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Bare Knut

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Innlegg skrevet av Bare Knut

  1. Da burde han jo nettopp STEMME på et parti som går inn for å bannlyse forurensning. Ikke ralle i vei om frimurere og andre konspirasjoner. Tipper han er arbeidsledig.


    Først sier at han ikke vil stemme. Så nevner han alt han skulle ønske bli forandret. Men hvis man ikke stemmer på noen som kan gjøre noe med det, blir det bare en gal manns ralling på internett.

    What is the track record? Accelerated pollution, or not?


    I'm saying there is a reason why change never comes, I believe that reason to be the Freemasons like the King. If it is even a slight possibility that the secret occult Kabbalistic society; Freemasons could have an agenda. Freemasons should not be allows in any positions of influence (Rikets Sikkerhet).


    We need to heal Norway from the damage that already has been caused. Politics does not work. Public voting on these matters every year would would. But we the people who care about our world are always silenced threw the bottleneck of politics.


    Personal attacks followed by ridicule (sikkert arbeidsledig), is typical procedure for masons. First they ridicule you, then they fight you and then I win.

  2. Voting is irrelevant in my opinion. New faces same old shit!


    What I want is banning all new projects that pollute. Existing companies that has pollute should be forced to clean it all up. Prison time for series offences.


    Every city should grow their own organic food. Urban gardening and greenhouses could do this.


    Laws should be changed so ppl that want to live of the grid and in harmony with nature should be allowed to do so, "earth-ships" and "pharmaculture" should be encouraged. This would positive factor that would allow our country to start recovery from the government rape.


    Human beings that has not hurt brothers and sister, should be freed from jail and the laws should be changed. All records should also be removed. We can't have the state telling us what we can and can't do with our own bodies. We should find out who came up with that stupid law and punish them for all the human beings they have hurt.


    We should move away from capitalism because 99% of us loose by having it. 2008 anyone, to big to fail etc.


    We should get rid of the aristocrats and the Freemasons, because there is a chance that they could have an agenda.


    We the 99% should have freedom, not government control. Government control is only justified so we the people can control the government. I sure don't trust these bastards after they passed the DLD bill without letting me vote!


    The changes we need is on a fundamental level, not more money to this and that.

  3. Monarkiet må avskaffes, og nå passer det veldig godt å gjøre det.


    At kongen er en del av identiteten vår mener jeg bare er noe tøys. Om han så hadde vært det så forsvarer ikke det å opprettholde en slik ordning.


    Vil dere virkelig ha en rik vestkantsnobb med null kontakt med menigmann? For det kommer om en generasjon eller to.


    That's right. There would not be many in percentage at all. But watch out for the Freemasons i Den Norsk Stat, the King is tight with them!


    Det er for samme grunn som at det ikke finnes alternativ mattematikk...

    Retorikken din er ulogisk.

    All "naturlig" medisin som får påvist virkning blir assimilert av skolemedisin.


    At du ble kvitt allergi med eplecidereddik trenger heller ikke å si til at de to tingene hadde sammenheng.

    Var gjerne dårlig formulert, men poenget var holdningen til naturlig, ubearbeidet medisin, som da gjerne regnes som alternativ i den forstand at man idag bruker mye kunstig medisin.


    Men skal sjekke opp i dette når jeg får sjansen (en gang i framtiden) da jeg ikke helt husker detaljene.



    Klart har det en sammenheng, hva mener du? Har du en annen forklaring på at allergien forsvant etter dette? Før dette var det nok å være i samme hus, nå koser jeg med katten så mye jeg vil. Det er forøvrig mange andre som rapporterer suksessfulle resultater med eplecidereddik.



    The only reason I can think of, that can explain why they use don't use organic chemistry, is shelf life. So big fucking fat cats in America can profit in Norway. All of our drugs could have been made by organic extracts from herbs, leafs, roots etc. And put in capsules and sold from a cooler.


    But the drug dealers (doctors) would not like that, because then there would be changes and they get kickbacks.


    I wonder why politicians never talk about stuff like this? Oh, I forgot. They don't care about important matters, only the status quo. What a bunch of cunts.

  5. Look what the King/Den Norske Stat has done to the area we live in.


    * They have allowed pollution of our drinking water.

    * They have accepted pollution and destruction of our cost and sea water for financial gain.

    * They OK the torturing of animals (Prior is just one example).

    * They OK building factories that pollute water, air and soil. Impacting all animals and us.

    * They allow that we eat poisoned food because EU said so.

    * We have food in our food store that makes us sick. Food is suppose to sustain us not drain us.


    There is just to many things to list. Think about the times you have felt oppressed or not free because of these bastards.

  6. Det er egentlig ganske motbydelig måten rus- og medisinsituasjonen er. Når man har mange naturlige alternativer med bedre effekt med færre eller ingen bi-virkninger. Har også hørt fra en student at snakk om alternativ (les: naturlig) medisin ble tatt ille opp, og hun ble servert en lekse om at hun måtte ta et valg, fordi alternativ medisin skulle det ikke være snakk om der. Man skiller tydeligvis dette ut som alternativ voodoo-innbilningsmedisin uten å ta hensyn til påviste medisinske effekter. Men ta dette som hva det er "jeg fikk høre av noen at". Det er dog ingen nyhet at naturlig medisin blir sett på med denne holdningen.


    Jeg fikk meg katt for litt siden. På samme fikk jeg non-stop rennende nese og nysing. Når jeg ikke nøs så opplevde jeg "nesten-nyse"-effekten og et vrengt tryne som følge av dette. Fy faen, du vet ikke hvor jævlig det er å nesten-nyse konstant før du har prøvd det. Og massive, eksplosive, kraftfulle nys du aldri har sett maken til. Fy faen jeg hater nysing etter dette. Jeg var altså allergisk (no shit, Sherlock).


    Gikk til legen og fikk påvist allergien. Han skrev ut resept på medisin "med få bi-virkninger". Gikk så for å kjøpe dette på apoteket med fikk beskjed om at de ikke fikk tak i det, og det ville ta litt tid. Ingen andre hadde det heller, det var rett og slett noe de ikke kunne få tak i for øyeblikket.


    Så mens allergien forverret seg satt jeg meg ned å søkte internettet for alternative medisiner i mellomtiden. Endte opp med å prøve en cocktail med eplecider-eddik og pepperrot. Fant ut at eplecider-eddik var tilstrekkelig alene og har siden helt eliminert alle symptomer. I tillegg er det bra for deg, styrker for eksempel immunforsvaret. Så nå tar jeg 1-2 teskjeer eplecider-eddik til dagen (kammuflert med vann og juice).


    Utrolig. Fuck dyr reseptmedisin.




    Mulig jeg trenger en bli smart pille her for jeg skjønte ikke helt budskapet i den videoen  :hmm:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropic :p


    Eventuelt les deg opp på legemiddelindustriens tvilsomme gjerninger. Har ikke inntrykket av at det er så ensidig som førsteposten ytrer det, men hva vet jeg. Men i nyansene er det utvilsomt mørke farger.




    Should prescription drugs be made by people that gain financially by keeping us sick?

    Nope, it should be made by incompetent bureaucrats that make money by taxing us, and thus want us to be healthy and work as hard as possible ;)



    LOL It is evident is evident to me that patents is to blame. So we the people could can stop it when we mobilize against patents. When patents are gone people that care about health would take over. Sharing is good, pattens  is evil.


    New faces same fate for the human race :(



    I think our fate is that we`ll all eventually drown in stupid pointless youtube vids...




    Uansett, etter disse retarde republikaner debattene vi nå har bevitnet så skal det forhåpentligvis bli en befrielse å overvære den første demokratiske presidentdebatten, er det noen som vet når de er planlagt?


    Og er det egentlig andre seriøse kandidater enn Clinton, Sanders, og da evnt Biden som stiller? Ser Webb og Chafee også er kandidater uten at jeg kan si jeg har hørt stort om dem eller hvor de ligger i det politiske landskapet.



    When someone shares something, anything, you can choose to find out why, or you can decide not to. That is your choice, but it can still mean something to someone else.




    Remember we are all part of the human race and we are all born humbly on this planet. None of us was born with higher value than any other, just the same. So helping our brothers and sisters is all we can do, unless we side with evil.


    De må slutte å bli så fryktelig mange da, eller så får de finne nye planeter å føde vilt på. 



    Dette er også en litt sånn ufin retorikk spør du meg, skulle tro det var kaniner det var snakk om. Fødselsraten tar ikke helt av i midtøsten som man kan se her:



    Det er vel heller det at Europa må få litt fart på fødselsraten sin, her ser man jo også tydelig hvorfor Tyskland trenger flere innvandrere.



    Midtøsten er ingenting. Se på feks Afrika. Og forøvrig mener jeg det er feil policy, vi bør se positivt på nedgang i befolkning. Husk feks at robotene snart kommer for full fart. Det er en rekke factorer som spiller inn i det helhetlige bidet. Men tanke på framtidig utvikling, og å unngå problemer.


    Og hva tilsier at det er særlig forskjell på mennesker og kaniner? Det burde være vesentlig større forskjell enn det er.


    Remember that this could have been you guys. If you where in the same situation as many of your other brothers and sister are inn; humanity. You would get a heartache knowing that there are brothers and sisters that think of killing you just because I am unfortunate.


    Remember we are all part of the human race and we are all born humbly on this planet. None of us was born with higher value than any other, just the same. So helping our brothers and sisters is all we can do, unless we side with evil.


    De må slutte å bli så fryktelig mange da, eller så får de finne nye planeter å føde vilt på. 


    Taking side on the human race is crucial to avoid the tyrannical political agenda.

  10. A limited difference between poor and rich is a result of managing a country well. The same goes for quality of water, food and air. Knowing that the next generation won't be sick from pollution/toxins in water, food, air another one.  Here is an other way to check if Den Norske Stat is doing a good job.


    There is a wise saying that says "On the fruit the tree will be known if it is good or bad". So now you check if the Freemason country Norway is doing a good job:


    * Is the current system based on what is good for humanity and the world we live in and the future of our children?

    * Has there been an increase in sickness in the Norwegian society the last 25 years?

    * Are we more depressed than 25 years ago?

    * Are we more selfish now then 25 years ago and what are the consequences?

    * Do the older and wiser among us have a better life quality? Are they respected and looked up to?

    * Do the children spend less time with the parents than they did 25 years ago? If not, is the kids still better off?

    * Is the gap between rich and poor bigger than 25 years ago?

    * Do we really have democracy or are we being lied to (DLD passed without a vote from the citizens!)?

    * Are we "en uavenging/suveren nasjon" the way "Grunnloven" says, or don't we produce enough of the things we to survive.

               * Is the Oslo stock-market, UN, EU agreement, military etc. In violation to "Grunnloven"?

    * Do we the people have government control and does our leaders fear us like a democracy should?

    * How do we treat the weakest among us? Gandhi said this is how you check the health of any nation.

    * Is the quality of the life of the animals we co-habitat with better than 25 years ago (Prior etc.)

    * How about the life in the sea along our cost?

    * Is there less toxins in our water, soil, wildlife, vegetation and air? Can we easily check the qualities where we live or is there a cover up?

    * Do we have more freedom than we had 25 years ago?


    Is it really true that Norway is the best country to live in? Only if you are a human doing, that live as consumer with shallow knowledge. In other words a Propaganda $lave.


    A Propaganda $lave is a human being  that have their identity in tabloids, "news" and TV. Example: Who am I? I don't know, maybe it is not important!? What do I stand for? Let me look that up on vg.no

    If you suffer from this the cure is easy but it will cost you.


    1. Stop following orders.

    2. Get time for yourself, no matter the cost.

    3. Stop watching TV, reading news, commercials etc. (It will take some time before the propaganda effect wares off)

    4. Start to think and examine life.

    5. Do this until you know who you are and what you stand for.


    Is it because we never where thought the language of symbolism ...

    Hvis du absolutt må skrive på engelsk, så bør det i det minste være korrekt engelsk.


    Håper du får napp på åtet ditt.


    Sorry about that, but I would probably get it wrong in norwegian as well. There is a good reason why I am using English.

    Bad grammer does not equal bad content, check it!


    If anyone is wondering what the Norwegian suburb of the US will do after they have us by the ba*ls threw controll. Take a look at Norways mother land US: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34uzqc_this-is-what-happens-when-you-call-the-cops_fun


    Expect this as an end result if we the humanity of Norway stay ignorent of what is really going on!


    § 2. "... Jesuiter og Munkeordener maae ikke taales..."


    Jesuiter = Frimurerlosjen -> Kong Harald og Den Norske Stats skygge regjering.



  12. There is something to be said about Hitler’s Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels saying: “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”


    Almost every time I talk to fellow human beings that are into mainstream news and tabloids, concerning the lack of privacy and security of the online world I get this quoted to me. I know this saying was quoted in Harry Potter but, really!? Come on, think about the mantra you are saying and what it means. Please stop and think and do a bit of research online.


    Here are some other quotes from this evil Reich Minister: https://youtu.be/vwFCtQEYMvw


    The saying is very clever, because of the psychology behind it. It will result in people like me being suspected of having something hide. I wonder what that is? This might be serious and I should report it! It can make the public into a spying tool for the governments in the future. When? WW3?

    For me the nazi quote is saying hide and be fearful. I say f*ck you, I bow for no man!


    Is it true that all the good hearted people have nothing to hide? NOT AT ALL


    * Having sex with a phone/tablet/laptop being in the bedroom.

    * Grieving over the loss of loved ones, while sitting in front of the all seeing eye in the living room while video and sound is sent to external servers, because you where stupid enough to buy a f*cking Samsung smart TV and you connected it to the Internet and facial recognition is running at full speed without you knowing it.

    * You discuss raising your own children in your Internet of things are watching and recording everything you do and say.

    * Your friend is struggling and thinking about suicide and you talk about sensitive things that could tip here/him in the wrong direction if this came out. Hacker upload a 50GB bulk voice recording to the Pirate Bay.

    * America does a takeover threw the UN and force countries to comply. You get put in jail for Freedom of speech 5 years from today.

    * You are going threw a divorce and need time alone, but there is no such thing any more.


    You can probably think of many others as well.


    Internet an ALL of the gadgets are starting to be FOOBAR and useless for people who will not accept the Nazi look alike totalitarian governments around the world, where Norway is one of the worst. They go behind the backs of it's citizens and pass DLD and they want more and more Human rights violations. Did you vote for DLD? Is it still a democracy when they don't let us the people have a saying when it comes to the removal of all “privat liv” slash privacy?


    Who wants to monitor and control us and spy at our sex life etc? Den Norske Stat og Kongehus (and the secret government). Else we would be able to vote if we want to be spied on or not.


    So here is a BIG F*CK YOU from me horned viper. What you sow, you shall reap. May it return onto you in the same measure you use. It is definitively a return to sender in this end.

    The Horned Viper is an Egyptian principal meaning “the enemy within”. The horned viper bury it self in the sand and strike swiftly and effectively without being seen.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for government control. I want all the people in Norway to control the government and all their phones, tablets, laptops and connected equipment should stream sound, video, files, sms messages, email, GPS locations, visited websites, MMS, pictures, video, contact list and so on, to be accessible for every Norwegian.

    I also want to put all politicians that lie and abuse their positions in jail. Remember they are here to serve us the people and we the people have power over them. If we jail the lying bastards, maybe our kids will be able to breath the air, drink the water and eat food without getting sick in the future?


    Den Norske Stat har feilet I rollen som forvalter, take a look around. Think about the poison in the food, in the water (Cant be more than 3-5ppm to be called pure), The factories can operate without being environmentally friendly and on and on.

    You should all be dressed up in orange jump suits and start to clean. Stop blaming the people using what makes you fat cats rich and take responsibility for your actions.


    Sorry about the rant, I don't mean any bad to the ignorant good ppl. Neither am I referring to people that care for humanity and our offspring.


    I find it suspect that the King and politicians of Norway are associated with the Freemasons when I read the original version of Kongeriket Norges Grunnlov found here: http://www.nb.no/baser/1814/4nov2.html


    I'm referring to these parts:

    § 2. Den evangelisk-lutherske Religion forbliver Statens offentlige Religion. De Indvaanere, der bekjende sig til den, ere forpligtede til at oppdrage deres Børn i samme. Jesuiter og Munkeordener maae ikke taales.

    Jøder ere fremdeles udelukkede fra Adgang til Riget.


    When I read up about the Jesuits it seams very obvious to me that the Masons is an umbrella organization of the Jesuit order; a secret Vatican society.


    So why was there such a fear of the Jesuits that made it a part of paragraph 2 of the founding laws of Norway? Yes, I am convinced that it is fear and not racism, with a good portion of warrior spirit that don't bow for anyone. Remember that Norwegians roots are fierce Vikings warriors that did not take any BS from anyone, neither would they bow down to foreign powers like Norway now is doing. "Forvaret" should be renamed to US attack force. Peeps don't follow orders, use sound judgment because YOU and only you are responsible for your actions. Stop doing the fat mans evil biddings.


    Why is Freemasons tolerated in positions of power and influence in Norway? It makes no sense to me, even when I read the edited/censored version of today: "§ 1.Kongeriket Norge er et fritt, selvstendig..." Is Norway really free and independent? Can such a claim be made? “Jesuiter og Munkeordener maae ikke taales.”

    There are 33 levels of information that is made known publicly and some people are saying that there is at least 13 secret levels as well. This means that only the few people on the top knows what is really going on.

    Just thinking logically, it makes no sense to allow this since the worlds most powerful people belong to secret societies that and they do not want to tell us what they are doing. The only logical conclusion is to expel all Freemasons from ALL positions of influence because of "Rikets sikkerhet" and the KIng has to sever all bonds to Fremasonry and give his heart back to the Norwegain people.


    Was the edit of Kongerikets Grunnlov valid, when the mention of one of the Vatican’s secret society was removed?

    § 112. Viser Erfaring, at nogen Deel af denne Kongeriget Norges Grundlov bør forandres, skal Forslaget derom fremsættes paa et ordentlig Storthing, og kundgjøres ved Trykken. Men det tilkommer først det næste ordentlige Storthing at bestemme, om den foreslaaede Forandring bør finde Sted eller ei. Dog maa saadan Forandring aldrig modsige denne Grundlovs Principer, men alene angaae Modificationer i enkelte Bestemmelser, der ikke forandre denne Constitutions Aand, og bør to Trediedele af Storthinget være enige i saadan Forandring.

    So is the editing out mentions of the Vatican secret society the Jesuite order "modsige denne Grundlovs Principer" ore a violation of "Constitutions Aand"?

    Seeing this again: "§ 2. Den evangelisk-lutherske Religion forbliver Statens offentlige Religion. De Indvaanere, der bekjende sig til den, ere forpligtede til at oppdrage deres Børn i samme. Jesuiter og Munkeordener maae ikke taales. Jøder ere fremdeles udelukkede fra Adgang til Riget." makes me say no.


    Was this part racist "De Indvaanere, der bekjende sig til den, ere forpligtede til at oppdrage deres Børn i samme. Jesuiter og Munkeordener maae ikke taales. Jøder ere fremdeles udelukkede fra Adgang til Riget"? Not at all, because at the time of writing there was a reel fear that the Vatican power would overthrow the kingdom Norway/Sweden threw the Jesuit order or any of the other secret societies. This was happening all over Europe at that time. Remember that the Vatican and the Jesuit order killed 80 million people that was in opposition to the church and that the Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry also known as the Knights Templar where signing on most of Europe’s influential elite. Look at the symbol on the shield and compare this to Jesuit symbols and then take a look at the crown jewels and the pope's clothing.


    So the spirit of the law was to not let any foreign influence become a threat to the sovereignty of Norway. Judge for your self if these things effect Norway’s sovereignty: America, the stock market, buying food from other countries instead of being self sufficient, UN, EU agreement, The American Windows 10 that spies on Norwegians and sends the information to foreign powers, US going unpunished for spying on Norwegian phone calls, connecting any thing of importance to the Internet knowing the posing risk on and on and on and on. Norway, where are your Viking balls? Have you become week by not standing up for your self? Where are the Viking warriors that don't take sh*t from anyone? Where is the fu*k you mentality to oppression?


    Is it because we never where thought the language of symbolism that we do not see the connection that the Royalty has to the Vatican and the Jesuits? Take a look for your self (Internet) and you will find many symbols in the Vatican repeating it self, both in Freemasonry, “Det Kongelige Hoff”, “Staten Norge” and many buildings in Norway.


    I know that everything new MUST be discredited and ridiculed, especially thinking out side the box. This goes hand in had with denial. So over to you trolls and Luciferians... I mean believers in the “great architect satan”: Freemasons XD Sorry about that, I guess I'm a bit of a troll myself lol


    Whatever you do, do not search for information on “Bohemian Grove” and “Retired head of FBI Ted Gunderson”, you will end up going down a rabbit hole and not think the same again.

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