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Bare Knut

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About Me

I believe love is a complete way of life that is self expanding and grows as it pleases threw individuality in freedom.
I believe love is self healing when there is openness to once self and others. When rooted in love, "sin/missing the point" it drains to the "grown" (foundation) and fuels the fire of love. Making ppl/life more beautiful according to the impact of past "sins". I believe the more ppl/life have been disliked threw the old governing systems the more they will shine and "sin" turns to gold, emeralds, rubies and diamonds threw opposite counterpart (evil vs good, darkness/light etc). I also believe this can be fully understood threw meditation, deep though, experience that leads to ownership of this most precious and surprising side of love.
I believe that the core of love gets brighter at the core while it grows like a 3D Mandelbrot (A Mandelbrot always turns out different every time).
I believe that love can deteriorate threw observation using righteousness, good vs bad, Yin Yang, in the similar fashion that the double slit experiment proved back in the day (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment).
I believe that love always communicate 1:1 (Never from a position of "power"), threw understanding and unity. I believe Trying to controll lifes behavior, thoughts and actions also deteriorate love as wrong observation does.
I believe there is no jealousy or need to own other life forms in love, love releases and sets free.
I believe that the foundation of love needs no rules as long as one is rooted, meaning always starting thoughts, words and actions threw openness in love.
I believe that love does not care about perfect and only needs a a starting point to get going.
I believe that holiness, perfection, righteousness, yin/yang etc. is incopatible with love and thereby proves that love is a complete foundation by it self.
I believe that threw magnification love gets bigger, when having a closer look at love as a complete concept/way of life without trying to mix in the old with the new (Stopping contradictory thoughts by focusing on the solution; love).
I believe that love compared to yin yang would look like a white circle with a black velvet backdrop that makes gold/jewels sparkle when lit up by a powerful spotlight.
I believe there is no need for a harmony between good and evil, because love conquers all, love is so good that evil turns beautiful threw the methods expressed above.
Love is one, share it


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