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  1. Dette er et kjent problem med Sapphires HD48xx. Følg denne oppskriften om du ikke gidder å begynne med bios, riva tuner ordner biffen:


    Workaround Solution, should work with any ATI card


    The first solution is the easier and safer solution to do. Also this should work on any of the other ATI cards and is not limited to the Sapphire cards only. The solution for this is to fixate the GPU clock speed at 750 Mhz via RivaTuner. To do this the following steps are necessary.


    1. Download and install RivaTuner, http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=163

    2. After installation, start up RivaTuner.

    3. Click on the expansion symbol, in the greyed out text box. This will bring up a list of icons.

    4. Click on the first icon in the list shown, it's called Low-level system settings.

    5. In the Overclocking tab, tick the "Enable low-level hardware overclocking" box to on.

    6. It might be smart to reboot if you have been playing some games / running some apps, either way let RivaTuner detect the speed.

    7. Set the core clock speed to 750 Mhz (the speed required for 3D apps)

    8. In the section "Overclocking profile settings", type in a profile name (fex. WAR) and click on the disk icon to save the profile.

    9. Press OK to be returned to the main RivaTuner screen.

    10. Go to the Launcher tab and click on the green + symbol.

    11. Choose to add a "Regular item" and press OK

    12. Type in a name (fex. WAR), the other boxes should be enabled now.

    13. Tick the box "Associated overclocking profile", and select the profile we made in step 8.

    14. Tick the "Associated Application" and fill in the path and filename of the warpatch.exe (fex. "C:\Program Files\Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning\warpatch.exe" )

    15. Click OK to save the settings.



    What we have done now, is create a shortcut inside RivaTuner that we can click on to start up WAR with the changed GPU clock speed. This means that whenever you'd like to run WAR, you should start it via RivaTuner's Launcher tab.

    Alternatively, it's possible to have RivaTuner automatically apply the clock speed at the startup of Windows every time you boot. To do this, do everything up until step 7, and then tick the "Apply overclocking at Windows startup" box, and press Save. This will make the GPU clock speed at 750 Mhz all the time. While this is easier, since you don't have to run specific applications, or apply the profile ea

  2. Nevermind. :blush: Jeg har bygget en del pc`er opp gjennom årene, men dette er første gang jeg har satt på cpu feil vei.


    Jeg foreslår skylddeling, siden Asus i sin bruksanvisning snudde hovedkortet 90 grader når de viste cpu-delen (uten å ta med mer enn sokkel) og insisterte på nedre venstre hjørne. Min del av skylden går jo selvfølgelig mest på at jeg ikke faktisk sjekket hvor den fordømte anviseren på sokkelen var. :!:


    Uansett, jeg er sykt happy for at det faktisk funker etter litt rough love, og takk til dere som har kommet med tips, dere redder sikkert mange tullinger som meg i løpet av en vanlig uke!

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