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Innlegg skrevet av Mikal

  1. Les denne artikkelen: http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=1053531&cr=


    Spør deg selv: Har du balansert øvelser som utoverroterer og øvelser som innoverroterer overarmen? Hvis du ser på tabellene halveis nede på siden, så får du hjelp i hvilke øvelser som balanserer ut hverandre.



    The Pencil Test


    1. Grab a couple of pencils and hold them in your hands with points facing out and your arms at your sides.


    2. Look down at your hands. Where are the pencils pointed?


    If they're pointed straight ahead, you have optimal shoulder posture and you're awesome. If they're pointed inward diagonally, you have slight internal rotation and you're less awesome. If they're pointing towards each other, you have severe internal rotation and you're completely not awesome.



    What to do?


    If you fall under the category of slight internal rotation, I'd include a healthy dose of static and dynamic stretching for the pecs and lats and include two pulling exercises (rows) for every pushing exercise (presses).



    If you fall under the category of having severe internal rotation, I'd include a healthy dose of static and dynamic stretching for the pecs and lats and three pulling exercises for every pushing exercise.



    Whether it's including more exercises that promote external rotation and scapular retraction or realizing that leg presses should not be the staple of your leg training, the sooner you learn to balance your programming so that you can achieve optimal postural balance and joint health, the better off you will be.

  2. Jeg mener og ha lest på treningsforum at grippers ikke hjelper på grepet i markløft, fordi det er en annen type "styrke" enn når du holder ei stang. Jeg trekker tilbake det jeg skrev tidligere om at det ikke hjelper i det hele tatt, men hjelper det like mye på markløftgrepet som å markløfte?


    Since much of this has been discussed before, I'd just like to point out that the different types of grip strength are fairly separate and distinct. I think this is the most misunderstood point with regards to training the hands.


    For example, you may excel at closing a heavy gripper, but perform poorly on exercises like farmer's walks where high amounts of supportive grip are required. In addition, I've observed that the correlation between hanging onto a thick bar and a normal diameter bar is very low, despite them both being supportive grips. As the barbell diameter increases, the hand is forced open, which shifts emphasis to the thumb.

  3. Hei.



    Siden denne PCen jeg sitter på nå holder på å få fyken, så skal en ny PC kjøpes.


    Den skal koste max 5500, og jeg trenger ikke tastatur, mus, høyttalere, skjerm eller OS.


    Mitt bruksområde er lett spilling(Action Quake2, hvis noen husker det), og kanskje litt F.E.A.R og Trackmania.


    Best mulig ytelse pr. krone. Jeg kan ikke å bygge selv, så det må være noe som kan settes inn i slike "PC-konfiguratorer".



    Takk på forhånd.

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