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  1. Hei. I am planning on long term investments. Probably using eToro or a similar platform. I am trying to figure out when and what has to be declared in Skatteetaten. Here is what I understand. I can open a foreign bank account and make my investments using it. Every year I have to declare what I own. (based on https://www.skatteetaten.no/person/skatt/hjelp-til-riktig-skatt/utland/inntekt-og-formue-i-utlandet/inntekt-og-formue-i-utlandet/) I can withdraw money from the eToro account, as long as the total amount is less than what has invested. I dont see anything required by Skatteetaten for this one, as no profit has been gained. On later stage I would be able to leave Norway without Skatteetaten being concerned as long as the total gain is less thank NOK 500,000 (based on https://www.skatteetaten.no/person/skatt/hjelp-til-riktig-skatt/utland/flyttet-til-eller-fra-Norge/) I can sale with profit and pay only the tax in the foreign country as it is much lower than what is currently in Norway. Any valuable information would be appreciated. Thank you.
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