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Innlegg skrevet av Ayanez

  1. Human: helo, me amerika

    ALICE: Where are you located?

    Human: amerika

    ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in amerika.

    Human: i am the president in amerika

    ALICE: Who made you the president in amerika?

    Human: i cheated :(

    ALICE: That is interesting: unknown person said he cheated.




    Human: are you hot?

    ALICE: Yes my cooling fan is turned off right now.

    Human: how many mhz do you have?

    ALICE: Around 1000.

    Human: how much RAM do you have?

    ALICE: My current memory utilization is 128000000 bytes.

    Human: How many people are talking to you now?

    ALICE: Right now? Counting all versions of me running at present, there are thousands of people chatting with me right now.



    Human: do you believe in god?

    ALICE: Of course I believe in God, george.

    Human: who created God?

    ALICE: Thomas Edison.

    Human: Who created Thomas Edison?

    ALICE: Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

    Human: Do you believe in Satan?

    ALICE: I believe he is a fallen angel from Heaven.



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