagle / Spellpower Goggles Extreme [+8int]

    Neck: Basalt Necklace of the Eagle

    Shoulders: Berylline Pads

    Back: Knights Cloak of the Eagle [+70arm]

    Chest: Beguiler Robes [+100hp]

    Wrists: Stoneridge Bracers [+9sta]

    Hands: Hotshot Pilots Gloves [+mana regen]

    Waist: Belt of Arugal / Warsong Sash

    Legs: Elders Pants of the Eagle [+8int]

    Feet: Acidic Walkers / Nightsky Boots[+speed]

    Range: Starfaller

    Ring: Deep Fathom Ring (WSG ring)

    Ring: Plains Ring

    Two Hand: Rod of the Sleepwalker (WSG staff) [+22int/+30spellpower]





    - Pretty basic, all relatively easy to get your hands on, gives you alot of +int and +sta.

    - Go for the Warsong Sash if horde.

    - Measles has got me thinking that; if you feel you had enough +int and +sta from the blues you could benefit greatly from some +fire/frost/arcane (depending on your spec) legs, necklace, cloak and possibly even ring.


    Edit: fjernet den gamle driten^^

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