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Innlegg skrevet av Desu

  1. >Be 16

    >Beta as fuck

    >Sister's 19 y/o friend round house doing studying or some shit

    >Sister's friend is shit hot

    >Parent's out, I'm downstairs playing vidya

    >All of a sudden hear shouting and arguing upstairs


    >Sister runs downstair, tears streaming down face

    >I ask if she's ok - don't really give a flying fuck

    >"Fuck off anon"

    >Storms out front door

    >Stand there dumbfounded

    >Hear sister's friend call my name from upstairs

    >I slowly come up stairs, confused still

    >Open door slowly

    >Holy fuck! Sister's friend newd down to her socks, wearing MY dressing gown

    >"Hey anon... you ever had your dick sucked?"


    >She gets slowly onto knees keeping eyecontact

    >Unzips my jeans, giggling

    >Strokes a finger down my shaft

    >Her face goes white and shocked

    >"I.... I....."

    >She shits fucking EVERYWHERE!

    >Not just like a quick splurge - this is a constant heavy flow of fecal matter

    >What the fu-?

    >Shit level in room now way past ankel height

    >Raise my hand - ready to smack the bitch down

    >Look closer

    >Girl is actually a 4ft latino man called "Enrique"

    >"Pleasing sir! No make heet my face! I beg!"

    >Shit Level = Knees

    >I give in. No way I can punish someone with eyes as cute and defencless as his.

    >I grab the doorknob from my sister's door and detatch it.

    >Shove the fucker right up his sphincte

    >Shitflow stops.

    >I look at him with a smile and a glint in my eye

    >"Come on you, hop on!"

    >Give him a piggyback out of room.

    >We got married later that day in the registry office.

    >Both now in our late eighties living in a small flat in Wales.

    >Still remember that day fondly.

    • Liker 9
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