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Innlegg skrevet av arqe88

  1. Conference Highlights


    The event will be a twin stream conference, with presentations covering all key aspects of PLAYSTATION®3 development, amongst which will be:


    Cell and the OS




    Third-party presentations (including Epic and a guest independent developer)

    Middleware (including Havok and Ageia)

    Performance analysis

    Art/content generation (including presentations from 3rd-party application vendors)


    Middleware vendors will also be on hand throughout the 2 days to demonstrate their latest PS3 products and answer your questions.



    This year DevStation is taking place in the Atlantis Gallery at the Old Truman Brewery, in the vibrant surrounds of London's Brick Lane. The event takes place over two days, Wednesday, March 1 and Thursday, March 2 2006. There will also be entertainment on the evening of March 1.


    ser ut som alt handler om for ps3 nå, cant wait, da får vi virkelig se hva ps3 har å by på :)



  2. På en punkt så vil XBOX360 spill kreve kode/kompresjon av teksturer osv for å få plass på en DVD9..


    . Kompresjon vil oppenbart kreve Dekompresjon Å dekoding.


    og dette stjeler CPUsykluser & introduserer en grad av latency


    Sony PS3 på en annen side bør klare på en på noen år med uten kompresjon kompresjon eller minimum kompresjon derfor minimaliser det CPUgeneralkostnadene


    Foruten kompresjonsargumentet er det er også en faktum, MERE plass betyr større, bedre i in-game CGI osv som effektiviserer spill svært hvis det brukes godt.

  3. For å si det slik. Tenk tilbake på lanseringen av Playstation 2. Playstation 2 skulle ha Toy Story-like grafikk. Er det noen her som virkelig har sett et spill til Playstation 2 som i det hele tatt kan måle seg med den "grafikken" man ser i Toy Story? Neppe!


    Og da er mitt spørsmål til dere. Tror dere virkelig at Sony ikke vil kjøre samme hypeprogrammet sitt til Playstation 3? Er det virkelig noen som tror på at alt som vises av videoer er ingame og rendret der og da? Om ja så må jeg si meg forbauset. IKke bare har Sony lurt folk trill rundt med Playstation 2 som skulle kunne rendre ansiktsutrykk live som vi enda ikke har sett på PC engang, men nå skal de altså lure oss til å tro at konsollen deres kan vise såpass vireklighetstroe redringer live.


    Jeg skal dog ikke benekte at det kan skje, men da er ejg desverre nødt til å medele at Playstation 3 ville koste en del millioner kroner og dermed være uaktuelle for dere ;)


    Nei. Jeg tror jeg holder emg til det jeg selv kan regne som virkeligheten og så får dere andre leve i håpet.



    om et par måneder så får vi se

  4. The Facts: Rockstar releases a "proper" GTA game every 2 years. GTA: Sanandreas launched in 2004, so this is an "on" year. Rockstar president sam houser has said that "with ps3, it looks as if it might be time for interactive entertainment to become the worlds dominant artistic medium. Rockstar has registered the trademarks gta: bogota, gta: tokyo and gta sin city. Sam houser owns the web domain grandtheftauto4.com and gta4.com. GTA: sanandreas was the last in the GTA3 trilogy. When asked about an online GTA game by our US sister mag PSM, Houser referenced PC RPG Everquest, saying Rockstar wanted to do more than simple deathmatches.


    GTA4, set in europe (or a "world" with 6 cities), will be announced as a PS3 exclusive at E3, available as a UK launch title in 2006.



    spillet kommer til å være ufattelig stort, gleder meg til dette kommer :dribble:

  5. Jeg fant dette:



    det ser ut som Halo 3 kommer i 2007


    Hah :D

    Det så SABLA ekte ut ja :yes:



    Ja, utrolig proft :tease:


    Jeg visste noen kom til å si det! bare fordi det det er en svart boks betyr det ikke at det ikke er ekte

    skal sende dere en artikkelene etterpå....

  6. Gamer Andy is reporting that an industry insider has confirmed for them that the next generation of Grand Theft Auto will be exclusive to the Playstation 3. Could be possible, but would exclusive truly mean exclusive or would it mean the PS3 version comes out six months before the 360 version. And quite frankly, as much as I loved the GTA concept I think it’s time for Rockstar to move the franchise (and gaming) forward to a new type of play. GTA is Confirmed Exclusive [Gamer Andy].

    Andy:::Earlier today I received a phone call from a source at one of the companies mentioned in my previous article. We had a very nice conversation regarding gaming and the next generation, and my original article on Grand Theft Auto being exclusive to the PlayStation 3.


    The source was kind enough to confirm it.


    One change of underwear later, here I am telling you all, in as humble a fashion as I can muster:




    And so: The Console War truly begins: 13 days before the Xbox 360 launches, and Sony gets the biggest North American coup. This will change many things for many casual gamers.



    vel vet ikke helt sikkert om dette er sant, men siden M$ har sagt at 360 holder seg til dvd9, så vilGTA stå ved Sony. DVD9 har ikke den lagrings kapasiteten til å lage et spill som rockstar har lyst på.



    Kilde: http://www.gamerandy.com/archives/2005/11/...cons.shtml#more



    Twelve Titles From Top 5 Best-Selling* PC Franchise of All-Time Plus Bonus DVD




    REDWOOD CITY, Calif., – November 4, 2005 – Experience the award-winning Command & Conquer™ (C&C) series like never before! Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced, Command & Conquer™ The First Decade, one of the largest PC franchise compilations to date. Scheduled for release in February 2006, the title celebrates the 10th anniversary of this innovative franchise. This special collector’s edition will include a dozen of your favorite C&C games spanning over the last ten years plus a bonus DVD of commemorative video features.


    With over 23 million units sold worldwide to date, the C&C franchise has defined the Real-time strategy (RTS) genre with cutting-edge visuals, epic storylines, and rich mission complexities. The series has evolved over a decade, spawned over a dozen titles, and continues to be the genre benchmark by which all RTS games are measured. With its explosive style of warfare, the C&C franchise has grown over the years to span multiple fictional genres, including the science fiction Tiberium universe, the revisionist history of the Red AlertÔ universe, and a twist on modern warfare with Command & ConquerÔ Generals.


    “Command & Conquer The First Decade offers RTS gamers a way to relive the history of C&C, and I’m thrilled to see this collection offered in one package,” said Louis Castle, VP of Creative Development at EALA. “It seems like yesterday when we were all pleasantly surprised by the way the gaming community wanted to play this new type of strategy game.”


    The Command & Command The First Decade bonus DVD will feature a half-dozen exclusive video features including an interview with Louis Castle, who is also co-founder of Westwood Studios the creator of the C&C franchise. As a special bonus, C&C fans also have the opportunity to be featured on the exclusive DVD. The search is currently underway to find the world’s biggest C&C fan that can showcase and prove their undying devotion to the C&C series via video submission.





    gleder meg veldig :w00t:

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