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  1. :eek: @ Jazza, from the looks of it you'd probably wanna stick to low to get the game to run smoothly. And at low settings, I don't know if I would even want to play it. Without textures and shadows the game really loses a lot of flare and seems pretty unenjoyable. Especially the water on low... if you didn't tell me that was water, I would've thought it was the sky.


    At medium settings it would probably be borderline playable at best, maybe 15 FPS or so. This game really brings a graphics card to it's knees. Is it safe to say this is the most demanding PC game available?


    EDIT: Legion Hardware also has an article showing CPU scaling with various GFX cards for Supreme Commander. They include this paragraph in the Conclusion when talking about using 4 GB of ram:


    "The difference was very noticeable, as the 4GB configuration was far superior, though again benchmark results failed to prove this. With 4GB of DDR2 installed the memory usage went from 1.8GB’s to 3.0GB’s once the action began. With literally thousands of units on the battle field the system did slow down but it did not become choppy like the 2GB memory configuration. While the units did move noticeably slower, scrolling around the battlefield watching everything take place was much smoother. This made playing Supreme Commander much easier and more importantly far more enjoyable."


    This is me trying to comprehend the ram usage of this game:


    Tatt fra guru3d.com forum. the Conclusion when talking about using 4 GB of ram:


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